Biodiversity for Sustainable Development


Contributions of Biodiversity to SDG 5: Gender Equality

Women play a vital role in managing biological resources, and are disproportionally affected by the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Biodiversity loss and degraded ecosystems can perpetuate gender inequalities by increasing the time spent by women and children in performing certain tasks, such as collecting valuable resources including fuel, food and water, and reducing time for education and income generating activities.

Ensuring equal rights to land, inheritance and natural resources is an important measure in enabling women to promote sustainable agricultural and land management practices, especially as women become increasingly responsible in agriculture due to male emigration in many cases. Secure tenure rights can provide incentive and capacity to commit to conservation measures. With land title, women can have access to support services that would enhance their capacity to manage the land in a sustainable way that contributes to biodiversity conservation.

Related SDG 5 Targets

  • SDG Target 5.1: End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere (related to Aichi Targets: 14, 17)
  • SDG Target 5.5: Ensure women's full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life (related Aichi Targets: 14, 17, 18)

Relevant Aichi Biodiversity Targets:
Ecosystem services
Biodiversity strategies and action plans
Traditional knowledge

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