This decision has been retired.
Issues related to biosafety
The Conference of the Parties
Recalling decision II/5 adopted at its second meeting,
Having considered the report and recommendations of the first meeting
of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Biosafety, which met in Aarhus,
Denmark, from 22 to 26 July 1996,
Recalling paragraph 10 of the terms of reference for the Open-ended
Ad Hoc Working Group, contained in the annex to decision II/5, which states
that the process of developing a protocol shall be conducted as a matter of
urgency and that the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group shall endeavour to
complete its work in 1998,
Welcoming the adoption of the UNEP International Technical Guidelines
for Safety in Biotechnology at the Global Consultation of Government-designated
Experts, held in Cairo, Egypt, from 11 to 14 December 1995,
Affirming its support for a two-track approach through which the
promotion of the application of the UNEP International Technical Guidelines
for Safety in Biotechnology can contribute to the development and
implementation of a protocol on biosafety, without prejudicing the
development and conclusion of such a protocol,
1. Decides:
(a) That each of the five groups of States referred to in section 1,
paragraph 1, of General Assembly resolution 2997 (XXVII), of 15 December
1972, shall send to the Secretariat nominations for two representatives to
the Bureau as soon as possible, and in any event before the commencement of
the second meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group established by the
second meeting of the Conference of the Parties in decision II/5;
(b) That the Bureau shall remain in office, under the chairmanship of
Mr. Veit Koester, (Denmark), until the fourth meeting of the Conference of
the Parties;
(c) That two meetings of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group will be
held in 1997, and that a sufficient number of meetings will be held in 1998
to allow the Working Group to complete its work in 1998;
2. Endorses recommendation II/5 of the Subsidiary Body on
Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and, in particular:
(a) The realization of activities to promote the application of the
UNEP International Technical Guidelines for Safety in Biotechnology, in
accordance with paragraph 2 of recommendation II/5
(b) The importance of funding for capacity-building in biosafety;
(c) The request to the interim institutional structure operating the
financial mechanism to provide financial resources to developing country
Parties for capacity-building in biosafety, in accordance with paragraph 3 of
recommendation II/5, as set out in paragraph 2 (a) of decision III/5.