The Conference of the
Notes that there has been significant experience in
implementing the ecosystem approach by some Parties operating under
the Convention, as well as experience in implementation of similar
approaches to management under other national, regional and
international processes, but that additional efforts are needed to
ensure effective implementation of the approach by all Parties and
other Governments. The scale of application of the ecosystem
approach should be decided within countries according to their
needs and circumstances;
Agrees that the priority at this time should be on
facilitating the implementation of the ecosystem approach as the
primary framework for addressing the three objectives of the
Convention in a balanced way, and that a potential revision of the
principles of the ecosystem approach should take place only at a
later stage, when the application of the ecosystem approach has
been more fully tested;
Welcomes the implementation guidelines and annotations to
rationale as outlined in annex I to the present decision and
calls on parties and other Governments to implement the ecosystem
approach, keeping in mind that in applying the ecosystem approach,
all principles need to be considered, with appropriate weight given
to each, in accordance with local conditions, and keeping in mind
also that the implementation of the ecosystem approach and all
principles need to be considered as voluntary instruments and
should be adapted to local conditions and implemented in accordance
with national legislation;
Recognizes that the
implementation of the ecosystem approach is facilitated by the
conditions, inter alia, for the transfer of
"know-how" to enable the relevant actors to develop
environmentally-sound adaptive technologies;
Welcomes the progress in developing the practical
principles, operational guidance and associated instruments for
sustainable use (the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines), which
are based on the ecosystem approach as their overarching conceptual
Notes the relevance of the conceptual framework of the
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment in supporting the implementation of
the ecosystem approach;
Notes that sustainable forest management, as developed
within the framework established by the Rio Forest Principles, can
be considered as a means of applying the ecosystem approach to
forests (see annex II to the present decision). Further,
there is potential for the tools developed under sustainable forest
management to be used to help implement the ecosystem
approach. These tools include inter alia the criteria
and indicators developed under various regional and international
processes, national forest programmes, "model forests"
and certification schemes (as relating to decision VI/22 on forest
biodiversity). There is substantial potential for mutual learning
among those implementing both the ecosystem approach and
sustainable forest management;
Notes that, in addition to sustainable forest management,
some existing approaches, which are also relevant to other
environmental conventions, including "ecosystem based
management", "integrated river-basin management",
"integrated marine and coastal area management", and
"responsible fisheries approaches", may be consistent
with the application of the Convention's ecosystem approach,
and support its implementation in various sectors or biomes.
Implementation of the ecosystem approach in various sectors can be
promoted by building upon the approaches and tools developed
specifically for such sectors;
Requests the Executive Secretary, in collaboration with
Parties and relevant international and regional organizations, to
facilitate the undertaking of the following activities, and report
on progress made to the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical
and Technological Advice prior to the eighth meeting of the
Conference of the Parties:
Undertake an analysis of the range of existing tools and
approaches, that are consistent with the Convention's
ecosystem approach, but operate on different levels and belong to a
variety of sectors/communities, and are applied in programmes of
work of the Convention on Biological Diversity, in order to learn
from their experiences and build upon their approaches, and
identify any gaps in the coverage of such tools;
(b) Where
needed, facilitate development of new tools and techniques to
enable the implementation of the ecosystem approach, and in
collaboration with appropriate regional and international
organization develop tools specific to each sector and
(c) Continue
collection of case-studies at national, sub-regional, regional and
international level on the implementation of the ecosystem
approach, and develop, in cooperation with the clearing-house
mechanism, a database of case-studies, searchable by
biome/ecoregion and sector;
(d) Make the
above widely available to Parties through the development of a
web-based "sourcebook" for the ecosystem approach,
accessible through the clearing-house mechanism. This sourcebook
should be non-prescriptive and allow adaptation to differing
regional, national and local needs. It should be prepared in
a language that is brief, non-technical and simple, ensuring its
accessibility to practitioners working to implement the ecosystem
approach on the ground. A supporting summary explanation of the
ecosystem approach will also be prepared. It should be developed in
collaboration with other relevant organizations, peer-reviewed and
field tested as appropriate, and made available through the
clearing-house mechanism, in hard copy and on CD-Rom, and
periodically revised;
Recommends that Parties and other Governments, facilitate
the full and effective participation of indigenous and local
communities and other stakeholders and continue or start
implementation of the ecosystem approach, including the
implementation guidelines and annotations to the rationale as
outlined in annex I to the present decision, and:
(a) Provide
feedback on their experiences to the Executive Secretary and to
other Parties, including by submitting further annotated
case-studies and lessons learned for dissemination through the
clearing-house mechanism;
(b) Provide
technical input to the development and field testing of the
(c) Promote
the application of the ecosystem approach in all sectors with
potential impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems, as well as
inter-sectoral integration;
(d) Enhance
and facilitate the sharing of experiences and expertise through
approaches such as undertaking workshops to bring together experts
and practitioners from different sectors and approaches;
Undertake focused activities and initiatives in partnership with
indigenous and local communities and the private sector and other
relevant stakeholders under various thematic programmes of work
where applicable to deepen understanding and further application of
the ecosystem approach;
(f) Promote
better understanding of the ecosystem approach through programmes
of communication, education and public awareness;
Requests that the Executive Secretary collaborate with the
Coordinator and Head of the United Nations Forum on Forests
Secretariat and members of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests
in order to further integrate the concepts of ecosystem approach
and sustainable forest management, in particular with respect
Considering lessons learnt from sustainable forest management
particularly the application of tools such as the criteria and
indicators as an outcomes oriented application of the ecosystem
Considering, within sustainable forest management, placing greater
emphasis on:
Better cross-sectoral integration and inter-sectoral
The interactions between forests and other biome/habitat types
within a landscape; and
Biodiversity conservation issues, in particular through continued
development of criteria, indicators and forest management
certification programmes (as relating to decision VI/22 on forest
biodiversity), and including protected areas;
Requests the Executive Secretary, in collaboration with
Parties and relevant international and regional organizations, to
assess the implementation of the ecosystem approach in light of the
experiences gained from the activities under paragraphs 8, 9 and 10
above for the consideration of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice prior to the ninth meeting of
the Conference of the Parties;
Invites funding institutions and development agencies to
provide financial support for the implementation of the ecosystem
Invites the Executive Secretary, Parties and international
organizations to initiate and facilitate as appropriate
capacity-building, technology transfer, and awareness raising to
assist implementation of the ecosystem approach. In addition,
urges Parties to create an enabling environment for the
implementation of the ecosystem approach, including through
development of appropriate institutional frameworks.
Noting the importance of applying the ecosystem approach to
management of dry and sub-humid lands ecosystems, agrees
that special efforts to facilitate its application should be
Annex I
Further guidance on the implementation of
the ecosystem approach principles
1. The
ecosystem approach is a strategy for the integrated management of
land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and
sustainable use in an equitable way. The application of the
ecosystem approach will help to reach a balance of the three
objectives of the Convention: conservation; sustainable use; and
the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the
utilisation of genetic resources. In addition the ecosystem
approach has been recognized by the World Summit on Sustainable
Development as an important instrument for enhancing sustainable
development and poverty alleviation.
2. The
ecosystem approach is based on the application of appropriate
scientific methodologies focused on levels of biological
organization, which encompass the essential structure, processes,
functions and interactions among organisms and their environment.
It recognizes that humans, with their cultural diversity, are an
integral component of many ecosystems.
3. The
ecosystem approach provides an integrating framework for
implementation of objectives of the Convention on Biological
Diversity. The approach incorporates three important
Management of living components is considered alongside economic
and social considerations at the ecosystem level of organization,
not simply a focus on managing species and habitats;
(b) If
management of land, water, and living resources in equitable ways
is to be sustainable, it must be integrated and work within the
natural limits and utilize the natural functioning of
Ecosystem management is a social process. There are many
interested communities, which must be involved through the
development of efficient and effective structures and processes for
decision-making and management.
