measures: preparation for the in-depth review of the programme of work
on incentive measures
The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity,
Recognizing that biodiversity and its resources and functions,
as well as successful policies and programmes that protect or enhance them,
provide important ecosystem services, including ecosystem services of regional
and global importance, that need to be adequately recognized and taken into
account in private and public decision‑making,
Recalling that Article 11 of the Convention calls upon Parties,
as far as possible and as appropriate, to adopt economically and socially
sound measures that act as incentives for the conservation and sustainable
use of components of biodiversity,
Also recalling decisions V/15, VI/15 and VII/18,
Having considered the challenges at the international level in furthering
the implementation of the programme of work on incentive measures and noting the
work undertaken by SBSTTA 10 and 11, and also noting the existing and
emerging policy, legal and scientific issues at the national level,
Noting that the work on incentive measures under the Convention is
scheduled for in-depth review by the ninth meeting of the Conference of the
Parties, in accordance with the multi-year programme of work of the Convention
adopted by the Conference of the Parties in decision VII/31,
1. Decides to initiate a structured, transparent and inclusive preparatory
process for the in‑depth review of work on incentive measures with a view to
identify, for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its ninth meeting,
the further outcomes that would be required from a revised programme of work
on incentive mechanisms to meet obligations under the Convention and the requirements
of Parties, and possible options for a future programme of work;
2. Requests the Executive Secretary to:
(a) Prepare a brief overview of the decisions of the Conference of the Parties
related to incentive measures including references to analytical documents
and draft recommendations prepared for consideration by the Conference of the
Parties and its subsidiary bodies;
(b) Prepare a synthesis report of information provided by Parties in the
third national reports;
(c) Facilitate access to the information provided through the electronic
database and the toolkit on incentive measures;
and to transmit this information referred to under subparagraphs (a) and
(b) above to Parties, other Governments, relevant international organizations
and stakeholders with a view to assisting them in the preparation of submissions
invited in paragraph 3 below;
3. Invites Parties, other Governments, international organizations
and stakeholders to communicate to the Executive Secretary their experiences
in the implementation of the programme of work on incentive measures contained
in decisions V/15, VI/15 and VII/18 and provide views on elements such as:
(a) Lessons learned and key challenges in implementing the existing programme
of work, based on practical examples and case‑studies from national implementation,
where available, including whether the measures initiated or adopted by Parties
have maintained or improved the conservation and sustainable use of components
of biodiversity;
(b) Options to address the challenges identified;
(c) Priorities for a future programme of work including requirements for
effective national implementation, including financial and institutional support
and capacity‑building;
(d) Key gaps in the work to date, and gaps and obstacles in the existing
programme of work that are impeding its implementation at the national level;
(e) Interface with other international initiatives and instruments in this
(f) Linkages to other programmes of work under the Convention;
4. Requests the Executive Secretary:
(a) To update the synthesis report of the third national reports referred
to in paragraph 2 above;
(b) To compile and provide a summary of the above-mentioned views and experiences,
including a summary of the options provided by Parties,
and to make them available for consideration by the Conference of the Parties
at its ninth meeting;
Positive incentive measures
Recognizing that positive incentive measures, can influence decision-making
by recognizing and rewarding activities that are carried out for the conservation
and sustainable use of biological diversity, and are important in achieving
the objectives of the Convention and the 2010 biodiversity target, when such
positive incentive measures are targeted, flexible, transparent, appropriately
monitored and adapted to local conditions,
Noting that policy guidance on incentive mechanisms developed
under the Convention is voluntary and should be applied in accordance with
national law, taking into account other international instruments,
Alsonoting the recent work by the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development on environmentally harmful subsidies 1 /
for the removal or mitigation of perverse incentives,
5. Encourages relevant national, regional and international organizations
and initiatives to strengthen mechanisms that build capacity and extend research
and training on the design, implementation and review of positive incentive
measures for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, in accordance
with domestic needs and priorities, taking into account the need to understand
the risks of perverse effects on livelihoods, sustainable development or
the biodiversity of third parties;
6. Encourages relevant national, regional and international institutions
and organizations, such as IUCN and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development, as well as representatives of indigenous and local communities
and relevant stakeholders, to strengthen research activities, including research
cooperation and exchange at national, regional and international levels,
on, as appropriate:
(a) Further assessment of positive incentive measures and their application
at the national, regional and global levels, taking into account
the context in which they were implemented, the conditions necessary for
their success, as well as the ecosystem approach;
(b) Comparative analyses of the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of individual
positive incentive measures, including their impact on the livelihood
and biodiversity of third parties;
(c) The development of innovative positive incentive measures;
(d) The development of mechanisms, including policy, legal and institutional
measures in full consultation with representatives of indigenous
and local communities that ensure the fair and equitable sharing of benefits
arising from positive incentive measures;
(e) The analysis and evaluation of the relevant economic, social and cultural
impacts of individual positive incentive measures at different
levels and scales;
and to communicate the results of this research to Parties and the Executive
7. Invites Parties and other Governments as well as national, regional
and international funding institutions, to support the capacity‑building
and research activities identified in paragraph 6 above;
8. Invites the United Nations Environment Programme to continue supporting
the programme of work on incentive measures of the Convention, in particular
through its work on the creation of pro-poor markets for ecosystem services;
9. Invites the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,
through its initiatives, including, Biotrade initiative, to continue
supporting the programme of work on incentive measures of the Convention.
1 / Environmentally harmful
subsidies: challenges for reform. OECD, Paris 2005.