Access and benefit-sharing
The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling its decision VII/19, on access and benefit-sharing,
Recalling also its decision VIII/5 C, on collaboration between the Ad
Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing and the Ad Hoc Open-ended
Inter-Sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions and the
participation of indigenous and local communities,
Taking note of the reports of the third and fourth meetings of the
Ad Hoc Open ended Working Group on access and benefit-sharing,
A. International regime on access and benefit-sharing
1. Welcomes the progress made in the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group
on Access and Benefit-sharing to elaborate and negotiate an international regime;
2. Decides to transmit the annex to the present decision to the fifth
meeting of the Ad Hoc Open‑ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing
for the purposes of continuing to elaborate and negotiate the international
regime in accordance with decision VII/19 D, as well as, inter alia,
the following inputs for the elaboration and negotiation of an international
(a) The outcomes of the group of technical experts on the certificate of
origin/source/legal provenance;
(b) A progress report on the gap analysis, and the matrix, and;
(c) Other inputs submitted by Parties relating to access and benefit-sharing.
The annex reflects the range of views held by Parties at the fourth meeting
of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing;
3. Invites Parties, Governments, indigenous and local communities,
international organizations and all relevant stakeholders to provide information
regarding the inputs on an analysis of existing legal and other instruments
at national, regional and international levels relating to access and benefit-sharing
to the Secretariat of the Convention four months prior to the fifth meeting
of the Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing;
4. Requests the Secretariat to prepare a compilation of the information
provided in accordance with the paragraph above and make it available for the
work of the Working Group on Access and Benefit—sharing;
5. Decides to designate Mr. Fernando Casas of Colombia and Mr. Tim
Hodges of Canada as Co-Chairs of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access
and Benefit-sharing, for the purposes of the elaboration and negotiation of
the international regime on access and benefit-sharing in accordance with the
mandate of decision VII/19 D;
6. Requests the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing
to continue the elaboration and negotiation of the international regime in
accordance with its terms of reference in decision VII/19D and instructs the
Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group to complete its work at the earliest possible
time before the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties;
7. Requests the Executive Secretary to make the necessary arrangements
for the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing to be
convened twice before the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties;
8. Invites Parties, Governments, indigenous and local communities,
international organizations and all relevant stakeholders to submit to the
Secretariat further information relevant to the gap analysis;
9. Requests the Executive Secretary to prepare, for the fifth meeting
of the Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing, the final version of the
gap analysis referred to in decision VII/19 D, annex, paragraph (a) (i),
bearing in mind that this work will proceed in parallel and not hold up the
work relating to the elaboration and negotiation of the international regime;
10. Invites Parties to submit to the Executive Secretary information
on the legal status of genetic resources in their national law, including their
property law where applicable, and requests the Executive Secretary
to submit a report to the fifth meeting of the Working Group.
In accordance with the Convention on Biological Diversity,
The international regime could be composed of one or more instruments within
a set of principles, norms, rules and decision-making procedures legally-binding
and/or non-binding.
[Potential] Objectives
To endeavour to create conditions to [facilitate] [regulate] access to genetic
resources for environmentally sound uses by other Parties and not to impose
restrictions that run counter to the objectives of this Convention.
To ensure the fair and equitable sharing of the monetary and non‑monetary
benefits arising from the use of [such] [genetic] resources and associated
traditional knowledge, taking into account that the three objectives of the
Convention are interlinked.
[To establish a mechanism providing certainty about the [legal provenance]
[origin] [source] of genetic resources].
[[Subject to national legislation] To [protect] [respect, preserve and maintain
the traditional knowledge of] the [rights] of indigenous and local communities
to their traditional knowledge, innovations and practices [associated to genetic
resources and derivatives] [related to the conservation and sustainable use
of biological diversity] and to [encourage] [ensure] the fair and equitable
sharing of the monetary and non-monetary benefits arising from the utilization
of their knowledge, [consistent with human rights obligations] [subject to
national legislation of the countries where these communities are located]
[and applicable international law]].