4. The
approach is an overall methodological framework for supporting
decisions in policy-making and planning, within which those
implementing the Convention can develop more specific approaches
appropriate to their particular circumstances. The ecosystem
approach is a tool that contributes to the implementation of
various issues addressed under the Convention, including the work
on, inter alia, protected areas and ecological
networks. [34]/ There is no single correct way to achieve the
ecosystem approach to management of land, water, and living
resources. The underlying principles can be translated flexibly to
address management issues in different social contexts.
Already, there are sectors and Governments that have developed sets
of guidelines that are partially consistent, complementary or even
equivalent to the ecosystem approach (e.g. the Code for
Responsible Fisheries, the Sustainable Forest Management approach,
adaptive forest management).
There are a number of options for implementing the ecosystem
approach. One is the incorporation of the principles into the
design and implementation of national biodiversity strategies and
action plans and regional strategies. Others include
incorporation of the ecosystem approach principles into policy
instruments, mainstreaming in planning processes, and sectoral
plans (e.g., in forest, fisheries, agriculture). In addition,
Parties and the various bodies of the Convention on Biological
Diversity should be encouraged to work to achieve synergies at the
national level between the ecosystem approach and the various
programmes of work of the Convention on Biological Diversity, as
well as promoting linkages with other international initiatives. To
implement the ecosystem approach, countries should incorporate its
principles or identify pre-existing, consistent or equivalent
guidelines, in the appropriate institutional, legal and budgetary
channels. Work by Convention bodies and other relevant
organizations should be focused on supporting local and regional
efforts as a contribution to achieving the Millennium Development
6. It
should be stressed that in applying the ecosystem approach, all its
principles need to be considered in a holistic way, and appropriate
weight given to each, according to local circumstances.
Notwithstanding the need for implementation to be designed to fit
with the particular circumstances of the relevant problems, there
is strong potential for shared experiences and expertise between
ecosystems and countries. The clearing-house mechanism established
under Article 18 should be the primary focus for facilitating that
cooperation. A solid and broad understanding of the principles,
their intentions and their consequences, is an essential condition
for their application. A communication strategy for promoting the
ecosystem approach to relevant target groups, within and outside
the conservation sector, can be a useful tool.
8. The
donor community, like Governments, while noting the value of the
ecosystem approach in fostering better ecosystem stewardship,
should also be encouraged to be flexible in promoting its
application in setting priorities and funding decisions, to allow
for other perspectives, and different capacities to respond to the
After assessing the experience of Parties in implementing the
ecosystem approach decisions of the Conference of the Parties, it
was noted that while the principles were not always precisely
worded expressions of the concepts they incorporated, they
nevertheless reflected the meaning of important concepts. The
experience of Parties did not suggest a need for change to the
decisions of the Conference of the Parties, but simply for the
provision of additional advice and elaboration to overcome any
problems of clarity and interpretation.
10. With
this in mind, the following text and table 1 provide some
suggestions on approaches for implementation and implementation
support. These include annotations to the rationale, implementation
guidelines for each principle and clarification of crosscutting
aspects of the ecosystem approach.
B. Additional
explanatory notes on cross-cutting issues related to operational
11. In
applying the operational guidance of the ecosystem approach
ecosystem approach, the following cross-cutting issues need to be
Initiating the approach
12. When
initiating the ecosystem approach, the first task is to define the
problem that is being addressed. In doing so the scope of the
problem and the task to be undertaken has to be well
specified. The strategy to be followed to promote the
ecosystem approach has to be clearly defined with contingencies for
unforeseen situations incorporated into the strategy. The
approach should consider all principles as a package but depending
upon the task at hand emphasis on particular principles may be
warranted. A collective ownership for the vision, strategy
and parameters for the ecosystem approach relevant to the task has
to be developed, communicated, and facilitated among partners and
sponsors. Collectively developing the overarching goals,
objectives, targets for the exercise is important before applying
the ecosystem approach.
Capacity-building and collegiate will
13. To apply
the ecosystem approach successfully it is critical to investigate
what resources and sponsorship are required to undertake the
exercise. This can be in the form of capacity-building and
fostering collegiate will.
Collegiate will can be in terms of community partnerships,
stakeholder engagement, political and institutional will, and the
commitment of donors or sponsors. An important consideration is the
length of time such collegiate will is required; that is, it may be
required in the initiation phase, assessment phase or the phase
associated with implementation of outcomes. Examples of where
the ecosystem approach has been compromised can be from a loss of
allegiance from one or more of the community, other stakeholders,
the political establishment and institutions, or sponsors and
Capacity-building is also important for the success of the
ecosystem approach. Adequate financial support and
appropriate infrastructure support are important requirements to
the success of an approach. So too is access to suitable expertise
and the sharing of knowledge and experience. In undertaking
the ecosystem approach it is useful to build from lessons learnt
from other undertakings applying the ecosystem approach.
Technology, including decision support tools and inventory systems,
which have been developed in other applications of the ecosystem
approach, may be transferable or can be adapted.
Information, research and development
16. The
collection of resource, biophysical, social, and economic
information is important to the successful completion of the
ecosystem approach. Research and development is needed to
target strategic gaps in knowledge that are important for
addressing the exercise at hand. Knowledge derived from
research and information from other sources has to be integrated
and packaged into information products (including decision-support
systems) that allow and provide for interpretation, and which
facilitate their use in applying the ecosystem approach.
Information products are necessary for communicating with
stakeholders, planners, managers and decision makers.
Consideration should be given to enhancing the access of
stakeholders to information because the more transparent the
decision-making is, based on information at hand, the better the
ownership of the resultant decisions between partners, stakeholders
and sponsors. Priorities for research and development
are likely to be clearer once the ecosystem approach begins to be
applied and implementing actions are put in place.
Monitoring and review
Monitoring and review are crucial components in implementing the
ecosystem approach the ecosystem approach. They allow a
responsive and adaptive management capability to be
developed. Monitoring and review are also useful in reporting
performance and the resultant outcomes of the approach.
Indicators of performance should be defined, developed and
implemented. Appropriate monitoring and auditing systems need
to be implemented to support reporting on indicators of
performance. Periodic reviews of these indicators need to be
undertaken to assess performance and whether adaptive management
needs to be applied. Strategies, practices and processes may
need to be modified depending upon the findings from monitoring and
Good governance
18. Good
governance is essential for successful application of the ecosystem
approach. Good governance includes sound environmental, resource
and economic policies and administrative institutions that are
responsive to the needs of the people. Robust and sound
resource management systems and practices are required to support
these policies and institutions. Decision-making should
account for societal choices, be transparent and accountable and
involve society. Accountability for making decisions has to be
placed at the appropriate level that reflects that community of
interest. For example strategic land‑use planning and
management might be taken by central Government, operational
decisions taken by local Government or management agency, whereas
decisions associated with the sharing of benefits could be taken by
a community organization.
19. Good
governance at all levels is fundamental for achieving sustainable
use and conservation of biodiversity. It is important to ensure
intersectoral cooperation. There is a need to
integrate the ecosystem approach into agriculture, fisheries,
forestry and other production systems that have an effect on
biodiversity. Management of natural resources, according to
the ecosystem approach, calls for increased intersectoral
communication and cooperation at a range of levels (Government
ministries, management agencies).
1: The 12 Principles of
the ecosystem approach and their rationale (decision V/6 of the
Conference of the Parties,,
suggested annotations to the rationale and implementation
Principle 1: The objectives of management
of land, water and living resources are a matter of societal
Different sectors of
society view ecosystems in terms of their own economic, cultural
and societal needs. Indigenous peoples and other local communities
living on the land are important stakeholders and their rights and
interests should be recognized. Both cultural and biological
diversity are central components of the ecosystem approach, and
management should take this into account. Societal choices
should be expressed as clearly as possible. Ecosystems should be
managed for their intrinsic values and for the tangible or
intangible benefits for humans, in a fair and equitable
Annotations to the
The objectives for
managing land, water, and living resources is a matter of societal
choice, determined through negotiations and trade-offs among
stakeholders having different perceptions, interests, and
intentions. In this regard it should be noted
Human society is
diverse in the kind and manner of relationships that different
groups have with the natural world, each viewing the world around
them in different ways and emphasising their own economic,
cultural, and societal interests and needs.
