with other conventions and international organizations and initiatives
The Conference of the Parties
1. Urges Parties to facilitate cooperation among international organizations,
and to promote the integration of biodiversity concerns into all relevant sectors
by coordinating their national positions among the various conventions and
other international forums in which they are involved, as appropriate;
2. Urges Parties to promote, as appropriate, coordination among national
focal points for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,
the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and the Convention
on Biological Diversity with a view to achieving synergies on cross-cutting
activities, and to seek funding from the Global Environment Facility for these
activities where appropriate;
3. Underlines the important role of the Joint Liaison Group in supporting
cooperation among the Rio conventions;
4. Welcomes the proposed options for enhanced collaboration and joint
actions identified in the paper developed jointly by the secretariats of the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the United Nations Convention
to Combat Desertification and the Convention on Biological Diversity (UNEP/CBD/WG-RI/1/7/Add.1);
5. Invites the Joint Liaison Group, in future papers submitted to
the Conference of the Parties, to provide an assessment of the obstacles, successes
and lessons learned through their collaboration and joint actions, and an indication
of the resource implications associated with additional options proposed in
this regard;
6. Welcomes the paper developed jointly by the secretariats of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the Convention on Migratory Species
of Wild Animals, the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971) and the World
Heritage Convention on options for enhanced cooperation among the biodiversity-related
conventions (UNEP/CBD/WG-RI/1/7/Add.2), and encourages the liaison group of
the biodiversity-related conventions to address concrete elements such as harmonization
of national reporting, and applying the provisional framework of goals and
targets for evaluating progress towards 2010, and indicators consistent with
this framework, across the conventions;
7. Notes the need for enhanced cooperation among the Rio conventions
and the biodiversity-related conventions at the level not only of their respective
secretariats, but of their respective scientific and technical bodies;
8. Requests the Executive Secretary to secure more resources from
the programme support to fund Convention activities, including those related
to joint liaison arrangements between the Convention on Biological Diversity
and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification at the United
Nations Headquarters;
9. Welcomes ongoing cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations, particularly the Commission on Genetic Resources for
Food and Agriculture, the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources
for Food and Agriculture, the International Plant Protection Convention,
as well as other FAO processes, on issues related to agriculture, fisheries,
forests and other matters;
10. Recognizes the important role and achievements of the Collaborative
Partnership on Forests in coordinating and collaborating on forest issues;
11. Welcomes progress made by the Global Partnership on Plant Conservation
in promoting the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation and expresses its
gratitude to Botanic Gardens Conservation International for its continued
support to the Partnership;
12. Requests the Executive Secretary, where appropriate, subject to
the availability of necessary financial and human resources and in accordance
with the priority-setting mechanism established by the Conference of the Parties,
to liaise with the conventions, organizations and initiatives with which the
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity has already signed memoranda
of cooperation with a view to advancing implementation of the Convention in
line with the decisions of the Conference of the Parties, including the possibility
of developing joint work programmes;
13. Requests the Executive Secretary to liaise with the secretariat
of the World Trade Organization on relevant issues, including trade-related
intellectual property rights, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and environmental
goods and services, inter alia, with a view to identifying options for
closer collaboration, including developing a memorandum of cooperation to promote
the three objectives of the Convention;
14. Requests the Executive Secretary to liaise with the secretariat
of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea;
15. Invites the secretariat of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture to join the Liaison Group of Biodiversity-related
16. Welcomes the revised joint work programme with the Convention
on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (2006-2008) 1 /,
and, where countries are party to both conventions, invites national focal
points of the Convention on Biological Diversity to undertake relevant activities
of the joint work programme in collaboration, as appropriate, with their counterparts
for the Convention on Migratory Species, and requests the Executive Secretary
to collaborate with the Secretariat of the Convention on Migratory Species
to implement the activities identified in the joint work programme.
1 / Endorsed by the Conference of the
Parties to the Convention on Migratory Species in paragraph 6 of Resolution
8.18: “Integration of migratory species into national biodiversity strategies
and action plans and into on-going and future programmes of work under the
Convention on Biological Diversity,”