Biodiversity for Sustainable Development

About Biodiversity for Development

The Biodiversity for Development Initiative

The Biodiversity for Development Initiative was officially launched in 2008 during the ninth Conference of the Parties in Bonn. The overall goal of the initiative is to improve the integration of the three objectives of the Convention into development plans and priorities in keeping the spirit of Article 6 (b).

The three inter-related objectives of the initiative are:

  • To promote the integration of biodiversity considerations into sectoral policies or cross-sectoral strategies (e.g. Poverty Reduction Strategies or Sustainable Development Strategies) as well as ensuring the development dimension in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs);
  • To facilitate the exchange of experiences and the dissemination of lessons learned and good practices regarding the integration of biodiversity into development sectors and poverty reduction strategies and programmes;
  • To strengthen the linkages between CBD Programmes of Work and development / poverty alleviation, and raise awareness of the Parties on this crucial issue.