All relevant sectors
of society need to have their interests equitably treated, which
may involve providing for different outcomes in separate locations
or at different times.
It is also necessary
to ensure that the needs of future generations and the natural
world are adequately represented.
Given this diversity,
good decision-making processes that provide for negotiations and
trade-offs are necessary to establish broadly acceptable objectives
for the management of particular areas and their living
Good decision-making
processes incorporate the following characteristics:
All interested
parties (particularly including indigenous and local communities)
should be involved in the process,
It needs to be a
clear how decisions are reached and who the decision-maker(s)
The decision-makers
should be accountable to the appropriate communities of
The criteria for
decisions should be appropriate and transparent, and
Decisions should be
based on, and contribute to, inter-sectoral communication and
Good decisions depend
on those involved having access to accurate and timely information
and the capacity to apply this knowledge.
Involve all stakeholders (interested parties) (including indigenous
and local communities) in:
articulating, defining and agreeing upon the goals of
defining problems
making choices (in principle
There need to be clearly defined boundaries (in time and space) for
the management unit that is the subject of the societal choice
Ensure that those stakeholders that cannot directly represent
themselves are adequately represented by someone
Ensure that all stakeholders have an equitable capacity to be
effectively involved, including through ensuring equitable access
to information, ability to participate in the processes,
Ensure that the decision-making process compensates for any
inequities of power in society, in order to ensure that those who
are normally marginalized (e.g. women, the poor, indigenous people)
are not excluded or stifled in their participation.
Determine who the decision-makers are for each decision, how the
decisions will be taken (what process will be used), and what are
the limits on the discretion of the decision-maker (e.g. what are
the criteria for the decision in law, what is the overall policy
guidance within which the decision must fit, etc).
Ensure that the recognition of stakeholder interests occurs within
the full range of decisions over time and space and levels. In
doing so, however, ensure that "stakeholder fatigue"
does not develop, by incorporating known stakeholder views into
future decisions, and allowing efficient stakeholder
Where possible, use existing societal mechanisms, or build new
mechanisms that are compatible with existing or desired societal
Ensure that decision-makers are accountable to the appropriate
communities of interest.
1.10 Develop the
capacity to broker negotiations and trade-offs, and manage
conflicts, among relevant stakeholder groups in reaching decisions
about management, use and conservation of biological
1.11 There
need to be mechanisms in place to ensure that, once an appropriate
societal choice has been made, the decision will be able to be
implemented over the long term, i.e. policy, legislative and
control structures need to be in place.
1.12 Undertake
assessment at the national level to analyse effects of ecosystem
management practices on society, with a view to find ways and means
to mitigate possible constraints between stakeholders in the
implementation phase.
Principle 2: Management should be decentralized to the
lowest appropriate level.
Decentralized systems may lead to
greater efficiency, effectiveness and equity. Management
should involve all stakeholders and balance local interests with
the wider public interest. The closer management is to the
ecosystem, the greater the responsibility, ownership,
accountability, participation, and use of local
Annotations to the
Decisions should be
made by those who represent the appropriate communities of
interest, while management should be undertaken by those with the
capacity to implement the decisions. In this regard it should be
noted that:
There are usually
many communities-of-interest in ecosystem management. These can be
compatible, complimentary, or contradictory. It is important to
ensure that the level of decision-making and management selected
maintains an appropriate balance among these
Often, but not
always, the closer the decision-making and management are to the
ecosystem, the greater the participation, responsibility,
ownership, accountability and use of local knowledge will be, all
of which are critical to the success of management.
Because there are
several levels of interests with people who have varying capacities
to address different aspects of ecosystem management, there are
often multiple decision-makers and managers with different roles
for any individual place or resource.
Decisions made by
local resource managers are often affected by, or even subordinate
to, environmental, social, economic and political processes that
lie outside their sphere of influence, at higher levels of
organization. Therefore there is a need for mechanisms to
coordinate decisions and management actions at a number of
different organizational levels.
The multiple communities of interest
should be identified, and decisions about particular aspects of
management assigned to the body that represents the most
appropriate community of interest. If necessary, management
functions/decisions should be subdivided. For example,
strategic decisions might be taken by central Government,
operational decisions by a local Government or local management
agency, and decisions about allocation of benefits between members
of a community by the community itself.
The potential adverse effects of
fragmented decision-making and management responsibilities should
be compensated for by:
ensuring that decisions
are appropriately nested and linked
information and expertise
ensuring good
communication between the different management bodies
presentation of the
overall combination of decisions/management to the community in an
understandable and consolidated form so they can effectively
interact with the overall system.
supportive relationships
between the levels.
Good governance arrangements are
essential, particularly:
accountabilities of the
necessary authorities
accountabilities of
competent bodies or persons
Note that
this is not a complete enough list, and there seems no good reason
to particularly identify these.
Achieving an appropriate level of
decentralization requires taking decisions at a higher level to
create an enabling and supportive environment, as well as a
commitment to devolve those decision-making responsibilities that
are currently situated at too high a level.
In choosing the appropriate level of
decentralization, the following are relevant factors that should be
taken into account in choosing the appropriate body.
the body represents the appropriate community of
the body has a commitment to the intent of the function
the body has the necessary capacity for management
efficiency (e.g. by moving
the function to a higher level you may have sufficient work to
allow maintenance of the necessary level of expertise to do the
function efficiently and effectively).
the body has other functions which represent a conflict of
effect on marginalized members of society (e.g. women, marginalized
tribal groups)
In some
cases problems could be corrected, such as through
capacity-building. If no appropriate body is available at the
level, a new body might be created, or an existing body modified,
or a different level chosen.
Where functions are to be moved to
another level, it is necessary to ensure that the body receiving
the responsibility has sufficient capacity to fulfil that
responsibility (e.g. resources, systems, authority), and that any
risks arising from the transition can be managed. This means
doing capacity-building if necessary to allow the decentralization
to occur.
Institutional arrangements are the
key. If you don't have the institutional structure that
supports and coordinates the decision-making authorities then their
work is worthless.
Principle 3: Ecosystem managers should consider the
effects (actual or potential) of their activities on adjacent and
other ecosystems.
Management interventions in
ecosystems often have unknown or unpredictable effects on other
ecosystems; therefore, possible impacts need careful consideration
and analysis. This may require new arrangements or ways of
organization for institutions involved in decision-making to make,
if necessary, appropriate compromises.
Annotations to the
Ecosystems are not
closed systems, but rather open and often connected to other
ecosystems. This open structure and connectedness of ecosystems
ensures that effects on ecosystem functioning are seldom confined
to the point of impact or only to one system. In this regard it
should be noted that:
The effects of
management interventions, or decisions not to intervene, are
therefore not confined solely to the point of
The effects between
ecosystems are frequently non-linear and will likely have
associated time-lags.
Management systems
need to be designed to cope with these issues.
There is a need for
this to reflect the fact that impacts are in both directions
- into and out of a particular ecosystem. Not just adjacent
and downstream, but those have other connections as well (e.g.
systems linked by migratory species).
Natural resource managers, decision
makers and politicians should consider the possible effects that
their actions could have on adjacent and downstream ecosystems
(river basins and coastal zones) so that effects inside and outside
the ecosystem are determined.
Where impacts of management or use of
one ecosystem has or is projected to have effects elsewhere, bring
together relevant stakeholders and technical expertise to consider
how best to minimize adverse consequences
Environmental impact assessment
(EIAs), including strategic environmental assessments (SEAs) should
be carried out for developments that may have substantial
environmental impacts taking into account all the components of
biological diversity. These assessments should adequately consider
the potential offsite impacts. The results of these assessments,
which can also include social impact assessment, should
subsequently acted upon. When identifying existing and potential
risks or threats to ecosystem, different scales need to be
Establish and/or maintain national
and regional, where applicable, feed-back mechanisms to monitor the
effects of management practices across ecosystems.
