Financial Mechanism and Resources

Work of the Advisory Committee on Resource Mobilization

COP Decision 15/7 established an Advisory Committee on Resource Mobilization with a view:

(a)        To fully align the strategy for resource mobilization adopted by the same decision with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and to ensure that it would provide a solid basis to guide Parties and other actors towards the mobilization of adequate resources, commensurate with the ambition of the Framework;

(b)        To explore the current finance landscape with a view to assessing gaps and overlaps and to identifying opportunities to strengthen, simplify and reform existing instruments to strengthen the current finance landscape for biodiversity;

(c)        To explore proposals for a global instrument on biodiversity finance to mobilize resources from all sources, commensurate with the ambition of the Framework, based on the assessment made and the gaps identified.

The full Terms of Reference to the Advisory Committee on Resource Mobilization can be found in Annex II of decision 15/7

To assist the Advisory Committee on Resource Mobilization, the Secretariat requested Parties and organizations (through notification 2023-087) to submit experiences, good practices and lessons learned with the strategy on resource mobilization. These submissions can be found here

Advisory Committee Members 

Based on the criteria specified in Annex II of decision 15/7, and with due regard to regional and gender balance, the Secretariat selected 64 members for the Advisory Committee. This was communicated to Parties through notification 2023-101. The full list of members of the Advisory Committee can be found in the Annex to the aforementioned notification.  

Meetings of the Advisory Committee 

Detailed information on the work of the Advisory Committee can be found on the following meeting pages:

The work of the Advisory Committee has been considered by SBI-4 and will be further considered by COP-16.