Invasive Alien Species

CBD Toolkit for Target 6

Invasive Alien Species’ Toolkit for Target 6 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

Following the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, Parties requested the Executive Secretary to develop advice, in collaboration with the Inter-Agency Liaison Group on invasive alien species, on the evaluation of existing capacity and needs for monitoring, preventing and controlling the introduction and spread of invasive alien species and their harmful effects on biodiversity, taking into account relevant multilateral instruments, and thereafter as relevant, update the CBD online toolkit on invasive alien species that was developed to support Parties in implementing Aichi Target 9 (available below). In response to this request, the CBD Secretariat in collaboration with IUCN and the Inter-Agency Liaison Group on Invasive Alien Species, has developed a non-prescriptive toolkit that provides new information in line with Target 6.

Invasive Alien Species Toolkit

English | French | Spanish | Arabic | Chinese | Russian

Training materials

How to use international data standards in national and regional databases containing information on invasive alien species
English | French | Spanish

Understanding pathways of introduction and their identification
English | French | Spanish

Priority sites and areas
English | French | Spanish

Awareness raising materials

Flyer Toolkit for Target 6
English | French | Spanish

Flyer Stakeholders
English | French | Spanish

Flyer Priority sites
English | French | Spanish