8(j) and related provisions
A. Ad Hoc Open-ended
Inter-Sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related
The Conference of the
Decides that one meeting
of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working Group on
Article 8(j) and Related Provisions, financed from the core
(BY) budget, be organized prior to the eighth meeting of the
Conference of the Parties in order to ensure further advancement of
the implementation of the work programme on Article 8(j) and
related provisions.
Progress report on the integration of the relevant tasks of the
programme of work on Article 8(j) into the thematic areas of
the Convention
The Conference of the
Notes the
progress made in the integration of the relevant tasks of the
programme of work in the thematic programmes of the Convention;
Requests the
Executive Secretary to prepare a progress report on the integration
of the relevant tasks of the programme of work on Article 8(j) into
each of the thematic areas for the consideration of the Ad Hoc
Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions at its
fourth meeting.
C. Review of progress in
the implementation of the priority tasks of the programme of work
on Article 8(j) and related provisions
The Conference of the
Notes the
progress made in the implementation of the priority tasks of the
programme of work on Article 8(j) and related
Urges Parties,
where they have not already done so, to include information in
their national reports on the status and trends in relation to
knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local
communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and on
progress made in the implementation of the priority tasks of the
programme of work at the international, national, subnational and
local levels;
Requests the Executive Secretary to prepare a report on
progress on the implementation of the programme of work on Article
8(j) and related provisions based on information submitted in
national reports, and other relevant information, for the next
meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter‑Sessional Working
Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions.
D. Genetic
use restriction technologies
The Conference of the
Recalling decisions V/5,
paragraph 23, and VI/5, paragraph 21, of the Conference of the
the report of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group
on Genetic Use Restriction Technologies
Noting also
the potential socio-economic impacts of genetic
use restriction technologies on small holder farmers and indigenous
and local communities,
further recommendation IX/2 of the
Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
adopted at its ninth meeting,
Aware of the need, expressed by a number of Parties and
representatives of indigenous and local communities, to address
this issue as a matter of urgency and priority,
Invites Parties
and Governments, in collaboration with relevant organizations, to
urgently create and develop, in accordance with identified needs
and priorities, capacity-building programmes including the
promotion of information and awareness campaigns, to involve and
enable smallholder farmers, indigenous and local communities, and
other relevant stakeholders to effectively participate in
decision-making processes related to genetic use restriction
Urges the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working Group on
Article 8(j) and Related Provisions of the Convention, to consider
the potential socio-economic impacts of genetic use restriction
technologies on indigenous and local communities, at its next
meeting, on the basis of the report of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert
Group on Genetic Use Restriction Technologies, the outcome of the
deliberations of the tenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on
Scientific Technical and Technological Advice on this issue, and
the study undertaken by the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations, pursuant to decision V/5, on potential impacts
of genetic use restriction technologies on agricultural
biodiversity and agricultural production systems;
Invites Parties and indigenous and local communities to
review the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on
Genetic Use Restriction Technologies, as they relate to
Article 8(j) and related provisions of the Convention, and
provide comments thereon to the Executive Secretary, for
consideration at the fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended
Inter-Sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related
Provisions of the Convention. The Parties as well as the indigenous
communities may consult with other stakeholders for this
Requests the Executive Secretary to compile information
provided by Parties and indigenous and local communities pursuant
to paragraph 3 above and submit the compilation to the Ad Hoc
Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and
Related Provisions of the Convention at its fourth
Composite report on the status and trends
regarding the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous
and local communities relevant to the conservation and
sustainable use of biodiversity
The Conference of the
Mindful that
any information-gathering exercise pertaining to knowledge,
innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities
embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity should be conducted with
the prior informed consent of the holders of such knowledge,
innovations and practices,
Taking note of
the report of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and
Climate Change, which stresses the special impact of climate change
on Arctic biodiversity and indigenous and local communities
depending on such biodiversity,
Recalling that,
by decision VI/10, the Conference of the Parties decided to adopt
the outline of the composite report on the status and trends
regarding the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous
and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for
the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, and
to request the Executive Secretary to undertake the first phase of
the composite report based on elements 1 and 2 of the
Having considered the report on the first phase of the composite report
on the status and trends of knowledge, innovations and practices,
of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional
lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity,
Recalling that
phase I of the composite report is intended to provide an accurate
and comprehensive assessment of the state of retention of
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and
local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and
identify and assess measures and initiatives to protect and promote
the use of traditional knowledge, innovations and
Recognizing the
conceptual and methodological challenges and financial and time
