Invasive Alien Species

Experiences, Case Studies, and Assessments

Beavers were brought to Patagonia from Canada in the 1940s with the hopes of developing a fur industry. However, with fur going out of fashion and in the absence of their only natural predator, the bear, beavers have multiplied tremendously. As they cut trees and build dams, they wreck native forests and alter hydrological cycles.
Credit: Jason Kasumovic - istockphoto

This page provides access to sources of information on experiences with invasive alien species, including case studies and assessments. The list of sources is not meant to be comprehensive, but rather is intended to focus on some key sources that themselves contain a variety of information on experiences with invasive alien species.

Views and experiences of Parties and organizations for the CBD in-depth review on IAS (COP 9)

Below is a table with submissions recieved to date from Parties and organizations for the CBD in-depth review on IAS for consideration at COP 9. Click on the file name to access the original file in PDF format. Countries that provided information under the European Commission's joint submission are listed in a separate table, and organizations are listed below individual Party submissions.

Country Title/pdf Content Weblinks
Australia IAS Matrix Summary of implementation status and future directions for CBD provisions, including legislative measures and national policies; management; assessment; economic instruments; provision of resources; communication, education and public awareness; and cooperation.  
Canada Summary of Canada’s response to the risk of IAS Summary of past and current key achievements of Canadian federal departments in preventing, detecting and/or managing IAS.
-Environment Canada’s IAS page
-Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)
-Centre of Expertise for Aquatic Risk Assessment (CEARA)
-Action Plan for Invasive Alien Terrestrial Plants and Plant Pests
Chile Informe de Chile a la CBD para el processo de révision a fondo sobre especies exoticas invasoras Available only in Spanish -North and Central European information system on alien species (NOBANIS)
Colombia - Instituto Humboltd Información sobre los temas relacionados a especies invasoras de Instituto Humboltd Available only in Spanish -Listado preliminar de especies de plantas invasoras en Colombia
-Base de datos de Insituto Humboltd
Denmark Danish action plan on IAS Summary of the preparation and development of a national action plan on IAS to be launched in 2008.  
Ethiopia Submission from the Institute of Biodiversity Conservation Summary of the project titled “Removing Barriers to Invasive Plant Management in Africa”, run by the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research. -Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
Fiji FIJI submission for the in-depth review on IAS by the CBD Includes priorities for work, in which the Pacific Invasives Learning Network (PILN) and its teams will be involved, as well as areas requiring for future action.  
Italy Towards a Weed Risk Assessment (WRA) for the Italian peninsula

Colture a scopo energetico e ambiente. Sostenibilità, diversità e conservazione del territorio
Paper on development of a WRA for Italy as a method for pre-entry screening for vascular plants.

Available only in Italian
Japan Japan’s submission on its views and experiences for the in-depth review of work on IAS Review of legislative measures, national policies, management, communication, education and public awareness for IAS work -Ministry of Environment, Government of Japan  
Mozambique Views and experiences for the in dept review of work on IAS Summary of national legislative measures and polices, management, assessment, communication and cooperation for IAS issues  
New Zealand Painted apple moth
Red imported fire ants
Australian subterranean termites
Case studies as examples of New Zealand's experience in managing new IAS incursions. -Biosecurity New Zealand
Pacific Pacific input into CBD in-depth review on IAS Joint submission from the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP), the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), the Pacific Invasives Initiative (PII), the Pacific Invasives Learning Network (PILN) and their partners working cooperatively on the Pacific Regional Invasive Species Strategy. -SPREP
Palau Palau National Invasive Species Committee (NISC) Annual Report 2006

Palau NISC Action Plan 2007-2010

Palau National Invasive Species Strategy

Operation Counter-Invasion: Interim Implementation Plan for the Palau National Invasive Species Strategy
Second annual NISC report summarizing recent work and accomplishments of the NISC.

Definition of the role of the NISC and strategies to accomplish the goals and objectives of the National Invasive Species Strategy.

Goals and objectives of the National Invasive Species Strategy, and roles and responsibilities to acheive the targets.

Summary report of progress on several components of "Operation Counter-Invasion" (until July 31, 2007).
-Palau’s biodiversity website
Philippines Submission from the Department of Natural Resources, Philippines Summary of legislative measures and activities to improve prevention, eradication and/or control of IAS. -Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau
Poland Views and experiences for the in-depth review of work on IAS in Poland

Supplement to 3rd National Report Questionaire
Supplement the Third National Report submitted to the CBD: IAS-related work in Poland between November 2006 and November 2007.

