Biodiversity for Sustainable Development

Tool Box

Biodiversity – the variety of life on Earth, including genes, species and ecosystems – is essential for sustainable development and human well-being. It underpins food, fibre, and water supply, mitigates and provides resilience to climate change, supports human health, and provides jobs in agriculture, fisheries, forestry and many other sectors.

It is therefore not surprising that many sustainable development goals (SDGs) include targets that reflect the important role of ecosystems and biodiversity. Biodiversity and healthy ecosystems are thus included not only in SDG 14 on oceans and coasts, and SDG 15 on terrestrial ecosystems, but also in many other goals and targets.

Click on each SDG below to learn how biodiversity supports its achievement.

The content for this Biodiversity-SDG Toolbox was originally published jointly as the Biodiversity and the 2030 Agenda Technical Note in 2017 by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Bank, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the United Nations Development Programme.

Useful Resources

Biodiversity and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – Technical Note

Policy Brief

Biodiversity: Supporting the Transformation to Sustainable and Resilient Societies

SBSTTA 21 Note

A number of training tools and good-practice guides already exist to increase awareness on the links between biodiversity, poverty alleviation and development. This section introduces those developed by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity as well as a list of useful guidance developed by a range of partners.

Biodiversity for Development Good-Practice Guides

The Biodiversity for Development unit is developing a series of Good Practice Guides focusing on the role biodiversity can play in relation to poverty alleviation and development.

A sector-based approach will be adopted with specific communication and public awareness material linking biodiversity with different development sectors.

To this effect, good practice guides focusing on sectors such as forestry, tourism, pastoralism, drinking water, fisheries, health, and quarrying are being developed by the initiative and partnering organisations. These training guides serve as a resource to assist Parties in the mainstreaming of biodiversity into targeted development sectors, as well as policies and programmes addressing poverty alleviation.

They present a set of policy, strategic planning, and legislative tools including a suite of best-practice initiatives in selected development sectors which can serve to advance the integration of biodiversity conservation in that sector. They also provide a list of reference materials related to the sector, including case studies and references to other training programmes.

The guides are targeted at experts, practitioners, policy-makers and planners in each respective development sector, including National Focal Points of the Parties to the Convention, mid- and top-level government officers involved in planning and policy development, programmes officers in implementing agencies of the Convention and bi-lateral development cooperation agencies, international conservation and development NGOs, private sector planners, developers, consultants / specialists and industry groups.

Each guide comprises two main components: a handbook and a power point presentation. Hard copies can be ordered upon request at

CBD Training Modules

A set of training modules on National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), and other aspects of implementation of the Convention, is available here.

This set of training modules aims to provide CBD focal points, biodiversity managers and other national stakeholders with an introduction to the Convention and the role of national focal points, as well as practical guides to the process of preparing National Reports and a National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) and to making best use of the NBSAP once it has been prepared.

Other Resources

Several guides and training modules are available to assist planners in better integrating biodiversity into sectoral policies. To assist the Secretariat in completing its list of related publications, please inform us of complementary information by contacting us at