constraints faced in preparing the composite report as foreseen in
decision VI/10,
Acknowledging that further activities are necessary in phase one of
the preparation of the composite report in order to address gaps
and deficiencies,
Also acknowledging the desirability of ongoing information-gathering and
sharing of knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and
local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity,
particularly for the purpose of judging the collective success at
reversing the decline of such knowledge, innovations and
Emphasizin that any further activity needed under the first phase
of the composite report should not prevent immediate initiation of
activities under a second phase of the composite report, based upon
sections 3 to 7 of the outline of the composite report
(decision VI/10, annex I),
Phase one
Takes note with
appreciation of the information prepared for the third meeting of
the Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working Group on Article
8(j) and Related Provisions of the Convention on Biological
Diversity (UNEP/CBD/WG8J/3/INF/1);
Decides to
undertake further activities to complete phase one of the composite
report by the next meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-Sessional
Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related
Urges Parties,
Governments, relevant organizations, indigenous and local
communities and all relevant stakeholders to provide information,
through the clearing-house mechanism of the Convention and other
feasible means/media, to the Executive Secretary to support the
completion of phase one of the composite report,
Requests the
Executive Secretary to continue work on phase one of the composite
report in order to produce a revised version of it, in consultation
with and with input from Parties, Governments, relevant
organizations, all relevant stakeholders as appropriate, and from
indigenous and local communities through the national focal points
in consultation with and after approval of indigenous and local
communities, taking into account the following elements, inter
Organization of regional workshops;
Gathering at national level and inclusion in
phase I of the report of additional information in particular
Assessment, particularly by indigenous and local communities, of
the success of measures and initiatives to support the retention
and use of knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and
local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, including
the advantages and limitations of registers as a measure to protect
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices, as well as
approaches used for the implementation of registers, and of
incentives and disincentives for the retention and use of
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices relevant to the
conservation and sustainable use of biological
Examples of measures to protect traditional knowledge, innovations
and practices;
(iii) Recent field
studies undertaken with the full involvement of indigenous and
local communities which demonstrate the state of knowledge,
innovations and practices;
Preparation of a regional report focusing on the
Arctic region;
Action on decision VI/10, annex I, paragraph 28
(b), to create an advisory group/steering committee in which
indigenous and local communities will be represented to assist in
the completion of the report and undertake a peer review of the
revised version, in consultation with indigenous peoples and local
community organizations that have participated in the work on the
Phase two
Requests the
Executive Secretary, through the national focal points in
consultation with and after approval of indigenous and local
communities and in consultation with and with input from Parties,
Governments, relevant organizations, indigenous and local
communities and all relevant stakeholders as appropriate, to
immediately start work on a second phase of the composite report,
laying emphasis on sections 4 and 5 of the outline of the composite
report, foreseeing respectively the identification of national
processes that may threaten the maintenance, preservation and
application of traditional knowledge, innovations and practices and
the identification of processes at the local community level that
may threaten the maintenance, preservation and application of
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices
(decision VI/10, annex I);
Encourages Parties, Governments and competent organizations to
support the efforts of indigenous and local communities to
undertake field studies to determine the status, trends and threats
related to the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous
and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for
the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, with
the full involvement and approval of these communities. In
undertaking these studies, the general principles of the programme
of work on Article 8(j) and related provisions should be respected
and followed, as should paragraph 28 (d) of annex I to
decision VI/10, which states that codes of ethics/guidelines which
entail permission and/or consent of indigenous and local
communities to enter the communities and conduct the research, will
be respected and followed;
Financial support
Urges Parties,
Governments and relevant organizations to provide financial
assistance for the completion of phase one and activities under
phase two of the preparation of the composite report, in particular
in order to support the full involvement and participation of
indigenous and local communities in this work;
Development of a plan of action
Requests the
Executive Secretary, through the national focal points in
consultation with and after approval of indigenous and local
communities, to further develop the draft elements for an action
plan contained in the annex to the present recommendation, in
particular with a view to identifying actors and timeframes, taking
fully into account ongoing work under the Convention and relevant
international organizations. The action plan would aim
Facilitate synergy between existing initiatives
aimed at halting the loss of and encouraging the retention and use
of knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local
communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological
Provide further practical guidance, respectful
of indigenous and local communities' perspectives, for the
implementation of the programme of work on the implementation of
Article 8(j) and related provisions as it relates to the retention
of knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local
communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological
Invites Parties, Governments and relevant organizations to
take the elements identified in the annex into consideration when
deciding upon activities to protect traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices.
