Invasive Alien Species Invasive Alien Species What are Invasive Alien Species? What's the Problem?What Needs to be Done?What do we do? Guiding Principles for the prevention, introduction and mitigation of impacts of alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species Target 6 on Invasive Alien SpeciesInter-agency Liaison Group on Invasive Alien SpeciesCOP Decisions Tools and resources CBD Toolkit for Target 6 Glossary of TermsGuidance, tools and databasesIAS Photo GalleryNational and Thematic Reports Activities Current Activities Online Forum 2025 Past activities Invasive Alien Species // Current Activities Friday // 11.29.2024 This section will provide information on intersessional activities on invasive alien species leading to COP 17
Invasive Alien Species // Current Activities Friday // 11.29.2024 This section will provide information on intersessional activities on invasive alien species leading to COP 17