Financial Mechanism and Resources

Strategy for Resource Mobilization

A first strategy for resource mobilization was adopted by IX/11, with a view to substantially enhance international financial flows and domestic funding for biological diversity in order to achieve a substantial reduction of the current funding gaps in support of the effective implementation of the Convention’s three objectives. 

At COP-10, Parties reaffirmed the strategy for resource mobilization and identified a series of indicators for monitoring its implementation. 

In the context of the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework by COP-15, the COP, in its decision 15/7, also adopted a new strategy for resource mobilizationwith a view to quick-start, scale up, and align, resources for the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The strategy contains an intermediate phase (2023-2024) and a medium-term phase (2025-2030), and will be guided by:

  1. Section C of the GBF;
  2. Article 20, 21 and 11 of the Convention;
  3. Funding from all sources, from a broad scope of financial instruments and mechanisms;
  4. Immediate mobilization of resources, safeguarding a long-term vision of financial resources needs;
  5. Comprehensive, fair and equitable access to all financing sources for all Parties.

The Conference of the Parties established an Advisory Committee on Resource Mobilization to undertake supportive work with a view to review the strategy for resource mobilization at its sixteenth meeting, to fully align it with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and ensure that it will provide a solid basis to guide Parties and other actors towards the mobilization of adequate resources, commensurate with the ambition of the Framework.