[To ensure compliance with PIC in the context of MAT of countries of origin
and of indigenous and local communities.]
To contribute to the effective implementation of articles 15, 8(j) [and 16
to 19] and the three objectives of the convention.
The conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.
[To prevent the misappropriation and misuse of genetic resources, their derivatives
and associated traditional knowledge]
[To ensure that fair and equitable sharing of benefits flow to the countries
of origin of the genetic resources]
[[Promote] [Ensure] compliance with prior informed consent of the providing
countries and of indigenous and local communities and mutually agreed terms;]
[Ensure and enforce the rights and obligations of users of genetic resources;]
[Ensure mutual supportiveness with relevant existing international instruments
and processes] [and that they are supportive of and do not run counter to the
objectives of the convention].
[Contribute or promote capacity-building and [to ensure] technology transfer
to developing countries, in particular least developed countries and small
island developing States]
1. The international regime applies to, [in accordance with national legislation
and other international obligations]:
(a) Access to genetic resources [and derivatives and products] [subject to
the national legislation of the country of origin];
(b) [[Conditions to facilitate access to and] transboundary [movement] [utilization]
of genetic resources [and derivatives and products] [or associated traditional
(c) Fair and equitable sharing of the monetary and non-monetary benefits
arising out the utilization of genetic resources [and their derivatives and/or]
associated traditional knowledge [and, where appropriate, their derivatives
and products], in the context of mutually agreed terms [based on prior informed
consent] [in accordance with the national legislation of the country of origin];
(d) [[Protection of] [Respect, preserve and maintain] traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities [embodying traditional
lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity]
[associated to genetic resources] [and their derivatives and products] in accordance
with national legislation].
2. [The international regime applies to all genetic resources and associated
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices and benefits arising from
the utilization of such resources.]
3. [The international regime will not apply to the plant genetic resources
[of those plant species] that are considered by [under annex 1 of] the International
Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture [or by the Commission
on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture], [when those resources are used
for the purposes of that Treaty].
4. [The international regime is without prejudice to the FAO International
Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and will take into
account the work of the WIPO/IGC on the intellectual property aspects of sui
generis systems for the protection of traditional knowledge and folklore
against misappropriation and misuse].
5. [The international regime ensures mutual supportiveness and complementarity
with relevant existing international instruments and processes] [and that they
are supportive of and do not run counter to the objectives of the Convention].
6. [The international regime will not apply to human genetic resources].
7. [The scope of the regime would be in compliance with national access and
benefit-sharing regimes relating to the genetic resources within national jurisdictions
[, in the context of the international trade and exchange of these genetic
[Potential] Elements [to be considered for inclusion in the international
Access to genetic resources [and derivatives and products]
1. [States have sovereign rights over their own genetic resources, and the
authority to determine access rests with national Governments and is subject
to national legislation.]
2. [[Subject to national legislation,] conditions for access to genetic resources
[derivatives and products] shall be [dependent upon] [related to] benefit sharing
3. Access procedures shall be clear, simple and transparent and provide legal
certainty to different kinds of users and providers of genetic resources with
a view to the effective implementation of Article 15, [paragraph 2],
of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
4. [Parties] [Countries of origin] providing genetic resources, [derivatives
and products][, including countries of origin,] in accordance with Article
2 and Article 15 of the Convention [may] [shall] establish measures requiring
that access to such genetic resources [derivatives and products] [for specific
uses] shall be subject to prior informed consent.
5. [Parties that are not countries of origin of genetic resources or their
derivatives they hold shall not give access to those genetic resources without
the prior informed consent of the countries of origin of those genetic resources.]
6. [Where the countries of origin of genetic resources or derivatives can
not be identified, the Parties in whose territories those genetic resources
or derivatives are found will grant access to users on behalf of the international
7. Mutually agreed terms for access to and specific uses of genetic resources
[or derivatives], in accordance with Article 15, paragraph 4 of the Convention
on Biological Diversity[, may include conditions for transfer of such genetic
resources [or derivatives] to third parties, subject to national legislation
of countries of origin].
