Second meeting of the Global Platform for Business and Biodiversity was held in Hyderabad on Oct 16, 2012 with over 50 participants from business, government and civil society. The day saw a large number of presentations by representatives of “national initiatives” involved with the Global Partnership as well as by other partners. This was followed by an active discussion on the structure and future of the Partnership. The discussion illustrated areas where further work needs to be undertaken, and this will be included in follow-up activities.
Simplified Agenda
Day 1 (Oct.16 2012)
- Existing National Initiatives and those under development
- Regional Initiatives
- ASEAN Region (Filiberto A. Pollisco, Jr.)
- Overview of Groups Associated with Partnership
- Conservation International (Helena Boniatti Pavese)
- CSCP (Eduardo Escobedo)
- IUCN (Gerard Bos)
- WWF (Bhavna Prasad)
- WBCSD (Carolin Twigg)
- ABS and Business: Understanding the Nagoya Protocol - Suhel al-Janabi
- Discussion Global Partnership Panel
Based on topics from the morning and break-out sessions, what are the main challenges faced by the initiatives? How are these being overcome?