Improved monitoring and reporting process
National reports on Article 8(j) should be
compiled by Parties in consultation with
indigenous and local communities, based
on a questionnaire to be produced by the Secretariat.
Reporting periods should be agreed upon and
reviews of the status and trends of traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices should be pursued on a regular
Mobilization of resources to undertake regular
review should be promoted.
Mechanisms should be established to encourage
representatives of indigenous groups and local communities to
present information under the Convention on Biological Diversity,
including capacity building and incentive measures.
Mechanisms should be developed to ensure input
from overseas territories and autonomous or semi-autonomous
regions. [56]/
The thematic focal point on Article 8(j) under
the clearing-house mechanism should be utilized to catalogue and
share best.
A survey of
current activities of international organizations relevant to
Article 8(j) should be undertaken with view to developing
Indicators on the state of retention of
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices should be
established with the active involvement of indigenous and local
communities, in consultation with relevant organizations, in
connection with the ongoing work on indicators under the
Indicators to assess the success or failure of
measures to promote or preserve traditional knowledge, innovations
and practices should be established, with the active involvement of
indigenous and local communities, in connection with the ongoing
work on indicators under the Convention.
Information on legislative measures to protect
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices as drawn from
regional and national reports, should be kept up to
C. Research
Examples of codes of ethics and conduct governing
research as used by such bodies as research institutions,
business and indigenous and
local communities, should be gathered with a view to assisting in
future possible development of codes of ethics or conduct, and to
guide further research on the retention and use of traditional
knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local
communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant to the
conservation and sustainable use of biological
Parties, Governments, international
organizations, research institutions and business should respect
and promote existing codes of ethics or conduct governing research,
and Parties, Governments and relevant organizations should
facilitate the development of additional codes by indigenous and
local communities where none exist.
D. Research on and implementation of
mechanisms and measures to address the underlying causes of the
decline of traditional knowledge, innovations and
Research should be undertaken on existing and
new threats to the retention and use of traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices.
Mechanisms to promote cooperation in order to
address the cause of decline should be identified in cooperation
with the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues of the United Nations
and other relevant initiatives and organizations.
Parties should be encouraged, in accordance with
national domestic law and international obligations, to recognize
land tenure of indigenous and local communities, as recognized
rights and access to land are fundamental to the retention of
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices.
Subject to national legislation and
international obligations, Parties should be encouraged to pursue
the fair and equitable resolution of land claims as an essential
element of efforts to facilitate the retention and use of
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices.
Indigenous and local communities should, where
relevant, be actively involved in the management of protected
The rights of indigenous and local communities
should given due respect when establishing new protected
Parties should establish measures to ensure
respect for the rights of unprotected or voluntarily isolated
Restrictions on use of and access to sacred
sites or otherwise culturally significant sites should be
incorporated into appropriate local or national legislation, in
consultation with and with full involvement of indigenous and local
Legislation intended to protect, promote the use
of traditional knowledge, innovations and practices should be
consistent with the needs and views of indigenous and local
communities, comprehensive and enforceable.
Parties should be encouraged to work with
indigenous and local communities to develop measures and mechanisms
to mitigate the consequences of actions arising from perverse
incentives leading to the decline of knowledge, innovations and
practices embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological
Parties should share their experiences with
incentive measures as well as other mechanisms and measures to
support the retention and use of knowledge, innovations and
practices of indigenous and local communities embodying
traditional lifestyles relevant to the conservation and sustainable
use of biological diversity.
Mobilization of financial and technical
resources should be promoted to support the design and
implementation of mechanisms and measures to support retention of
knowledge, innovations and practices embodying traditional
lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity.
Capacity-building, education and training
Parties, Governments and relevant organizations
should be encouraged to facilitate strengthening existing
indigenous organizational structures and organizations representing
local communities.
Specific capacity-building activities should be
targeted at indigenous women and women in rural or otherwise
marginal communities, and at traditional knowledge, innovations and
Where appropriate, traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices should be integrated into formal, local,
subnational or national systems of education, which are directed
towards local or indigenous communities.