[Recognition and protection of] traditional knowledge associated with genetic
resources [derivatives and products]
The elements of the international regime should be developed and implemented
in accordance with Article 8(j) of the Convention on Biological Diversity:
(a) [Parties may consider developing, adopting and/or recognizing, as appropriate,
[international,] national and local sui generis [models] [systems] for
the protection of traditional knowledge, innovations and practices associated
to genetic resources, [derivatives and products;]]
(b) [Subject to its national legislation,] Parties [should] [recognize and
protect the rights] [respect, preserve and maintain knowledge, innovations
and practices] of indigenous and local communities and [ensure] [encourage]
the equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of such knowledge,
innovations and practices [regarding benefit-sharing derived from their traditional
knowledge associated with genetic resources, [derivatives and products,] subject
to the national legislation of the countries where these communities are located
[and to applicable international law];
(c) [[Users [Parties] should comply with the prior informed consent of indigenous
and local communities holding traditional knowledge associated with genetic
resources, [derivatives and products] in accordance with Article 8(j)
of the Convention on Biological Diversity, subject to national legislation
of the country where these communities are located [and to applicable international
(d) [Access and benefit sharing arrangements relating to traditional knowledge
should be implemented in the context of national access and benefit-sharing
Fair and equitable benefit-sharing
1. [Minimum conditions for the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits
arising out of the use of genetic resources, derivatives or products shall
be stipulated in relevant national [access] legislations [or] [and] under the
international regime] and [shall] [may] be taken into consideration in mutually
agreed terms [shall] [may] be based on prior informed consent between the provider
and user of given resources.]
2. [Mutually agreed terms conditions may stipulate benefit‑sharing arrangements
regarding derivatives and products of genetic resources.]
3. The conditions for the sharing of the benefits arising out of the use
of traditional knowledge, innovations or practices and associated [with] genetic
resources [derivatives and products] [will] [may] be stipulated in mutually
agreed terms [between users and the competent national authority of the provider
country with active involvement of concerned indigenous and local communities]
[between the indigenous or local communities and the users, and where appropriate
with the involvement of the provider country].
4. [Mutually agreed terms may contain provisions on whether intellectual
property rights may be sought and if so under what conditions.]
5. Mutually agreed terms may stipulate monetary and/or non-monetary conditions
for the use of genetic resources, [their derivatives and/or products] and associated
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices.
6. [The international regime should establish basic benefit-sharing [obligations]
[conditions], including the distribution of benefits through the financial
mechanism, to be applicable in the absence of specific provisions in access
7. [Where the country of origin of the genetic resources or derivatives accessed
cannot be identified, the monetary benefits there from shall accrue to the
financial mechanism and the non-monetary benefits shall be made available to
those Parties that need them.]
8. [Parties should establish, taking into account Article 20, paragraph 4
of the Convention, measures to ensure the fair and equitable sharing of benefits
from the results of research and development, including through facilitating
access to the results of such research and development and through technology
transfer, and other utilization of genetic resources, [derivatives and products]
and associated traditional knowledge, taking into account prior informed consent
and mutually agreed terms and respecting national legislations of the country
providing genetic resources.]
9. [Parties that develop technologies making use of genetic resources, derivatives
and product should establish national legislation to facilitate access to and
transfer of those technologies to developing countries that are the origin
of such resources under mutually agreed terms.]
10. [Clarification of the actual nature of benefit sharing, emphasizing the
need for differentiation of commercial versus non-commercial uses of genetic
resources with resulting differentiated obligations/expectations.]
11. [Practical and enforceable benefit sharing clauses in material transfer
agreements as agreed to between the providers and the users.]
12. [Benefits should be directed in such a way as to promote conservation
and sustainable use of biological diversity [in countries of origin of genetic
13. [Benefit-sharing arrangements should not be limited to mutually agreed
terms when these arrangements are supporting prior informed consent.]