Principle 4: Recognizing potential gains from
management, there is usually a need to understand and manage the
ecosystem in an economic context. Any such ecosystem-management
programme should:
(a) Reduce those market distortions
that adversely affect biological diversity;
(b) Align incentives to promote
biodiversity conservation and sustainable use;
(c) Internalize costs and benefits in
the given ecosystem to the extent feasible.
The greatest threat to biological
diversity lies in its replacement by alternative systems of land
use. This often arises through market distortions, which undervalue
natural systems and populations and provide perverse incentives and
subsidies to favour the conversion of land to less diverse systems.
Often those who benefit from conservation do not pay the costs
associated with conservation and, similarly, those who generate
environmental costs (e.g. pollution) escape responsibility.
Alignment of incentives allows those who control the resource to
benefit and ensures that those who generate environmental costs
will pay.
Annotations to the
Many ecosystems
provide economically valuable goods and services and it is
therefore necessary to understand and manage ecosystems in an
economic context. Frequently economic systems do not make provision
for the many, often, intangible values derived from ecological
systems In this regard it should be noted that:
Ecosystem goods and
services are frequently undervalued in economic
Even when valuation
is complete, most environmental goods and services have the
characteristic of "public goods" in an economic sense,
which are difficult to incorporate into markets.
It is often difficult
to introduce new uses of ecosystems, even where these are less
impacting or provide wider benefits to society, because economic
and social systems exhibit significant inertia, particularly where
strong existing interests are affected by and resist
Many stakeholders
with strong interests in the ecosystem, but having limited
political and economic influence, may be marginalized from the
relevant economic systems.
Where those who
control use of the land do not receive benefits from maintaining
natural ecosystems and processes, they are likely to initiate
unsustainable land use practices from which they will benefit
directly in the short term. To counter this, more
equitable sharing of benefits is advised.
national and sub-national policies, laws and regulations, including
subsidies may provide perverse incentives for unsustainable
management of ecosystems. Economic systems therefore need to
be redesigned to accommodate environmental management
Addressing the issue
of market distortions that adversely affect biodiversity will
require establishing dialogue with other sectors.
Deriving economic benefits is not
necessarily inconsistent with attaining biodiversity conservation
and improvement of environmental quality.
an understanding of the social and economic context of the issue to
which the ecosystem approach is being applied
appropriate practical economic valuation methodologies for
ecosystem goods and services (direct, indirect and intrinsic
values); and for the environmental impacts (effects or
Aim to
reduce those market distortions that adversely affect biological
economic and social incentives to promote biodiversity conservation
and sustainable use.
Internalize costs
and benefits in the given ecosystem to the extent
Evaluate the direct as
well as indirect economic benefits associated with good ecosystem
management including biodiversity conservation and environmental
benefits of using biological diversity.
equitable sharing of costs and benefits.
Incorporate social and economic
values of ecosystem goods and services into National Accounts,
policy, planning, education and resource management
Principle 5: Conservation of ecosystem structure and
functioning, in order to maintain ecosystem services, should be a
priority target of the ecosystem approach.
Ecosystem functioning and resilience
depends on a dynamic relationship within species, among species and
between species and their abiotic environment, as well as the
physical and chemical interactions within the environment. The
conservation and, where appropriate, restoration of these
interactions and processes is of greater significance for the
long-term maintenance of biological diversity than simply
protection of species.
Annotations to the
conservation and the maintenance of human wellbeing depend on the
functioning and resilience of natural ecosystems. In this
regard it should be noted that:
Ecosystem services
- the benefits people obtain from ecosystems by way of
resources, environmental regulation including, support of
biospheric processes, inputs to culture, and the intrinsic values
of the systems themselves - depend on maintaining and, where
appropriate, restoring particular ecological structures and
Ecosystem functioning
and resilience depend on inter-relationships within and among
species, between species and their abiotic environments, and on the
physical and chemical interactions within these
Given this
complexity, management must focus on maintaining, and where
appropriate restoring, the key structures and ecological processes
(e.g., hydrological systems, pollination systems, habitats and food
webs) rather than just individual species.
Given that the loss
of genetic diversity predisposes populations and species to local
extinction, the conservation of ecosystem composition and structure
requires monitoring of population sizes of vulnerable and
economically important species.
Management of ecosystem processes
has to be carried out despite incomplete knowledge of ecosystem
understanding of the interrelationship among ecosystem composition,
structure and function with respect to (i) human interaction, needs
and values (including cultural aspects), (ii) conservation
management of biodiversity, and (iii) environmental quality,
integrity and vitality.
Determine and define
conservation, social and economic objectives and goals that can be
used to guide policy, management and planning using participatory
the extent to which ecosystem composition, structure can function
contribute to the delivery of goods and services to meet the
desired balance of conservation, social and economic
knowledge of the responses of ecosystems, in terms of changes in
composition, structure and function, to both internally and
externally induced stresses caused by, inter alia, human
use, disturbance, pollution, fire, alien species, disease abnormal
climatic variations (drought, flood) etc.
Develop and promote management strategies and practices that enable and
ensure conservation of ecosystem service and take account of, or
minimize, risks/threats to ecosystem function and
Apply instruments to maintain and/or restore ecosystem service.
Where required, develop management strategies and practices to facilitate
recovery of ecosystem structure and function (including threatened
components) to generate or enhance ecosystem services and
biodiversity benefits.
Develop and apply instruments that contribute to achievement of
conservation management goals through a combination of managing
protected area networks, ecological networks and areas outside of
such networks to meet both short-term and long-term requirements
and conservation outcome in accordance with VII/28.
Monitoring population
sizes of vulnerable and important species should be linked to a
management plan that identifies appropriate response measures and
6: Ecosystems
must be managed within the limits of their functioning.
In considering the
likelihood or ease of attaining the management objectives,
attention should be given to the environmental conditions that
limit natural productivity, ecosystem structure, functioning and
diversity. The limits to ecosystem functioning may be affected to
different degrees by temporary, unpredictable or artificially
maintained conditions and, accordingly, management should be
appropriately cautious
Annotations to the
There are limits to
the level of demand that can be placed on an ecosystem while
maintaining its integrity and capacity to continue providing the
goods and services that provide the basis for human wellbeing and
environmental sustainability. Our current understanding is
insufficient to allow these limits to be precisely defined, and
therefore a precautionary approach coupled with adaptive
management, is advised. In this regard it should be noted
Just as there are
limits to the demands (production, off-take, assimilation,
detoxification) that can be made on ecosystems, so too there are
limits to the amount of disturbance that ecosystems can tolerate,
depending on the magnitude, intensity, frequency and kind of
These limits are not
static but may vary across sites, through time, and in relation to
past circumstances and events.
Cumulative effects of
interventions over time and space should be assessed when
considering ecosystem limits.
If these limits are
exceeded, an ecosystem undergoes substantial change in composition,
structure and functioning, usually with a loss of biodiversity and
a resulting lower productivity and capacity to process wastes and
There is considerable
lack of knowledge and uncertainty about the actual limits
(thresholds for change) in different ecosystems. While further
research can reduce these uncertainties, given the dynamic and
complex nature of ecosystems we may never have perfect
Given the
pervasiveness of uncertainties in managing ecosystems, management
will need to be adaptive, with a focus on active learning derived
from monitoring the outcomes of planned interventions using a sound
experimental approach that allow the effects of the intervention to
be accurately determined.
Management to restore lost
capacities or control use should be appropriately cautious and
apply an adaptive management approach.
Identify practices that
are not sustainable and develop appropriate mechanisms for
improvement involving all stakeholders.
the uncertainty associated with defining the limits to ecosystem
functioning under most circumstances, the precautionary approach
should be applied.
Implement an adaptive
management approach.
understanding of the limits of ecosystem functioning and the
effects of various human use on the delivery of ecosystem goods and
permissible limits to change in specific ecosystem components can
be agreed, manage within these but monitor and assess the ecosystem
response. Feedback the information at regular intervals to those
responsible for setting the off-take or other limits.
