Fifth Review
decision 14/23, paragraph 12, the Conference of the Parties "Considers the sixth overall performance study of the Global Environment Facility, conducted by the Facility’s Independent Evaluation Office and completed in December 2017, as a good basis for the fifth review of the effectiveness of the financial mechanism, as well as the related submissions received from Parties, and invites the Council of the Global Environment Facility to take the following action in order to further improve the effectiveness of the financial mechanism:
(a) Continue to improve the design, management, and performance of the sixth-replenishment Integrated Approach Pilots, the seventh-replenishment impact programmes, other programmatic approaches, and multi-focal area projects in addressing drivers of environmental degradation;
(b) Promote awareness to the existing processes under the Conflict Resolution Commissioner to address complaints related to the operations of the financial mechanism;
(c) Further improve the sustainability of funded projects and programmes, including sustainable financing of protected areas;
(d) Continue to improve the efficiency and accountability of the Global Environment Facility partnership;
(e) Include the following information in its report to the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth meeting:
(i) Progress in implementing the new co-financing policy;
(ii) Performance of the Global Environment Facility’s network of agencies;"
Decision XIII/21 sets out the terms of reference for the fifth review of the effectiveness of the financial mechanism.
Recommendation 2/7 on review of implementation of financial mechanism (Article 21), the second meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation regrets that the terms of reference for the fifth review of the financial mechanism were not implemented due to lack of funding (paragraph 3), and invites Parties and Governments, as well as relevant stakeholders, to submit views and other information on the sixth overall performance study of the Independent Evaluation Office of the Global Environment Facility, and the summary of evaluation results of the Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office, to the Executive Secretary by 15 September 2018 (paragraph 4). The Subsidiary Body on Implementation requests the Executive Secretary to prepare a compilation of submissions received from Parties as well as the information derived from the sixth overall performance study of the Independent Evaluation Office of the Global Environment Facility, which will be the basis for the fifth review of effectiveness of the financial mechanism to be performed by the Conference of the Parties at its fourteenth meeting (paragraph 5).
GEF/A.6/07: Sixth Overall Performance Study of the Global Environment Facility: The GEF in the Changing Environmental Finance Landscape, Prepared by the Independent Evaluation Office of the Global Environment Facility, 24 June 2018
CBD/SBI/2/INF/25: Summary of evaluation results of the Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office, 31 March 2018
Submissions on the fifth review:
Syrian Arab Republic;
The European Union and its Member States