Education and training should be offered to
indigenous and local communities with special attention to the
future role of young people so as to enable sustainable
development, while being compatible with their
Parties, Governments and relevant stakeholders
should be encouraged to learn about knowledge, innovations and
practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional
lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity and to incorporate it in decision-making
F. Akwé: Kon [57]Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural,
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment regarding Developments
Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred
Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or Used by
Indigenous and Local Communities
The Conference of the
Recalling that, in
decision VI/10, the Conference of the Parties requested the Ad Hoc
Open‑Ended Inter-Sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and
Related Provisions to carry out further work on guidelines for the
conduct of cultural, environmental and social impact
assessment regarding developments proposed to take place on, or
which are likely to impact on, sacred sites and on lands and waters
traditionally occupied or used by indigenous and local communities,
and that such work should complement and be in conjunction with the
guidelines for incorporating biodiversity related issues into
environmental assessment legislation and/or processes and in
strategic environmental assessment endorsed by the Conference of
the Parties in decision VI/7 A,
that the long-term negative impacts of many
developments proposed to take place on, or which are likely to
impact on, sacred sites and lands and waters traditionally occupied
or used by indigenous and local communities, and in particular the
loss of these communities' traditional knowledge, innovations
and practices, [58]/ continue to be a source of great concern,
recognizing that adequate impact
assessment procedures and methodologies play a key role in
providing information on the cultural, environmental and social
impacts of proposed developments,
also that developments should not
include incentives and mitigation measures that adversely affect
biodiversity and the livelihoods of other communities, and that
they should be implemented in a manner that is consistent with
international law and with other international
also the importance of giving appropriate
recognition to species considered to be sacred,
in mind that cultural, social and environmental
impact assessment processes should enable assessment of the
alternative of not proceeding with the proposed development, and
that the wishes of indigenous and local communities to live in
isolation should be respected,
that the conduct of impact assessments within an
integrated process will increase the effectiveness of the
involvement of indigenous and local communities,
also that the effective participation,
involvement and approval of indigenous and local communities will
require close cooperation among these communities, as well as
between all relevant actors, and the design of appropriate
Endorses the
Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural,
Environmental and Social Impact Assessments regarding Developments
Proposed to Take Place on, or which are likely to Impact on, Sacred
Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or Used by
Indigenous and Local Communities, as contained in the annex to the
present decision;
Encourages Parties and Governments to initiate a legal and
institutional review of matters related to cultural, environmental
and social impact assessment, with a view to exploring options for
incorporation of these guidelines into national legislation,
policies, and procedures, bearing in mind that nothing in these guidelines should adversely affect
biodiversity and the livelihoods of other communities, and that
they should be implemented in a manner that is consistent with
international law and with other international
Request Parties and Governments to use these guidelines, as
appropriate, in conjunction with the guidelines for incorporating
biodiversity related issues into environmental impact assessment
legislation and/or process and in strategic environmental
assessment endorsed by the Conference of the Parties at its sixth
meeting nothing in these guidelines should adversely affect
biodiversity and the livelihoods of other communities, and that
they should be implemented in a manner that is consistent with
international law and with other international
Requests the
Executive Secretary to publish these guidelines as a booklet in the
official languages of the United Nations, and
further invites Parties
and Governments, in collaboration with indigenous and local
communities, to also make the guidelines available in local
languages in relevant circumstances;
Also requests Parties and Governments to conduct public education
and awareness campaigns and develop strategies to ensure that
relevant Government departments and agencies, indigenous and local
communities and their organizations, private sector developers,
civil society organizations and potential stakeholders in
developments, and the public at large, are made aware of the
existence of these guidelines and the need for their application
when developments are proposed to take place on sacred sites and on
lands and waters traditionally occupied or used by indigenous and
local communities;
Invites interGovernmental organizations, Parties to interGovernmental
agreements and civil society organizations active in development
and biodiversity conservation, to take into consideration the
guidelines for cultural, environmental and social impact assessment
regarding developments proposed to take place on sacred sites and
on lands and waters traditionally occupied or used by indigenous
and local communities;
Requests the
Executive Secretary to continue to liaise with relevant
international organizations, multilateral environmental agreements
and processes on impact assessment with a view to developing or
enhancing synergies between, and ensuring coherence of, assessment