Encourage the use of
environmental assessments and monitoring to establish ecosystem
responses to disturbance, in order to provide management feedback
and develop appropriate responses.
and promote appropriate management strategies and practices that
sustain resources and maintain ecosystems within the limits of
their functioning.
Sustainable use management
goals and practices should avoid or minimize adverse impacts on
ecosystem services, structure and functions as well as other
components of ecosystems.
Formulate, review and
implement regulatory framework, codes of practice and other
instruments to avoid using ecosystems beyond their
7: The
ecosystem approach should be undertaken at the appropriate spatial
and temporal scales.
The approach should be
bounded by spatial and temporal scales that are appropriate to the
objectives. Boundaries for management will be defined operationally
by users, managers, scientists and indigenous and local peoples.
Connectivity between areas should be promoted where necessary. The
ecosystem approach is based upon the hierarchical nature of
biological diversity characterized by the interaction and
integration of genes, species and ecosystems.
Annotations to the
The driving forces of
ecosystems, including those due to human activities, vary spatially
and through time, necessitating management at more than one scale
to meet management objectives. In this regard it should be noted
Ecosystems are made up of biotic
and abiotic components and processes, which function at a range of
spatial and temporal scales, within a nested
The dynamics of human social and
economic systems also vary across scales of space, time and
How components are perceived
spatially depends partly on the scale of observation. At one scale,
individuals of a species may seem relatively regularly and
continuously distributed; at another the distribution may be
discontinuous. Likewise with time, for example, at one time
scale (e.g., monthly, annually) a component or process may appear
predictable; at another, longer or shorter time scale, the temporal
dynamics may be unpredictable.
Management processes and
institutions should be designed to match the scales of the aspects
of the ecosystem being managed. More importantly, perhaps,
given that ecosystem components and processes are linked across
scales of both space and time, management interventions need to be
planned to transcend these scales.
Failure to take scale into account
can result in mismatches between the spatial and time frames of the
management and those of the ecosystem being managed. For
example, policy makers and planners sometimes may have to consider
shorter time frames than the time frames of major ecosystem
processes. The reverse can also be true, for example, where
bureaucratic inertia can delay the quick management response needed
to address a rapidly changing environmental condition. Spatial
mismatches are also common, such as when administrative boundaries
and those of ecosystem properties or related human activities that
they are designed to regulate do not coincide.
7.1 Enhanced
capacity is required to analyse and understand the temporal and
spatial scales at which ecosystem processes operate, and the effect
of management actions on these processes and the delivery of
ecosystem goods and services. Identification of spatial
patterns and gaps in connectivity should be included in this
7.2 Functional
mismatches in the administration and management of natural
resources should be avoided by readjusting the scale of the
institutional response to coincide more closely with spatial and
temporal scales of processes in the area under management.
This logic underpins the current global trend towards decentralized
natural resource management.
7.3 Given that
ecosystem components and processes are linked across scales of both
time and space, management interventions need to be planned to
transcend these scales. Developing a nested hierarchy of
spatial scales may be appropriate in some circumstances.
7.4 Managing
large areas such as river basins or large marine areas may require
development of new institutional mechanisms to engage stakeholders
across administrative borders and different levels of
7.6 Attention
to spatial and temporal scales is needed in the design of
assessment and monitoring efforts.
Concepts of stewardship,
intergenerational equity and sustainable yield need to be applied
to considerations of the temporal scale.
collaboration is necessary to deal with large-scale
Principle 8: Recognizing the varying temporal scales and
lag-effects that characterize ecosystem processes, objectives for
ecosystem management should be set for the long term.
Ecosystem processes are characterized
by varying temporal scales and lag-effects. This inherently
conflicts with the tendency of humans to favour short-term gains
and immediate benefits over
future ones.
Annotations to the
Time needs to be
considered explicitly in formulating management plans, and in
longer-scale processes need to especially considered and planned
for because these are otherwise often neglected. In this regard it
should be noted that:
People find long-term trends more difficult to detect than short
term trends, particularly in complex systems.
Management systems tend to operate at relatively short time scales,
often much shorter than the timescales for change in ecosystem
Where there is a lag between management actions and their outcomes,
it is difficult to take reasoned management
Long-term ecological processes, which can be very important, are
therefore likely to be poorly accommodated in management systems,
unless these are explicitly and carefully designed to address
long-term issues.
Awareness of long-term processes
is important because it is the long-term, spatially, extensive
processes that both characterize and determine the broad ecosystem
Adaptive management
processes should include the development of long-term visions,
plans and goals that address inter-generational equity, while
taking into account immediate and critical needs (e.g., hunger,
poverty, shelter).
Adaptive management should
take into account trade-offs between short-term benefits and
long-term goals in decision-making processes.
Adaptive management should
take into account the lag between management actions and their
Monitoring systems should
be designed to accommodate the time scale for change in the
ecosystem variables selected for monitoring. Alternatively, if the
monitoring cannot be adjusted, a more appropriately scaled but
still relevant variable should be selected to monitor.
capacity to monitor and detect long-term, low frequency changes in
ecosystem structure and functioning should be
implement long-term management requires stability of institutions,
legal and policy frameworks, monitoring programs, and extension and
awareness-raising programs.
9: Management must recognize that change is
Ecosystems change,
including species composition and population abundance. Hence,
management should adapt to the changes. Apart from their inherent
dynamics of change, ecosystems are beset by a complex of
uncertainties and potential "surprises" in the human, biological
and environmental realms. Traditional disturbance regimes may be
important for ecosystem structure and functioning, and may need to
be maintained or restored. The ecosystem approach must utilize
adaptive management in order to anticipate and cater for such
changes and events and should be cautious in making any decision
that may foreclose options, but, at the same time, consider
mitigating actions to cope with long-term changes such as climate
Annotations to the rationale
Change in ecosystems
is both natural and inevitable, and therefore management objectives
should not be construed as fixed outcomes but rather the
maintenance of natural ecological processes. In this regard it
should be noted that:
Ecosystems change constantly as a
result of natural processes. Those changes include shifts in
species composition, population abundance, and physical
Such changes are not necessarily
constant, variable, dynamic and usually difficult to predict at any
point in time.
It is therefore difficult to
select an appropriate outcome or future state of an ecosystem as a
static management goal. Instead, in addressing this and Principle
8, management should focus on maintaining the natural processes,
which drive those changes.
This focus on processes requires a
management approach that is flexible and adaptive, both as a
response to changing circumstances and to take account of new
knowledge and understanding. Adaptive management should
generate new knowledge and reduce uncertainties, thereby allowing
the manager to anticipate and cater for change.
Ecosystem management must
therefore involve a learning process that will help to adapt
methods and practices to improve the ways in which these systems
are being managed and monitored. Flexibility is also needed in
policy-making and implementation. Long-term, inflexible decisions
are likely to be ineffective or detrimental.
Adaptive management is
needed to respond to changing social and ecological conditions, and
to allow management plans and actions to evolve in light of
Natural resource
managers must recognise that natural and human-induced change is
inevitable and take this into account in their management
Adaptive management should
be encouraged when there is a risk degradation or loss of habitats,
as it can facilitate taking early actions in response to
Monitoring systems,
both socio-economic and ecological, are an integral part of
adaptive management, and should not be developed in isolation from
the goals and objectives of management activities.
Adaptive management
must identify and take account of risks and
Where changes occur
across national borders, the scale of adaptive management may need
to be adjusted.
While ecosystems are
inherently dynamic and resilient, special adaptation and mitigation
measures are needed when ecosystems may be pushed beyond the limits
of natural variation. Capacity-building efforts are needed to
address highly vulnerable areas such as small island states and
coastal areas.
Capacity-building efforts
are needed to address highly vulnerable areas such as small island
states and coastal areas.
knowledge and practice should be used to enable better detection
and understanding of ecosystem change, and to develop
appropriate adaptation measures.
Adaptive management should
recognize the resilient capacity of ecosystems in response to
natural disturbances, and should be aimed at maintaining or
restoring this capacity so as to reduce the risk of adverse social
and economic consequences of natural variability in
measures are needed to enhance public knowledge that ecosystem
change is a natural phenomenon, and to build support and capacity
for adaptive management.