[Disclosure [of [legal provenance] [origin] [prior informed consent and
1. Intellectual property rights applications whose subject matter [concerns
or makes use of] [is directly based on] genetic resources [and/or derivatives
and products] and/or associated traditional knowledge should disclose the country
of origin or source of such genetic resources, [derivatives and products] or
associated traditional knowledge[, as well as evidence that provisions regarding
prior informed consent and benefit sharing have been complied with, in accordance
with the national legislation of the country providing the resources].
2. [National legislation shall provide for remedies to sanction lack of
compliance with the requirements set out in the above paragraph which must
include inter alia revocation of the intellectual property rights in question,
as well as co-ownership of the IPR and its transfer.]
3. [If the disclosed information is incorrect or incomplete, effective,
proportionate and dissuasive sanctions should be envisaged outside the field
of patent law.]]
[[Certificate of origin] [International certificate of [origin/source/]legal
1. The international regime may establish an international certificate of
origin/source/legal provenance of genetic resources, [derivatives and/or products]
to be issued by the [provider country] [country of origin].
2. The international regime [may] [shall] establish a system to certify the
[origin/source/legal provenance of genetic resources] [legal utilization of
traditional knowledge, innovations or practices of indigenous and local communities
associated to genetic resources].
3. Such certificates of origin/source/legal provenance [or utilization] may
be [an integral part] [evidence] of PIC and MAT arrangements.
[4. Such certificates of origin/source/legal provenance [or utilization]
and, if existing, evidence of PIC and MAT related arrangements may be a precondition
for patentability and other intellectually property applications.]
[5. An international certificate of origin/source/legal provenance could
be an element of an international regime.]
[6. The potential needs, objectives, desirable characteristics/features,
implementation, challenges, including costs and legislative implications of
such an international certificate, are to be further explored.]
[7. The certificate of origin/source/legal provenance may be used as a means
of complying with the disclosure requirements according to national legislation.]]
Implementation, monitoring and reporting
1. [Parties shall establish] mechanisms for monitoring implementation as
well as reporting procedures [may be considered] for the international regime.
2. [Parties [may] [shall] develop national legislation[, as appropriate,]
for the implementation of the international regime.]
[Compliance and enforcement]
1. [Recipients of genetic material, [derivatives and products] shall make
no applications for patents related to such genetic materials, [derivatives
or products] without the prior informed consent of the [provider country] [country
of origin.] [Non compliance of this provision shall, inter alia, result in
the rejection of the patent application and where necessary the revocation
of such patent.]
2. [Parties [may] [shall] develop national legislation[, as appropriate,]
for the implementation of the international regime.]
3. [Each Party must comply with national legislation of the [countries providing
genetic resources, derivatives and products] [country of origin], [including
countries of origin], regarding access and benefit-sharing when accessing and/or
using genetic resources, [derivatives and products] and associated traditional
4. [The international regime [may] [shall] ensure that whatever terms and
conditions that may be stipulated under mutually agreed terms are complied
with and enforced.]
5. [The international regime [may] [shall] contain] cooperative procedures
and institutional mechanisms to [[promote] and [ensure]] compliance [may be
considered for the international regime].
6. [International regime [shall] [may] contain measures to ensure compliance
with the prior informed consent of [Parties] [indigenous and local communities
regarding access to their traditional knowledge, innovations and practices
associated with genetic resources [, derivatives and products].]]
7. [International regime [shall] [may] contain measures to [[promote] and
[ensure]] compliance with the prior informed consent of the country providing
genetic resources, [derivatives and products] including countries of origin,
in accordance with Article 15, paragraph 3, of the Convention on Biological
8. [International regime [shall] [may] contain measures to prevent misappropriation
and unauthorized access and use of genetic resources [, their derivatives and
products] and associated traditional knowledge, innovations and practices.]
9. [Parties should take measures to ensure that genetic resources utilized
within their jurisdiction comply with the Convention on Biological Diversity
and the conditions under which access was granted.]
10. [Create mechanisms to facilitate collaboration among relevant enforcement
agencies in both provider and user countries.]