methodologies and guidelines;
Invites international funding and development agencies that
provide funding and other forms of assistance to Governments to
undertake developments, within the framework of bilateral and
multilateral cooperation efforts, or to assist in the formulation
of development policies, as well as policies, plans and guidelines
for strategic environmental assessment, to take into consideration
the need to incorporate and implement the guidelines within such
developments and policies, and plans, guidelines and policies for
strategic environmental assessment, and to provide funds, as
appropriate, for the prevention and mitigation of negative impacts
and risk factors of proposed projects and policies, such as, for
example, the implementation of waste-management
Encourages Parties and Governments, regarding developments
proposed to take place on, or which are likely to impact on, sacred
sites and land and waters traditionally occupied or used by
indigenous and local communities, to:
(a) Promote
the participation of indigenous and local communities in any bodies
established by Governments at national, subnational and local
levels, and in consultation with indigenous and local
communities, in the assessment of proposed developments in which
such communities have an interest;
(b) Take
appropriate steps to ensure full transparency of the assessment
process, including, but not limited to, the allocation of a
sufficient amount of time to conduct a complete assessment of
proposed developments prior to their implementation;
Facilitate the exchange of information among relevant national
agencies, developers, indigenous and local communities and all
stakeholders on matters of relevance to the conduct of impact
assessments of proposed developments;
(d) Provide,
the necessary capacity and funding to ensure these measures can be
put into effect, taking into account the views of indigenous and
local communities as to their needs;
Calls upon Parties and Governments to support, financially and
otherwise, indigenous and local communities, where they have not
already done so, in formulating their own community development and
biodiversity conservation plans that will enable such communities
to adopt a culturally appropriate strategic, integrated and phased
approach to their development needs in line with community goals
and objectives. These plans should include a strategic
environmental assessment policy or plan to provide a systematic
process with the participation of indigenous and/or local
communities for integrating cultural, environmental, and social
considerations in planning and decision-making;
Also calls upon the international community to
provide the necessary means to Parties to assist in the formulation
and development of strategic plans for the building or enhancement
of the capacity of indigenous and local communities to conduct of
cultural, environmental and social impact assessments, giving full
recognition to community development and biodiversity conservation
Invites indigenous and local communities to take note of the
guidelines and to request their application in the case of
developments proposed to take place on, or which are likely to
impact on, sacred sites and on lands and waters traditionally
occupied or used by indigenous and local communities;
Calls upon Parties for full transparency when developments are
proposed to take place on, or which are likely to impact on, sacred
sites and on lands and waters traditionally occupied or used by
indigenous and local communities;
Requests Parties to include in their national reports
information on practices, systems, mechanisms and experiences in
the area of strategic environment assessment and cultural,
environmental and social impact assessment and any measures adopted
to formalize these guidelines in any policies, plans or
The present Guidelines are voluntary and
intended to serve as guidance for Parties and Governments, subject
to their national legislation, in the development and
implementation of their impact‑assessment regimes. The
guidelines should be taken into consideration whenever developments
are proposed to take place on, or which are likely to impact on,
sacred sites and on lands and waters traditionally occupied or used
by indigenous and local communities.
The objective of these
Guidelines is to provide general advice on the incorporation of
cultural, enivronmental, including biodiversity related, and social
considerations of indigenous and local communities into new or
existing impact‑assessment procedures, noting that some
existing procedures may take these concerns into consideration in
different ways. The Guidelines should be
applied in conjunction with the guidelines for incorporating
biodiversity‑related issues into environmental impact
assessment legislation and/or process and in strategic
environmental assessment endorsed by the Conference of the Parties
in paragraph 1 of decision VI/7 A, and contained in the annex to
that decision.
More specifically, the purpose of these
Guidelines is to provide a collaborative framework within which
Governments, indigenous and local communities, decision makers and
managers of developments can:
(a) Support
the full and effective participation and involvement of indigenous
and local communities in screening, scoping and development
planning exercises;
(b) Properly
take into account the cultural, environmental and social concerns
and interests of indigenous and local communities, especially of
women who often bear a disproportionately large share of negative
development impacts;
(c) Take
into account the traditional knowledge, innovations and practices
of indigenous and local communities as part of environmental,
social and cultural impact‑assessment processes, with due
regard to the ownership of and the need for the protection and
safeguarding of traditional knowledge, innovations and
(d) Promote
the use of appropriate technologies;
(e) Identify
and implement appropriate measures to prevent or mitigate any
negative impacts of proposed developments;
(f) Take
into consideration the interrelationships among cultural,
environmental and social elements.