10: The
ecosystem approach should seek the appropriate balance between, and
integration of, conservation and use of biological
Biological diversity is
critical both for its intrinsic value and because of the key role
it plays in providing the ecosystem and other services upon which
we all ultimately depend. There has been a tendency in the past to
manage components of biological diversity either as protected or
non-protected. There is a need for a shift to more flexible
situations, where conservation and use are seen in context and the
full range of measures is applied in a continuum from strictly
protected to human-made ecosystems
Annotations to the
Biological resources play a role
in providing the ecosystem goods and services on which humans
ultimately depend.
In this regard it should be noted
The ecosystem approach is designed
to support the conservation of biodiversity, the sustainable use of
its components, and the equitable sharing of benefits derived from
the use of biodiversity.
Sustainable use and management
depends on also achieving conservation objectives.
Management for conservation and
sustainable use are not inherently incompatible, and can be
Integration can be achieved at
various scales and in various ways including both spatial and
temporal separation across the landscape as well as through
integration within a site.
Implementation guidelines
integrated natural resource management systems and practices to
ensure the appropriate balance between, and integration of, the
conservation and use of biological diversity, taking into account
long- and short-term, direct and indirect, benefits of protection
and sustainable use as well as management scale.
policy, legal, institutional and economic measures that enable the
appropriate balance and integration of conservation and use of
ecosystems components to be determined.
participatory integrated planning, ensuring that the full range of
possible values and use options are considered and
Seek innovative
mechanisms and develop suitable instruments for achieving balance
appropriate to the particular problem and local
areas and landscapes in a way that optimises delivery of ecosystem
goods and services to meet human requirements, conservation
management and environmental quality.
Determine and define
sustainable use objectives that can be used to guide policy,
management, and planning, with broad stakeholder
Identify solutions which
relieve sectoral pressure on existing resources
11: The
ecosystem approach should consider all forms of relevant
information, including scientific and indigenous and local
knowledge, innovations and practices.
Information from all
sources is critical to arriving at effective ecosystem management
strategies. A much better knowledge of ecosystem functions and the
impact of human use is desirable. All relevant information from any
concerned area should be shared with all stakeholders and actors,
taking into account, inter alia, any decision to be taken
under Article 8(j) of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Assumptions behind proposed management decisions should be made
explicit and checked against available knowledge and views of
Annotations to the
Ecosystems can be
viewed at various scales and from different perspectives, each
yielding unique information and insights. Good management should
therefore consider all relevant information. In this regard it
should be noted that:
The ecosystem
approach is designed to accommodate a range of values and
associated goals, and the information and perspectives of the
communities that hold those values are therefore important in
designing and implementing management.
There is no single
level of organization at which one can understand and optimize
management of ecosystem functioning. Different information sources
will address issues at different levels, providing complementary
perspectives to support integrated management.
Relevant information
should be shared with other stakeholders and actors and technical
and scientific information be made available in an accessible way
(indigenous and local knowledge should be treated with full respect
of Article 8(j) and further decisions of the CBD).
Assumptions behind
proposed management decisions should be made explicit based on the
best available expertise, explicitly regard scenarios of future
change and include the knowledge and views of
Appropriate mechanisms
should be developed to document and make more widely available the
information from all relevant disciplines (including natural and
social sciences) and from relevant knowledge systems, particularly
those based on local and traditional practices. This guideline
should be implemented consistent with any decision to be taken
under Article 8(j) of the CBD.
implications for ecosystem management of different "world
views" based on different knowledge systems should be
11.5 Good management
depends upon improving the information base and scientific
understanding of ecosystems through the promotion, implementation
and application of research and integrating this information into
12: The
ecosystem approach should involve all relevant sectors of society
and scientific disciplines.
Most problems of
biological-diversity management are complex, with many
interactions, side-effects and implications, and therefore should
involve the necessary expertise and stakeholders at the local,
national, regional and international level, as
Annotations to the
The complexity of
ecosystem management for sustained use and conservation requires
integrating the activities and actions of many different
stakeholders. In this regard it should be noted
The activities of all
sectors affect biological diversity, and can contribute to, or
detract from, the achievement of the objectives of the
The management of
biodiversity, because of its complexity, and the significance of
human impacts, requires a wide range of scientific and management
skills, including those located in sectors that have not
traditionally been involved in biodiversity conservation or
For these reasons the ecosystem
approach should provide a framework for fostering greater
involvement of all relevant stakeholders and technical expertise in
planning and carrying out coordinated activities, sharing
management resources, or simply exchanging
integrated management of land, water and living resources requires
increased communication and cooperation, (i) between sectors, (ii)
at various levels of Government (national, provincial, local), and
(iii) among Governments, civil society and private sector
stakeholders. Increased communication among international and
regional organizations also.
incorporation of the ecosystem approach as an integral part of
planning in, among others, the agriculture, fisheries, forestry and
other natural resources management sectors potentially affecting
biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, should be encouraged,
following the example, for instance, of the Code of Conduct for
Responsible Fisheries, Sustainable Forest Management or
others. Sectors other than the primary production
sectors may also have major effects but are often less recognized
in this respect.. These include sectors such as the
judicial sector, which affects governance, as well as those such as
energy and transport, which are managing or affecting resources
either directly or indirectly.
Procedures and
mechanisms should be established to ensure effective participation
of all relevant stakeholders and actors during the consultation
processes, decision making on management goals and actions, and,
where appropriate, in implementing the ecosystem
The effective
implementation of the ecosystem approach may require involving
multidisciplinary professional and scientific expertise, including
such disciplines as economic, social and natural
assessing the costs and benefits of conserving, maintaining, using
and restoring ecosystems, the interests of all relevant sectors
should be taken into account for equitable sharing of the benefits
according to national law.
Annex II
Sustainable forest
Conceptual basis of the ecosystem approach in relation to
sustainable forest management
In 1992, the Non-legally Binding Authoritative Statement of
Principles for a Global Consensus on the Management, Conservation
and Sustainable Development of All Types of Forest of the United
Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also
referred to as "Forest Principles", defined a new
paradigm for forest management, through a set of 15 principles in
support to the overall objective of contributing to the management,
conservation and sustainable development of forests and their
multiple functions and uses. In this regard, the concept of
sustainable forest management (SFM) anticipated the ecosystem
approach, both of which are based on the tenet of sustainability.
SFM incorporates the following key sustainability concepts: (i)
stewardship; (ii) enabling environment; (iii) continuous flow of
goods and services without undermining the resource base; (iv)
maintenance of ecosystem functioning and biodiversity; (v)
maintenance of economic, social, and cultural functions; (vi)
benefit-sharing; and (vii) stakeholder participation in
2. SFM can be
considered as a means of applying the ecosystem approach to
forests. Although the concept of SFM and the ecosystem
approach are not identical, the two are similar in many respects.
Both need to be applied as an integrated whole. Both are also
rapidly evolving. Both have a non-legally binding nature,
allowing for flexibility and experimentation. SFM and the
ecosystem approach are overarching frameworks--both with due
consideration to societal, ecological, and governance
issues--although the former has undergone substantial refinement
over the last decade, being primarily an outcome-based
approach. The ecosystem approach is still in need of further
elaboration to be translated into good operational practice in a
particular situation. As far as challenges are concerned, both SFM
and the ecosystem approach need to deal with complex issues such as
law enforcement, land tenure rights, and the rights of indigenous
and local communities. In this regard, implementation of both
approaches requires political will, including that of institutions
and communities.
3. The broad
overlap between the concepts of SFM and the ecosystem approach is
encouraging, but there are yet significant opportunities for mutual
learning. Lessons learned should flow both ways.
Country-level meetings to examine the relationship between SFM and
the ecosystem approach would be useful, and should be commended to
Parties to the Convention. These meetings should emphasize
mutual learning opportunities.
