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Business.2010 newsletter: Financial Services

Volume 2, Issue 4 - October 2007. Financial Services

Spotlight on COP-9 preparations: Questions on biodiversity and business at COP-9

In about six months’ time, it will be the COP-9. Preparations from all countries are underway, but more on the host country, Germany. To shade light on the ongoing preparation, this column will provide a regular update from Germany on the plans with respect to business engagement. JOCHEN FLASBARTH, Director General for Nature Conservation of Germany’s Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, explains some of the thinking behind the biodiversity and business project for COP-9.

1. Why is there a focus on biodiversity and business?
Biodiversity and business forms an important part of the preparations in the run-up to COP-9. This is partly in response to the CBD’s decision on business engagement which was adopted at COP-8 in Curitiba (Brazil), the idea being reflected in a number of key documents such as the Potsdam Initiative (agreed in March 2007, under the German presidency of the G8) and the biodiversity agenda of the acting EU president, Portugal. But our emphasis on this initiative is also based on our acknowledgement of the important role of the private sector in the conservation of biodiversity. We are rapidly loosing our biodiversity. And neither the environmentalists alone nor the governments alone can work at solving the problem. It needs a joint effort from all spectra, to work together to conserve and sustainably use our biodiversity.

2. How do you intend to engage the business sector?
With the above in mind, and in order to coordinate efforts going into the COP-9, the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) launched a Biodiversity and Business (B+B) project and commissioned the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ), with its implementation. This is a project set to initiate — with the view of a continued process — the active participation and commitment of the business sector in discussions and decisions with respect to the conservation of our biodiversity.

3. What are the objectives of this initiative?
The main objective of this project is to provide a platform for companies to progress on the alignment of corporate practice based on the three objectives of the Convention and through discussing, sharing of information and making them an integral part of the drive to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. For this goal to be reached, a step by step plan is required. It is important to include companies right from the beginning of the project. It is therefore essential at this stage for us to focus on raising awareness on biodiversity amongst companies through outreach and communication; engaging in dialogue with various business enterprisers to explain more about biodiversity and how to include biodiversity issues into management systems.

4. Is this initiative focusing on particular topics or sectors?
Yes. As a first step we are concentrating our energies on the forestry and tourism sector, as well as sectors with a particular interest in Access and Benefit-sharing issues and the Global Network of Protected areas. Our choice on these sectors was based on the fact that, as much as all sectors in one way or another will be affected by the loss of biodiversity, in these sectors, there seems to be a direct impact and great effects on the status of biological diversity. However, our focus on certain sectors does not exclude the participation of others. In fact, companies in other sectors are strongly encouraged to participate as well!

5. Are there other activities planned to aid in the establishment of this project?
In spring 2008, we will be organizing a workshop on Biodiversity and Business in Germany which will convene companies, NGOs, experts and Government officials. You will note that we are planning to engage people from all sectors in this meeting; this is in order to be able to gain their counsel on various issues concerning this project, for a positive outcome. The outcomes of this meeting will be transmitted to the COP. Secondly, we are compiling examples of best practices by companies, in line with biodiversity. On one hand, this would be as compliment to the company but on the other hand it is a way of sharing ideas, ways and methods to which companies can engage in biodiversity. These will also be presented at the COP. Thirdly, and in order to help companies profile their commitment to biodiversity, we are currently envisaging the development of a biodiversity and business ‘Leadership Declaration’. We are anticipating that this would be signed at the COP itself, possibly at the margins of the High Level Segment.

Content of the leadership declaration

The signing companies acknowledge and support the three objectives of the Convention. They also commit themselves to:

1. Analyse relevant activities of the company regarding their impacts on biological diversity

2. Include the protection of biological diversity in their environmental management system and develop biodiversity indicators

3. Appoint a responsible person within the company steering all activities in the biodiversity sector and reporting to the management board

4. Define realistic and measurable objectives, which will be monitored and adjusted every 2 - 3 years

5. Publish all activities and achievements in the biodiversity sector in the annual report or the CSR/environment report

6. Inform suppliers about the objectives of conserving biodiversity and integrate them on a step to step basis

7. Consider the cooperation with Scientific Institutions and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in order to deepen the know-how in the dialogue and to continuously improve the management system in the biodiversity sector.

6. What is planned in terms of business activities at the COP-9 itself and how can companies get involved?
In addition to the substantive discussions on business engagement at COP-8, a number of biodiversity and business activities are currently under development. Companies working on business and biodiversity are invited to hold booths. This will aid in showing an example to other companies as well as enabling companies to engage in the campaign on conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity As has been the practice in former COP meetings, participating governments as well as the private sector and any other institutions are encouraged to hold side events This also gives the companies a chance to actively participate in the whole COP-9 event. All these and what has been achieved by the time the COP-9 takes place, will be discussed during the meeting on the issue of business and biodiversity, especially during the High Level Segment. Most important is for companies to note that all these preparations is not just for the COP-9, but the beginning of what we view will continue and grow into a global business and biodiversity project.

7. How is this initiative related to the European Commission’s business and biodiversity initiative?
Germany’s project should be considered as an integral component of the European Business and Biodiversity Initiative.

Contact person: Edgar Endrukaitis (Edgar.Endrukaitis@gtz.de)
(1) Organizations interested in holding booths should contact the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) which is responsible for coordinating overall exhibition space at the COP (Contact person: Carla Tusche, c.tusche@dbu.de).
(2) Please note that the side events will be coordinated by the Secretariat and delegates will be invited to register through the CBD website in due course (CBD.int).