The Guidelines
recognize that
developments vary enormously in nature, scale and complexity with
respect to such aspects as their scope, size and duration;
strategic and economic importance; and the nature of impacts.
The Guidelines therefore should be adapted to suit the appropriate
circumstances of each development. Individual countries may
redefine the steps in the cultural, environmental and social impact
assessment procedure to their needs and requirements, taking into
account the needs and concerns of indigenous and local communities
and their national legislative, administrative and policy
framework, bearing in mind that
nothing in these Guidelines should adversely
affect biodiversity and the livelihoods of other communities, and
that they should be implemented in a manner that is consistent with
international law and with other international
Cultural, environmental and social impact
assessment procedures should refer to other relevant domestic
legislation, regulations, guidelines and international and
multilateral environmental agreements and protocols that have been
ratified by the Party and have come into force, bearing in mind
that nothing in these Guidelines should adversely affect
biodiversity and the livelihoods of other communities, and that
they should be implemented in a manner that is consistent with
international law and with other international
For the purpose of the Guidelines:
Cultural impact assessment - is a process of
evaluating the likely impacts of a proposed development on the way
of life of a particular group or community of people, with full
involvement of this group or community of people and possibly
undertaken by this group or community of people: a cultural impact
assessment will generally address the impacts, both beneficial and
adverse, of a proposed development that may affect, for example,
the values, belief systems, customary laws, language(s), customs,
economy, relationships with the local environment and particular
species, social organization and traditions of the affected
Cultural heritage impact assessment - is a process of
evaluating the likely impacts, both beneficial and adverse, of a
proposed development on the physical manifestations of a
community's cultural heritage including sites, structures,
and remains of archaeological, architectural, historical,
religious, spiritual, cultural, ecological or aesthetic value or
Customary law - law consisting of customs that
are accepted as legal requirements or obligatory rules of conduct;
practices and beliefs that are so vital and intrinsic a part of a
social and economic system that they are treated as if they were
Environmental impact assessment - is a process of
evaluating the likely environmental impacts of, and proposing
appropriate mitigation measures for, a proposed development, taking
into account interrelated socio‑economic, cultural and human
health impacts, both beneficial and adverse;
Sacred site - may refer to a site, object, structure,
area or natural feature or area, held by national Governments or
indigenous communities to be of particular importance in accordance
with the customs of an indigenous or local community because of its
religious and/or spiritual significance;
Social impact assessment - is a process of evaluating
the likely impacts, both beneficial and adverse, of a proposed
development that may affect the rights, which have an economic,
social, cultural, civic and political dimension, as well as the
well-being, vitality and viability, of an affected community
- that is, the quality of life of a community as measured in
terms of various socio-economic indicators, such as income
distribution, physical and social integrity and protection of
individuals and communities, employment levels and opportunities,
health and welfare, education, and availability and standards of
housing and accommodation, infrastructure, services;
Strategic environmental assessment - is a process of
evaluating the likely environmental impacts of proposed policies,
plans or programmes to ensure that they are fully included and
addressed at an early stage of decision‑making, together with
economic, social and cultural considerations;
Traditional knowledge - refers to the traditional
knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local
communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.
Noting that the actors involved in the
assessment process may include the proponent of the development,
one or more Governmental agencies, indigenous and local
communities, stakeholders, and technical experts conducting the
assessment; noting further the desirability of integrating
cultural, environmental, and social impacts within a single
assessment process, and taking into account the fundamental
components of an environmental impact assessment as described in
the guidelines for incorporating
biodiversity‑related issues into environmental impact
assessment legislation and/or process and in strategic
environmental assessment, an integrated assessment should involve
the following stages:
Preparatory stage:
(i) Screening;
(ii) Scoping;
Main stage:
(i) Impact analysis
and assessment;
(ii) Consideration of
mitigation measures (including not proceeding with the development,
finding alternatives which avoid the impacts, incorporating
safeguards in the design of the development, or providing
compensation - monetary and/or non-monetary - for
adverse impacts);
Reporting and decision-making stage:
(i) Reporting of
the impact assessment study;
(ii) Review of the impact
assessment study;
(iii) Decision‑making;
(iv) Devising management and
monitoring plans, including roles and responsibilities, alternative
proposals and mitigation requirements and conditions;
Monitoring and auditing stage: Monitoring and
environmental auditing.
