This decision has been retired.
Guidelines for the review of the effectiveness of
the financial mechanism
The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling paragraph 3 of Article 21 of the Convention on Biological
Diversity, which provides for the Conference of Parties to review the
effectiveness of the financial mechanism,
Recalling further decision II/6, paragraph 3, on the further
development of the guidelines for the review of the effectiveness of the
financial mechanism for consideration and decision by the Conference of the
Parties at its third meeting,
1. Decides to adopt the attached Annex, containing the objectives
and criteria for the first review of the effectiveness of the financial
mechanism to be conducted in time for the fourth meeting of the Conference of
the Parties;
2. Decides also that the review referred to in paragraph 3 of
Article 21 of the Convention should be conducted under the authority of the
Conference of the Parties;
3. Decides further that, based on the results of the review, the
Conference of the Parties shall take appropriate action to improve the
effectiveness of the mechanism if necessary.
A. Objectives
1. In accordance with Article 21, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the
objectives shall be to review and take appropriate action, if necessary, to
(a) The effectiveness of the financial mechanism in providing
financial resources;
(b) The conformity of the activities of the restructured Global
Environment Facility (GEF), as the institutional structure operating the
financial mechanism on an interim basis, with the guidance of the Conference
of the Parties; and
(c) The effectiveness of GEF-funded activities on the implementation
of the Convention.
B. Methodology
2. The review shall draw upon, inter alia, the following sources of
(a) Information provided by the Parties on their experiences gained
through activities funded by the financial mechanism;
(b) Annual reviews by the Conference of the Parties on the conformity
of the activities of the financial mechanism with the guidance of the
Conference of the Parties;
(c) The GEF annual report to the Conference of the Parties on its
activities as the institutional structure to operate the financial mechanism,
the annual reports of GEF and other relevant GEF policy and information
(d) Reports from the GEF monitoring and evaluation programme;
(e) Information available from the United Nations Commission on
Sustainable Development and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development, and relevant bilateral and multilateral funding institutions;
(f) Information provided by inter-governmental organizations and
non-governmental organizations.
C. Criteria
3. The effectiveness of the financial mechanism shall be assessed against.
inter alia, the following criteria:
(a) The effectiveness of the financial mechanism in providing
financial resources for the implementation of the Convention's objectives in
respect of, inter alia:
(i) the adequacy, predictability and timely disbursement of
funds for projects;
(ii) the responsiveness and efficiency of the GEF project cycle
and operational strategy as it relates to biological diversity;
(iii) the ability of GEF to leverage additional finance; and
(iv) the sustainability of funded projects1; and
(b) Application of the criteria of agreed full incremental costs to
enable developing country Parties to implement the Convention, keeping in
mind the provision of new and additional financial resources, in accordance
with Article 20.2;
(c) The conformity of the activities of the financial mechanism with
the guidance of the Conference of the Parties, as contained in decisions I/2,
II/3, II/6, II/7, II/17 and III/5, which include:
(i) the eligibility criteria;
(ii) programme priorities;
(iii) the provision of financial resources for projects in a
flexible and expeditious manner to facilitate the Parties' urgent
implementation of Articles 6 and 8 of the Convention;
(iv) the programme of grants for medium-sized projects; and
(v) decision II/17 on national reporting by the Parties; and
(d) The effectiveness of GEF-funded activities on the implementation
of the Convention.2
D. Procedures
4. Under the authority and with the support of the Conference of the
Parties, the Secretariat shall prepare background documentation for review by
the Conference of the Parties and submit this documentation to the Parties at
least three months before the fourth meeting of the Conference of the
Parties, according to the above criteria, and shall, if necessary, appoint a
consultant for this purpose.
5. In compiling the information for the review the Secretariat shall
develop a questionnaire using the criteria adopted in this decision to be
sent to the Parties for the provision of required information.
6. The Secretariat shall also ensure that field visits are effected in a
selected number of country Parties in all geographical regions, in order to
assess the process and to identify impediments, if any.
7. The Secretariat shall take the opportunity of relevant meetings to meet
and interview stakeholders, including GEF and its Implementing Agencies.
8. On the basis of all information received, the Secretariat will prepare
a synthesis to assess the progress in meeting the requirements of this annex.
This synthesis will be sent for appraisal by five representatives of Parties
nominated on a regional basis to ensure that the requirements of this annex
will be met in a timely and comprehensive manner. Taking account of comments
received, the Secretariat will distribute copies of the synthesis to all
Parties and relevant bodies for their comments and any further contributions.
On the basis of these, the Secretariat will prepare a draft report, which
will be presented to the above regional representatives to ensure its
compliance with the terms of this annex. The draft report will also be made
available to GEF and the Implementing Agencies. The Secretariat will submit
the synthesis report, with supporting documents as necessary, to Parties not
later than three months prior to the fourth meeting of the Conference of the
Parties. The supporting documents will include any comments and other
information identified by source.
9. The Conference of the Parties shall, if necessary, take appropriate
actions to improve the effectiveness of the financial mechanism and/or the
effectiveness of this review procedure.
1. The Conference of the Parties recognizes that sustainability is a
shared responsibility of the financial mechanism and the Parties.
2. The impact that the activities funded have on the realization of
the Convention's objectives is of a long-term nature and thus information on
impacts may not be available until further project experience has been