11. [Without prejudice to specific remedies concerning IPR applications,
national legislations shall provide for sanctions to prevent the use of genetic
resources, derivatives and associated traditional knowledge without compliance
with provisions of the international regime, in particular those related to
access and benefit-sharing legislations from countries of origin.]
12. [The following are considered acts or cases of misappropriation:
(a) Use of genetic resources, their derivatives and products and/or associated
traditional knowledge without compliance with the provisions of the international
(b) Any acquisition, appropriation or utilization of genetic resources, their
derivatives and products and/or associated traditional knowledge by unfair
or illicit means;
(c) Deriving commercial benefits from the acquisition, appropriation or utilization
of genetic resource, derivatives and products and/or associated traditional
knowledge when the person, using genetic resource, derivatives and products,
knows, or is negligent in failing to know, that these were acquired or appropriated
by unfair means;
(d) Other commercial activities contrary to honest practices that gain in
equitable benefit from the genetic resource, derivatives and product and/or
associated traditional knowledge.]
[(e) Use of genetic resources, their derivatives and products and/or associated
traditional knowledge for purposes other than for which it was accessed; and]
[(f) Obtaining unauthorized information that can be used for the reconstitution
of genetic resources, derivatives or products or traditional knowledge.]
[Access to justice
1. Measures to [facilitate] [ensure] access to justice and redress.
2. Measures to [guarantee and] facilitate access to justice and redress,
including administrative and judicial remedies, as well as alternative dispute
resolution mechanisms [by providers and users].]
[Dispute settlement mechanism]
1. [Parties [shall] [may] establish a dispute settlement mechanism for the
international regime.]
2. [Provisions of Article 27 of the Convention on Biological Diversity shall
apply with respect to the settlement of disputes under the international regime.]
[Financial mechanism
Parties [shall] [may] establish a financial mechanism for the international
regime including for benefit-sharing arrangements.]
Capacity-building [and technology transfer]
1. The international regime should include provisions for the building and
enhancement of capacity in developing countries, least developed countries
and small-island developing states, as well as countries with economies in
transition, for the implementation of the international regime at national,
regional and international levels.
2. [Measures for effective technology transfer and cooperation so as to support
the generation of social, economic and environmental benefits.]
3. [Building of human, institutional and scientific capacities including
for putting in place a legal mechanism, taking into account Articles 18, 19
and 20.4 of the Convention.]
[Institutional support]
[1. Existing non-legislative international measures that support or promote
the effective implementation of Articles 15, 8(j) and the three objectives
of the Convention are identified and recognized.]
2. Environmentally sound research utilizing genetic resources and associated
traditional knowledge is promoted, and commercial and non-commercial scientific
research, including taxonomic research, are distinguished.
B. Bonn Guidelines on Access to Genetic Resources
and Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising out of their Utilization
The Conference of the Parties
1. Notes the progress already accomplished and urges Parties
to continue implementing the Bonn Guidelines on Access to Genetic Resources
and Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising out of their Utilization
and to share experiences and lessons learned in their implementation as well
as in the development and implementation of national and sub-national measures
2. Invites Parties to submit reports on their experiences in developing
and implementing Article 15 of the Convention at the national level, including
obstacles encountered and lessons learned, four months prior to the fifth meeting
of the Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing;
3. Requests the Secretariat to prepare a compilation of the information
provided in accordance with the paragraph above and make it available for the
work of the Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing at its fifth meeting.
C. Other approaches,
as set out in decision VI/24 B, including consideration of an
international certificate of origin/source/legal provenance
The Conference of the Parties
1. Decides to establish a group of technical experts to explore and
elaborate possible options, without prejudging their desirability, for the
form, intent and functioning of an internationally recognised certificate of origin/source/legal
provenance and analyse its practicality, feasibility, costs and benefits, with
a view to achieving the objectives of Articles 15 and 8(j) of the Convention.