As part of the above stages, the following steps
may also be considered in carrying out an impact assessment for a
development proposed to take place on, or which is likely to impact
on, sacred sites and on lands and waters traditionally occupied or
used by indigenous and local communities:
Notification and public consultation of the proposed development by
the proponent;
Identification of indigenous and local communities and relevant
stakeholders likely to be affected by the proposed development;
Establishment of effective mechanisms for indigenous and local
community participation, including for the participation of women,
the youth, the elderly and other vulnerable groups, in the impact
assessment processes;
Establishment of an agreed process for recording the views and
concerns of the members of the indigenous or local community whose
interests are likely to be impacted by a proposed development;
Establishment of a process whereby local and indigenous communities
may have the option to accept or oppose a proposed development that
may impact on their community;
Identification and provision of sufficient human, financial,
technical and legal resources for effective indigenous and local
community participation in all phases of impact assessment
Establishment of an environmental management or monitoring plan
(EMP), including contingency plans regarding possible adverse
cultural, environmental and social impacts resulting from a
proposed development;
Identification of actors responsible for liability, redress,
insurance and compensation;
Conclusion, as appropriate, of agreements, or action plans, on
mutually agreed terms, between the proponent of the proposed
development and the affected indigenous and local communities, for
the implementation of measures to prevent or mitigate any negative
impacts of the proposed development;
Establishment of a review and appeals process.
While the focus of environmental, cultural and
social impact assessments is necessarily different, it is assumed,
however, that the steps or phases for carrying out all three kinds
of assessment will be the same for the most part. However, in
the case of small-scale locally‑based and initiated
development, it may be possible to omit some of these
Notification and public consultation of proposed development by the
The proponent of a development proposal or the
responsible Government authority should engage in a process of
notification and public consultation of intention to carry out a
development. Such notification should use all normal public
means of notification (print, electronic and personal media,
including newspapers, radio, television, mailings, village/town
meetings, etc.), take into account the situation of remote or
isolated and largely non-literate communities, and ensure that such
notification and consultation take place in the language(s) of the
communities and region that will be affected. Such
notification should clearly identify the proponent, contain a brief
summary of the proposal, the sites and communities likely to be
affected, anticipated impacts (if any) on the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity, as well as possible
cultural and social impacts, arrangements for public consultation,
contact details, key dates in the life of the project, including
those regarding impact assessment procedures, and identify
obligations under national and subnational laws as well
subregional, regional and international agreements.
The development proposal and impact assessment
should be made available to organizations representing affected
indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders for the
purposes of public scrutiny and consultation. It should include all
details relevant to the proposal. Notification and public
consultation of the proposed development should allow for
sufficient time to allow the affected indigenous or local community
to prepare its response. An opportunity to present its response
should be allowed for full and fair consideration by the
Identification of indigenous and local communities and stakeholders
likely to be affected by the proposed development
In any development proposed to take place on, or
likely to have an impact on, sacred sites and lands and waters
traditionally occupied or used by them, indigenous and local
communities should be invited to participate in and are to be
accorded full respect at all stages of the assessment and
development process, including planning and
A formal process to identify the indigenous and
local community members, experts and organizations, and relevant
stakeholders should be engaged, including local and open
consultations. Once all parties have been identified, it is
appropriate that a committee representative of the parties be
formally established and its mandate defined to advise on the
impact assessment processes, particularly in relation to screening
and scoping phases, and for the establishment of any environmental
management and monitoring plan, as well as cultural and social
contingency plans. In establishing this committee, special
consideration should be given to ensuring the adequate
representation of indigenous and local communities.
Establishment of mechanisms for indigenous and local community
Affected indigenous and local communities should
be invited to participate on any body appointed to advise on the
screening and scoping phases or should be consulted on an impact
assessment process for a development proposal, and should be
involved in the establishment of the terms of reference for the
conduct of the impact assessments, subject to national legislation.
The screening and scoping phases should also take into account any
community development plans and any mechanisms for strategic
environmental assessment that have been formulated by an affected
In addition to representation on any body
established to advise on the other impact assessment process
phases, the full and effective participation and involvement of
affected indigenous and local communities should contemplate using
participatory models of community engagement during the conduct of
the impact assessments, including in decision‑making. The
proponent should also provide regular feedback to the affected
community throughout all stages of the impact assessment and
development processes.