IAS-related views and experiences in Poland between May 2005 and November 2006 following the structure of the 3rd National Report.
-Alien Species in Poland database
-North European and Baltic Network on Invasive Species
-Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe (DAISIE)
-Assessing Large-scale Risks with tested Methods
-Carpathian Convention
Switzerland Information submitted by Switzerland Summary of legislative measures and national policies regarding IAS, overview of the assessment of IAS in Switzerland, presentation of economic instruments, resources, communication, education ad public awareness.  
Thailand Experience in addressing IAS from Thailand: Legislative measures and national policy Summary of recent updates to leglative measures and national policy regarding IAS.  
Uganda Views and experiences on the management of IAS Summary of progress of implementation of relevant CBD decisions and way forward.  
United States of America U.S. submission to the CBD in-depth review on IAS Summarizes U.S. efforts to improve implementation of IAS control through strengthening national authority, coordination of national management and enforcement, improving technical capacity, and promoting international cooperation and information sharing as a comprehensive strategy for battling IAS globally.  
Zambia Views and experiences for the in-depth review of work on IAS in Zambia Summary of the contribution of the GEF project “Removing Barriers to Invasive Plant Management in Africa” (RBIPMA) to the implementation of the CBD with regards to IAS prevention, control and management.  

Country Title/pdf Content Weblinks
European Community Views and experiences for the in-depth review of work on IAS This submission updates previous information contained in the European Community's Thematic Report on IAS and Third National Report, regarding the policy and legal framework, research, projects and future work regarding IAS. -EU action on IAS
Belgium Actions taken in Belgium in response to the threats of IAS Summary of planification, prevention, mitigation and supporting measures for IAS work in Belgium. -Invasive species in Belgium
-Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models: Exotic Species
-L'Etat de l'environnement wallon: espèces exotiques envahissantes
-Invasive Plants in Belgium
-Walloon Agricultural Research Centre
Germany Implementation review of all CBD decisions related to IAS Experiences with IAS in relation to CBD decisions, focusing on the CBD Guiding Principles, awareness-raising, regulatory framework and research. -Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
Portugal Views and experiences for the in-depth review of work on IAS Summary of IAS activities including building awareness and support; collecting, managing and sharing information; strengthening national policy, legal and institutional frameworks; regional co-operation and responsibility; prevention; mitigation of impacts; and restoration of native biodiversity. -University of Coimbra
-Blue Flag Campaign
-Young Reporters for the Environment
Slovenia Views and experiences for the in-depth review of work on IAS Summary of IAS activities including awareness-raising; communication; spread of information; regulatory framework; research; inter-sectoral and international cooperation; and education.  
Spain Views and Experiences on IAS Summary of recent meetings, publications and legislation regarding IAS.  
Sweden Submission of views and experiences for the in-depth review of work on IAS Suggested priorities for CBD future work with IAS, as well as a summary of IAS work in Sweden, including legislative measures and national policies; management; assessment; economic instruments; provision of resources; communication, education and public awareness; and cooperation. -NOBANIS portal
-Swedish Clearing House Mechanism
-AquAliens Research Program
-IAS Internet-based reporting system
United Kingdom Implementation review of all CBD decisions related to IAS: Views and experiences Progress that the UK has made on CBD decisions relevant to IAS with focus on co-ordination; awareness-raising; research; and monitoring. -IAS Secretariat -GB Non-native Species Secretariat

Organization Title/pdf Content Weblinks
BioNET and UK Natural History Museum Taxonomy for IAS management

BioNET Recommendations 2007
Recommendations for consideration by the in-depth review of the CBD programme of work on IAS.
Summary table of recommendations.
CABI Input into the CBD in-depth review of work on IAS Summary of contribution to IAS work and the CBD including legislative measures and national policies; management; assessment; economic instruments; provision of resources; communication, education and public awareness; cooperation and future work -CABI
IUCN-World Conservation Union The World Conservation Union to the Secretariat of the CBD for the in-depth review of work on IAS for CBD COP-9 Summary of IAS-related activities supporting the CBD, including legislative measures and national policies; prevention and management; assessment; economic instruments; provision of resources; communication, education and public awareness; cooperation and future priorities.  
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) Input into the CBD in-depth review on IAS Summary of TNC’s activities in key substantive and geographic areas; strategic planning and assessments; management and research; stakeholder engagement and public policy. -TNC
-Success stories
United Nations Environment Programme-World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) WCMC submission to the CBD in-depth review

An indicator for trends in IAS: cumulative number of IAS since 1900 for Africa
Discussion of the 2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (2010BIP) and development of a global indicator on trends in IAS, as well as an indicator for continental Africa. -UNEP-WCMC