Retired sections: paragraphs 3, 6, 8 to 12.
Implementation of Article 8 (j)
The Conference of the Parties,
Reaffirming the spirit and the intent of the Convention as expressed in
Article 8 (j),
Recognizing that Article 8 (j) is closely linked with other articles of
the Convention, in particular Articles 10 (c), 17.2 and 18.4,
Taking note of relevant activities within the United Nations system, in
particular under the Commission on Human Rights, and of relevant
international instruments, such as Convention 169 of the International Labour
Stressing the need for Contracting Parties to implement Article 8 (j)
and related articles and to initiate a process toward this end,
Realizing the importance of biological diversity for indigenous and
local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity,
Emphasizing the need for dialogue with representatives of indigenous
and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity within the framework
of the Convention,
Recognizing rights under national legislation of indigenous and local
communities to control access to their knowledge, innovations and practices
relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity,
Reaffirming the dynamic nature of traditional knowledge, innovations
and practices,
Recognizing that traditional knowledge should be given the same respect
as any other form of knowledge in the implementation of the Convention,
Emphasizing the need for Parties to initiate projects on
capacity-building with indigenous and local communities to address concerns
in the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and of
equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of their
knowledge, innovations and practices,
Recognizing that issues related to traditional knowledge, innovations
and practices go beyond the scope of the Convention,
Expressing its sincere appreciation for the valuable contribution made
by the participating representatives of the indigenous and local communities
at the third meeting of the Conference of the Parties,
1. Requests those Parties that have not yet done so to develop
national legislation and corresponding strategies for the implementation of
Article 8 (j) in consultation particularly with representatives of their
indigenous and local communities;
2. Urges Parties to supply information about the implementation of
Article 8 (j) and related articles, for example, national legislation and
administrative and incentive measures, and to include such information in
national reports;
3. Invites Governments, international agencies, research
institutions, representatives of indigenous and local communities and non-governmental
organizations to submit case studies to the Executive Secretary
in time for consideration by the workshop referred to in paragraph 9 below on
measures taken to develop and implement the Convention's provisions relating
to indigenous and local communities. These studies could highlight key areas
of discussion and help in considering the implementation of Article 8 (j) and
related articles, including, inter alia, interactions between traditional and
other forms of knowledge relating to conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity; the influence of current laws and policies on
knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities
embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity; and incentive measures;
4. Requests the Executive Secretary to remain informed as to
relevant international processes and bodies, including, inter alia, those
under the auspices of the Commission on Human Rights and the Commission on
Sustainable Development, Convention 169 of the International Labour
Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization, the World Bank,
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the United
Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization, and the World Trade
Organization, and to provide periodic reports related to Article 8 (j) and
related articles to the Conference of Parties;
5. Requests the interim financial mechanism to examine the support
of capacity-building projects for indigenous and local communities embodying
traditional lifestyles related to the preservation and maintenance of their
knowledge, innovations and practices relevant for the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity with their prior informed consent and
their participation;
6. Recommends that the indigenous knowledge post in the Secretariat
should be filled as soon as possible;
7. Decides that an intersessional process should be established to
advance further work on the implementation of Article 8 (j) and related
provisions with a view to producing a report for consideration at the fourth
meeting of the Conference of the Parties;
8. Decides that activities as part of the intersessional process
referred to in paragraph 7 should include representation by Governments,
indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant
for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and other relevant
9. Requests the Executive Secretary to arrange, as part of the
intersessional process referred to in paragraph 7, a five-day workshop before
the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties according to the terms of
reference in the Annex;
10. Further requests the Executive Secretary to produce, in support
of the intersessional process referred to in paragraph 7, a background
document containing the following:
(a) The consideration of the linkages between Article 8 (j) and
related issues including, inter alia, technology transfer, access to genetic
resources, ownership, intellectual property rights, alternative systems of
protection of knowledge, innovations and practices, incentives and Articles 6
and 7 and the remainder of Article 8;
(b) The elaboration of concepts of key terms of Article 8 (j) and
related provisions such as Articles 10 (c), 17.2 and 18.4;
(c) A survey of the activities undertaken by relevant organizations
and their possible contribution to Article 8 (j) and related articles;
11. Further requests the Executive Secretary to invite
representatives of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional
lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
to provide input to the meeting;
12. Calls upon Parties to make additional voluntary contributions to
help fund the workshop.
1. The workshop would seek:
(a) To identify the extent to which the various organizations,
individually or collectively, could address interests in Article 8 (j), such
as guidance to Governments on implementation;
(b) To identify any gaps which would help set future priorities of
the Conference of the Parties;
(c) To consider the background document prepared by the Executive
Secretary according to operative paragraph 9 to the present decision;
(d) To consider the input provided by the indigenous and local
communities embodying traditional lifestyles according to paragraph 10 to the
present decision;
(e) To consider the information provided by the Parties on national
implementation under Article 8 (j) and related articles and seek to draw
conclusions which will be of assistance in an assessment of priorities for
future work by Parties and by the Conference of the Parties relevant to
Article 8 (j) and related articles;
(f) To provide advice to the Conference of the Parties on the
possibility of developing a workplan on Article 8 (j) and related articles
including the modalities for such a workplan;
(g) To examine the need to establish an open-ended intersessional
working group or a subsidiary body to address the role of traditional
knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities
embodying traditional lifestyles relevant to the conservation and sustainable
use of biological diversity.
2. In organizing the workshop,
(a) The Executive Secretary will consult with the Centre for Human
Rights and other relevant bodies on organizational considerations in sessions
of the United Nations Working Group on Indigenous Populations in order to
inform the process of organizing this workshop;
(b) The Parties shall, as far as possible and as appropriate, promote
consultations among indigenous and local communities embodying traditional
lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity
in order for them to choose their representatives to the workshop;
(c) A set number of funded participants will be determined according
to the amount of voluntary contributions received and will be allocated
taking into account regional and gender representations;
(d) A core figure of US$ 350,000 will be allocated in the budget of
the Convention on Biological Diversity to cover the administrative costs of
the workshop;
(e) Consideration could be given to holding it back-to-back with the
third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and
Technological Advice or at a venue offered by a voluntary host.