The Expert Group shall provide technical input to the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working
Group on Access and Benefit‑sharing and will operate in accordance with the
following terms of reference:
(a) Consider the possible rationale, objectives and the need for an internationally
recognized certificate of origin/source/legal provenance;
(b) Define the potential characteristics and features of different options
of such an internationally recognised certificate;
(c) Analyse the distinctions between the options of certificate of origin/source/legal
provenance and the implications of each of the options for achieving the objectives
of Articles 15 and 8(j) of the Convention;
(d) Identify associated implementation challenges, including the practicality,
feasibility, costs and benefits of the different options, including mutual
supportiveness and compatibility with the Convention and other international
2. Also decides that the group of experts shall be regionally balanced
and composed of 25 experts nominated by Parties and 7 observers from, inter
alia, indigenous and local communities, industry, research institutions/academia,
botanical gardens, other ex situ collection holders and representatives
from relevant international organizations and agreements, and requests the
Executive Secretary to recommend the list of selected experts and observers
for the approval of the Bureau;
3. Encourages Parties to take into consideration the need for technical
expertise in the Expert Group from, inter alia, indigenous and local
communities, industry, research institutions/academia, botanical gardens and
other ex situ collection holders when nominating their experts;
4. Further decides that the Group shall meet at least six months prior
to the fifth meeting of the Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing and
submit the report of its work to the Working Group at its fifth meeting.
5. Invites Parties, Governments, relevant international organizations,
indigenous and local communities and all relevant stakeholders including the
private sector to undertake further work, including through research and submission
of views, on the possible options for the form, intent and functioning of an
international certificate of origin/source/legal provenance and on its practicality,
feasibility, costs and benefits, with a view to achieving the objectives of
Articles 15 and 8(j), including consideration of certificate models as an input
for the work of the Expert Group.
Measures, including consideration of their feasibility, practicality and
costs, to support compliance with prior informed consent of the contracting
Party providing genetic resources and mutually agreed terms on which access
was granted in contracting Parties with users of such resources under their
The Conference of the Parties
Reaffirming that disclosure of origin/source/legal provenance of
genetic resources in intellectual property rights application is one element
in the Terms of Reference in the Annex to Decision VII/19 D for the elaboration
and negotiation of an international regime on access and benefit-sharing;
Noting discussions regarding disclosure of origin/source/legal provenance
in intellectual property rights applications in the World Intellectual Property
Organization and in the Doha Work Programme of the World Trade Organization;
Further noting that there is a diversity of views on the possible
measures to support compliance with prior informed consent and mutually agreed
1. Invites relevant forums to address and/or continue their work on
disclosure requirements in intellectual-property-rights applications taking
into account the need to ensure that this work is supportive of and does not
run counter to the objectives of the Convention, in accordance with Article 16,
paragraph 5;
2. Urges Parties, Governments and relevant stakeholders to continue
taking appropriate and practical measures to support compliance with prior
informed consent in cases where there is utilization of genetic resources or
associated traditional knowledge, in accordance with article 15 of the Convention
and national legislation, and with mutually agreed terms on which access was
3. Requests the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing
at its fifth and sixth meetings to further consider measures to ensure compliance
with prior informed consent in cases where there is utilization of genetic
resources or associated traditional knowledge, in accordance with Article 15
of the Convention and national legislation, and with the mutually agreed terms
on which access was granted;
4. Requests the Executive Secretary to renew the application for accreditation
of the Convention on Biological Diversity as an observer at the Council on
Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights of the World Trade Organization.
Strategic Plan: Future evaluation of progress – the need and possible options
for indicators for access to genetic resources and in particular for the
fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic
The Conference of the Parties
1. Requests the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing
at its fifth meeting to further address this issue of the need and possible
options for indicators for access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable
sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources;
2. Invites Parties, Governments, relevant international organizations,
indigenous and local communities and all relevant stakeholders to submit their
views and information to the Executive Secretary in accordance with recommendation
3/5 of the third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and
3. Requests the Executive Secretary to compile the views and information
referred to above and make such compilation available to the Ad Hoc Open-ended
Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing at its fifth meeting.