4. As stated above,
SFM is relatively more mature than the ecosystem approach in the
sense of being more refined from an operational standpoint; thus it
can feed on some aspects of the ecosystem approach to this
end. Specifically, there is a clear need for the ecosystem
approach to adopt processes that are based upon clear statements of
visions, objectives, and goals for defined regions or issues,
thereby becoming more outcome-oriented. Conceptual
development of the ecosystem approach to date has emphasized a
description of the content of the principles. Moving from a
content-driven approach to an outcome-driven approach would be
beneficial. Tools and approaches developed to implement SFM, which
are discussed below, may be useful in other productive sectors as
they explore ways to apply the ecosystem approach.
Proposals for integration of the ecosystem approach and sustainable
forest management
5. Even though the
ecosystem approach and sustainable forest management are broadly
overlapping concepts, more could be done to ensure their
integration. Sustainable forest management could gain insights from
the ecosystem approach concepts as cross-sectoral integration is
largely missing from SFM, reflecting restricted legal mandates
mostly within forest sector institutions. Mechanisms for
inter-sectoral collaboration could be strengthened within
SFM. Agro-forestry integrates the forest and agriculture
sectors but other linkages between the forest sector and the
agriculture sector (and other sectors such as water management,
transport, and conservation) need to be strengthened.
6. Although there is no pre-defined scale, the ecosystem approach can be applicable
over large areas (landscape level), while SFM has historically
emphasized forest management-unit levels of work at typically small
spatial scales. Although the Forest Principles do not
indicate that forest management should be integrated with
management of adjacent areas, and some larger-scale applications
(e.g. landscape restoration initiatives and model forests) have
been developed within the last decade, greater emphasis could be
placed on SFM within a broader spatial context, including protected
areas, taking into consideration conservation issues in general,
and developing stronger links to adjacent land uses and/or
complementary approaches, such as extraction of non-timber forest
resources, agriculture, watershed management, and ecological
7. There are areas
where further conceptual development is needed in both SFM and the
ecosystem approach. Both approaches, for example, should
explicitly incorporate a principle of sustainability. The
inter-generational obligation to sustain the provision of ecosystem
goods and services to future generations should be clearly stated.
Another area warranting further work is to incorporate issues, in
both SFM and the ecosystem approach, of consideration of risks and
threats. Global climate change creates risks and
uncertainties for all sectors involved in applying the ecosystem
approach. Concerns in the forest sector include insecure land
tenure, increased forest fire incidence, and the spread of forest
pests and diseases into higher latitudes.
8. As stated in the
previous section, there is a need for the ecosystem approach to
adopt a more outcome-based approach. As such, lessons learned from
implementation of SFM through the application of criteria and
indicators would be particularly beneficial. In addition, the
experiences of applying the ecosystem approach through Global
Environmental Facility projects should be taken into account.
9. In general,
tools and approaches developed to implement SFM may be useful in
other productive sectors as they explore ways to implement the
ecosystem approach. The processes of developing and using
criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management
(including local-level indicators), designing and setting up model
forests and demonstration forests, and drawing up national forest
programs, action-oriented forest management plans, environmental
management systems, and codes of conduct and practice, are all
tools with broader potential relevance. For example, codes of
practice for sustainable agricultural systems are not as advanced
as for SFM. Approaches and tools developed for community
forestry and social forestry to achieve broader stakeholder
engagement, also have considerable potential for application in
other sectors.
In particular, the use of criteria and indicators is considered a key tool for
implementing and monitoring SFM, and the approach is being applied
both nationally and at the forest management unit level. Criteria
and indicators can be used for setting goals, assessing management
outcomes and policy effectiveness, orienting forest certification
systems, and for communicating progress to policy makers.
Although nine regional and international processes to develop and
implement criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management
have largely developed independently, to date, 149 countries,
encompassing 95% of the world's forests, are in the process
of applying the criteria and indicators approach. Criteria
and indicators for sustainable forest management represent a
detailed expression of the elements of SFM when taken as a
integrated whole, and bear many points of similarity to the
ecosystem approach. Criteria and indicators can be adapted towards
on-the-ground action, as illustrated by the development of
local-level indicators applicable at the forest management unit
level by ITTO.
11. Local-level indicator
work is one of the most interesting developments in the criteria
and indicators approach. This work helps engage stakeholders
in developing a longer-term vision and objectives for defined
management areas, generating indicators that are meaningful to
local needs. Their goal is to provide useful feedback to
management, rather than to fulfil national monitoring and reporting
requirements. Monitoring systems that can provide on-the-ground
feedback and verify sustainability are essential for implementing
adaptive management, a central concept within the ecosystem
approach. These monitoring systems support the management-feedback
process and allow it to evolve through time. Model forests
and demonstration forests (such as the work undertaken by ITTO) are
providing further valuable opportunities to test adaptive
management concepts and to promote their wider application.
12. While existing
efforts in SFM/criteria and indicators are currently focused on the
national level and the forest-management unit level, some recent
efforts (such as work undertaken by IUCN) are focusing at the
landscape level. The development of criteria and indicators
for the landscape level should be further pursued. In this
context, it is worth noting that restoration actions are starting
to be undertaken at the landscape level, and that the ITTO
Guidelines for the Restoration, Management and Rehabilitation of
Degraded Secondary Tropical Forests have been developed for guiding
policy makers on forest restoration at this spatial scale.
The assessment through criteria and indicators tools could be used
to determine flows of specific ecosystem services (e.g. carbon
capture in plantations).
In this regard, the potential for application of forest criteria
and indicators to the ecosystem approach is high, particularly in
regions where forests are an integral part of the resource base
being used. In a recent effort at summarizing the state of
knowledge of the contribution of criteria and indicators for
sustainable forest management, seven thematic areas were identified
in which the development of criteria and indicators can suit
specific management needs; these areas can easily be applied to
many principles of the ecosystem approach. [35]/
14. Forest certification
is another rapidly evolving approach that involves the use of
criteria and indicators as primary tools. Globally, about 120
million hectares of forest have been certified. Certification is
more limited in scope than SFM as it tends to focus on production
forests only, to the exclusion of protected areas and
landscape-level considerations as mentioned earlier. However, some
certified forests currently exist in protected areas, and some
certification schemes require, in turn, that a proportion of the
managed forest be set aside for protection. Therefore the
potential of forest certification to link with protected areas is
high. [36]/
In this context, forest certification programmes could benefit from
moving in the direction of the ecosystem approach being broader in
15. Nevertheless,
certification systems have found limited application in some
developing countries, notably in the tropics, where enabling
conditions to implement these systems are generally lacking. There
are various barriers to tropical forest certification, such as
limited institutional and technical capacity, and poor development
of markets for certified wood. Efforts to overcome these
barriers could be a priority for the ecosystem approach.
ITTO's efforts to develop a phased approach to tropical
forest certification should be noted in this context.
In addition, and of direct relevance for the integration of the
ecosystem approach with SFM, ITTO has also developed policy
guidelines for sustainable
forest management. The guidelines contain a set of principles and
recommended actions and relate to sustainable natural and planted
tropical forests; conservation of biological diversity in tropical
production forests; fire management in tropical forests; and
restoration, management and rehabilitation of degraded secondary
tropical forests. ITTO has also been promoting demonstration sites
and demonstration watersheds.
17. If SFM were to
explicitly examine tools and approaches that could be applied to
other sectors - such as criteria and indicators, certification, and
Model Forests - it would promote cross-fertilization, and help
strengthen cross-sectoral integration. Developing institutional
mechanisms to get people from different sectors around the table on
an ongoing basis is a challenge in all countries. In addition to
wider dissemination of useful tools, cross-sectoral meetings on SFM
and the ecosystem approach would help demystify concepts and
support mutual recognition, allowing people to use their own
18. The FAO is actively
developing tools relevant to implementing SFM and the ecosystem
approach. The FAO and World Bank have a support programme for
facilitating stakeholder participation in the development of
national forest programmes. Increased knowledge sharing is a
major focus of FAO's efforts. The FAO Model Code of
Forest Harvesting Practices has led to development of regional
codes and country codes. The non-legally binding
nature of these codes is a key to wider acceptance. Codes for
integrated pest management, fire management, and integrated
watershed management should also be noted. In addition, the recent
FAO initiative, "In Search of Excellence in Forest
Management", with its call for nominations of well-managed
forests, has generated an excellent response. Multiple use,
stakeholder participation, good information and monitoring systems,
and good governance are recurring themes in well-managed forests,
and they are as well key issues for the ecosystem approach.
