Technology transfer and cooperation (Articles
16 to 19)
The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity,
Understanding the importance of the issue of access to and transfer
of technology for the implementation of the objectives of the convention,
Underlining the importance of developing specific approaches to
technology transfer and technological and scientific cooperation to address
the prioritized needs of countries based on National Biodiversity Strategy
and Action Plans’ priorities and to link technology needs assessments to
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans’ priorities, while avoiding
non-specific, global approaches to this issue,
Noting the importance of guidance and initiatives to promote private
sector engagement in technology transfer and technological and scientific
cooperation and to strengthen enabling environments for investment in Convention
implementation at the national level,
Recognizing the importance of giving biodiversity a higher visibility
and priority in the bi- and multilateral negotiations on scientific and technical
cooperation agreements,
Emphasizing that all programme elements of the programme of work
on technology transfer and technological and scientific cooperation are important
and complementary,
Recalling the importance of providing capacity‑building, both on
human resources and infrastructure, to developing countries, in particular
to the least developed among them, for the effective implementation of the
programme of work on technology transfer and technological and scientific
cooperation, as reflected in element four of the programme of work,
1. Takes note of the progress made in implementing the programme
of work on technology transfer and technological and scientific cooperation
as reported in the note by the Executive Secretary (UNEP/CBD/COP/8/19);
2. Also takes note of the proposals on
options to apply measures and mechanisms to facilitate access to and adaptation
of technologies, prepared pursuant to paragraph 6 of decision VII/29 and
contained in the note by the Executive Secretary (UNEP/CBD/COP/8/19/Add.2);
3. Also takes note of the exploration of possibilities and mechanisms
of cooperation with processes in other conventions and international organizations,
prepared pursuant to paragraph 6 of decision VII/29 and contained in the
note by the Executive Secretary (UNEP/CBD/COP/8/19/Add.2);
4. Decides to establish an Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Technology
Transfer and Scientific and Technological Cooperation with a view to collect,
analyse and identify ongoing tools, mechanisms, systems and initiatives to
promote the implementation of Articles 16 to 19 as well as to propose strategies
for practical implementation of the programme of work on technology transfer
and scientific and technical cooperation, with the mandate as set out in
decision VII/9, paragraph 7;
5. Invites Parties to make submissions to the Executive Secretary
on the proposals and options to apply measures and mechanisms to technology
transfer and cooperation (UNEP/CBD/COP/8/19/Add.2) no later than four months
prior to the meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group;
6. Requests the Executive Secretary to analyse the views submitted
and to forward the results together with the proposals and the views of Parties
to the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group for its work;
7. Requests the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group to annex the compilation
of the views of Parties to its report to the Conference of the Parties at
its ninth meeting;
8. Requests the Executive Secretary to invite relevant conventions
and international organizations and initiatives to contribute to the work
envisaged in paragraph 4 above;
Technology assessments
9. Requests the Executive Secretary to continue the compilation
of pertinent information on needs assessment methodologies, and to also collect
pertinent information on activity 1.2.1 of the programme of work;
Information systems
10. Invites Parties, and requests the Executive Secretary,
to carry out activities for the enhancement of the clearing-house mechanism
as a key mechanism in technology transfer and technological and scientific
11. Invites the Global Environmental Facility to provide financial
support to developing countries and countries with economies in transition
for the implementation of the programme of work;
12. Invites the Digital Solidarity Fund of the World Summit on the
Information Society and other relevant funding mechanisms and institutions
to provide financial support to developing countries and countries with economies
in transition, for the implementation of the activities;
Enabling environments
13. Takes note of the progress made in the preparation of a technical
study that further explores and analyses the role of intellectual property
rights in technology transfer in the context of the Convention, and invites the
World Intellectual Property Organization, the United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development and other relevant organizations, and requests the
Executive Secretary, to finalize the study, in accordance with activity 3.1.1
of the programme of work (“Preparation of technical studies that further
explore and analyse the role of intellectual property rights in technology
transfer in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity and identify
potential options to increase synergy and overcome barriers to technology
transfer and cooperation, consistent with paragraph 44 of the Johannesburg
Plan of Implementation. The benefits as well as the costs of intellectual
property rights should be fully taken into account”);
14. Invites relevant international organization to continue their
activities for building or strengthening the capacities of developing countries
for the effective transfer and adaptation of technologies of relevance to
the Convention, including through the training of staff at all levels as
well as the enhancement of technical and institutional capacity, noting that
such training could also include the retrieval of patent documents as a source
of technological information;
Requests the Executive Secretary to explore possibilities of developing
a “Biodiversity Technology Initiative”, taking into account the Climate Technology
Initiative (CTI);