19. In summary, in order
to achieve greater harmonization of the SFM and ecosystem approach
concepts, there is a need for SFM to strengthen cross-sectoral
integration, which can be undertaken at least in part through
application of SFM tools into other sectors. Developing and
implementing biodiversity indicators would also help strengthen the
contribution of SFM to biodiversity conservation. The development
of criteria and indicators as well as certification programmes
within SFM at the landscape level should also be pursued.
20. The ecosystem
approach, should, in turn, consider lessons learned from
application of SFM tools and approaches, such as criteria and
indicators, certification systems, and model and demonstration
forests in its effort to move towards an outcome-oriented approach.
In addition, both approaches should explicitly incorporate the
principle of sustainability.
B. Integration of ecosystem
approach into sectors and biomes corresponding to the thematic
programmes of work of the Convention
21. There has been
considerable progress in the development of sector-specific
approaches incorporating many elements of the ecosystem
approach. In particular, relevant tools have been developed
in forestry, fisheries management, and watershed management -
sectors associated with the Convention's programmes of work
on forest biological diversity, marine and coastal areas, and
inland water ecosystems, respectively. These sectors have
recognized principles that are consistent with the ecosystem
approach, and are moving to develop goal- or target-oriented
approaches that include stakeholder participation, adaptive
management, and monitoring/feedback systems. These sectors
also deal with resources that tend to be under communal or public
management rather than private management. This may help
facilitate the development and implementation of sector-specific
tools. The progress to date should be acknowledged, and
further elaboration of the ecosystem approach in individual sectors
should be encouraged.
Marine and coastal
biological diversity
The 1995 Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries includes
principles that anticipate many of those in the ecosystem approach.
In addition, there has been a movement towards the ecosystem
approach in marine fisheries. The World Summit on Sustainable
Development referred to the need to incorporate the ecosystem
approach in responsible fisheries management, setting a target of
2010 for its achievement. The 2001 Reykjavik Declaration
called for "guidelines for best practices with regard to
introducing ecosystem considerations into fisheries
management". This led FAO in 2003 to update and revise
its 1995 Code in the form of a new manual called "Fisheries
management: the ecosystem approach to fisheries." The
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has also developed a guide to
ecosystem-based management for fisheries, and helped launch an
effort to develop a certification program for marine fisheries
under the Marine Stewardship Council. The Global Environment
Facility (GEF) has provided financial support to 15 Large Marine
Ecosystem (LME) projects involving more than 100 countries around
the world. The LME projects build on an ecosystem approach in
developing capacity and infrastructure for integrated management of
marine and coastal environment and resources. Marine and coastal
protected areas (MCPAs) are another significant cross-cutting
approach in the context of marine and coastal areas. A CBD
ad-hoc technical expert group prepared detailed guidance, in line
with the ecosystem approach, on this topic that was discussed at
the eighth meeting of SBSTTA (recommendation VIII/3).
This guidance reflects the spirit of the ecosystem approach, and is
available in document UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/8/INF/11. Current thinking
emphasizes a need to combine integrated marine and coastal area
management (IMCAM) with a core network of highly protected areas,
which act as baselines and an insurance policy. SBSTTA accepted
this notion at its eight meeting, while indicating that the balance
between highly protected zones and other areas where extractive
uses are allowed is a choice for individual countries. The concept
of IMCAM covers both marine areas and coastal portions of the
land. These approaches are area-based, and are explained by
detailed sets of guidelines such as those developed by Ramsar and
FAO, and those under development within the framework of the
Convention on Biological Diversity. UNEP is trying to bring
together ocean management and river basin management in the project
on integrated
watershed and coastal area management (IWCAM) in small island
developing States of the
Inland water ecosystems
biological diversity
The concepts of integrated watershed management and river basin
management present multidisciplinary approaches to the management
of biophysical, social, and economic issues affecting water
resources and their uses, and as such are consistent with the
ecosystem approach. The River Basin Initiative operates under the framework of the joint work
plan between the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Ramsar
Convention, to support implementation of convention decisions
related to better management of inland water ecosystems and
associated biodiversity, water resources and wetlands. The Ramsar Convention, as the lead
partner of the Convention on Biological Diversity in the
implementation of activities under the Convention on inland water
ecosystems, has developed a tool kit that includes practical
guidance for integrated planning and management of river basins and
coastal zones. In addition, the Ramsar Convention has developed
guidelines for Global Action on Peatlands, and for
"allocation and management of water for maintaining the
ecological functions of wetlands". [37]/ These guidelines make
connections between ecological functions, hydrology, economic
demands and institutional responses.
Agricultural biological
24. The programme of work
on agricultural biodiversity recognizes the ecosystem approach and
addresses many of the twelve principles individually.
However, there is a potential deficiency in that the agricultural
biodiversity programme of work does not apply the ecosystem
approach in an integrated way. Furthermore, there has been
less progress in development of relevant tools within the
agricultural sector than in other sectors. This may partly
reflect the fact that agriculture is practiced largely on lands
under private ownership. Participants at the expert meeting
suggested that the issue of integrating the ecosystem approach
within the agricultural sector be addressed in a comprehensive
manner the next time that the programme of work in agricultural
biodiversity is reviewed. Consideration might also be given
to developing an addendum to the existing programme of work on use
of the ecosystem approach.
25. Examples of
initiatives and tools include efforts by FAO to codify "good
agricultural practices", and development of a manual on
integrated production and protection (IPP) crop management, with
specific IPP guidelines for various crops. An information
document prepared for the fifth meeting of the Conference of the
Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity entitled
"The ecosystem approach: toward its application to
agricultural biodiversity" (UNEP/CBD/COP/5/INF/11) discussed
approaches or tools that can contribute to ecosystem approach
objectives, with a focus on integrated pest management and farmer
field schools. An integrated natural resource management (INRM)
approach has been adopted throughout the Consultative Group on
International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) system. INRM has
been conceptually defined as "the
responsible and broad-based management of the land, water, forest
and biological resource base-including genes-needed to
sustain agricultural productivity and avert degradation of
potential productivity." Research and
applications development are under way related to adaptive
management, multiple scales and stakeholders, and measurable
outcomes. Certification schemes, such as those for organic
agriculture, are evolving in directions consistent with the
ecosystem approach.
5. Dry and
sub-humid lands biological diversity
26. The programme of work
on dry and sub-humid lands explicitly addresses the twelve
principles of the ecosystem approach in an integrated way. An
important consideration is the interaction between the Convention
on Biological Diversity and the Convention to Combat
Desertification (CCD). The CCD does not use the term
"ecosystem approach", but embraces many of the
principles, especially participatory aspects. There may be
opportunities to bring ecosystem approach concepts into certain
CCD-specific initiatives such as those in drought resistance and
early warning systems. Considerations related to developing
alternative livelihoods, which are conceptually similar to the
ecosystem approach, are central to work in drylands. Maintenance of
a multi-biome perspective is also important, and therefore existing
tools such as integrated river basin management are broadly
applicable. A major reason for applying the ecosystem approach is
to break down sectoral and institutional barriers.
A generic term used in some countries and regions, as appropriate,
to encompass the application of the ecosystem approach that
integrates protected areas into the broader land- and/or seascapes
for effective conservation of biodiversity and sustainable
International Conference on the Contribution of criteria and
indicators for sustainable forest management: the way
forward. , 3-7 February 2003. The common thematic areas
are: (1) extent of forest resources; (2) biological diversity; (3)
forest health and vitality; (4) productive functions of forest
resources; (5) protective functions of forest resources; (6)
socio-economic functions; (7) legal, policy and institutional
Certification of good forest management and its relationship to
protected areas. IUCN forest case-study number 3. April
Turkey notes that goal of Ramsar Convention is not the management
and allocation of water.