In order to facilitate the involvement and
participation of the affected indigenous and local communities,
local experts should be identified and their expertise recognized
and engaged at the earliest opportunity.
D. Establishment of an agreed process
for recording the views and concerns of the members of the
indigenous or local community whose interests are likely to be
impacted by a proposed development
The proponent and members of the affected
indigenous or local community should establish a process by which
community views and concerns can be properly recorded, as community
members may not be in a position to attend public meetings because
of, for example, remoteness of the community, or poor health.
While written statements may be preferred, the views of the
community members could also be recorded on video or audio tape, or
any other appropriate way, subject to the consent of
Identification and provision of sufficient human, financial,
technical and legal resources for effective indigenous and local
community participation in all phases of impact assessment
Early identification by the State and affected
indigenous and local communities and, as circumstances warrant,
provision of necessary human, financial, technical and legal
resources, particularly to those indigenous and local communities,
to support indigenous and local expertise, will facilitate
effective indigenous and local community participation in the
impact assessment process. In general, the larger the proposed
development, the greater and more widespread the potential impacts
and therefore potentially greater are the requirements for support
and capacity‑building.
F. Establishment of an environmental
management or monitoring plan, including contingency plans
regarding possible adverse cultural, environmental and social
impacts resulting from a proposed development
In order to maximize benefits and minimize
adverse impacts, it will be necessary in most instances to
establish an environmental management or monitoring plan to provide
a framework within which the development can take place.
Formulation of the environmental management or monitoring plan
should be guided by an affected community's development plan
and/or measures for strategic environmental assessment, where such
plans exist, and should also include contingency plans for possible
adverse cultural and social impacts.
Identification of actors responsible for liability, redress,
insurance and compensation
In order to maintain the health, wellbeing and
security of affected indigenous and local communities and the
ecosystems that sustain them, and, to the extent that it is
possible, in order to prevent adverse cultural, environmental and
social impacts of any proposed developments, actors that should
bear the responsibility for liability, redress, insurance and
compensation should be clearly identified.
Conclusion of agreements or action plans on mutually agreed terms
between the proponents of the proposed development and the affected
indigenous or local community
In order to protect the interests of affected
indigenous and local communities, an agreement, could be negotiated
between the community and the proponent of the development.
The terms of such an agreement, subject to national legislation and
regulations, could cover the procedural aspects of impact
assessments, including the option of a no-action alternative,
setting out the rights, duties and responsibilities of all parties,
and also address measures to prevent or mitigate any negative
impacts of the proposed development.
Establishment of a review and appeal process
Parties, if they have not already done so,
should seek to ensure the full participation of affected indigenous
and local communities, in accordance with national legislation, in
the decision-making process for of any development proposal,
including the review and appeal process, taking into account
methods of mediation and dispute resolution, which may include
customary methods.
Bearing in mind the unique relationship between
indigenous and local communities and the environment, the
Guidelines allow for the consideration of the integration of
cultural, environmental, social impact assessments as a single
process. The conduct of impact assessments should meet the
requirements of the Convention on Biological Diversity as defined
in its Articles 14 and 8(j), and take into account the general
principles guiding the programme of work on Article 8(j) and
related provisions. The Guidelines should take into account work on
integration of biodiversity issues into the environmental impact
assessment and strategic impact assessment in accordance with
Article 14 of the Convention, and give special attention to
incorporating cultural and social considerations within any
environmental impact assessment legislation or policies.
Cultural impact assessments
Through the cultural impact assessment process,
and particularly during the screening and scoping phases, the
issues that are of particular cultural concern should be
identified, such as cultural heritage, religions, beliefs and
sacred teachings, customary practices, forms of social
organization, systems of natural resource use, including patterns
of land use, places of cultural significance, economic valuation of
cultural resources, sacred sites, ceremonies, languages, customary
law systems, and political structures, roles and customs. The
possible impacts on all aspects of culture, including sacred sites,
should therefore be taken into consideration while developing
cultural impact assessments.
Cultural heritage impact assessment is concerned
with the likely impacts of a proposed development on the physical
manifestations of a community's cultural heritage and is
frequently subject to national heritage laws. A cultural
heritage impact assessment will need to take into account, as the
circumstances warrant, international, national and local heritage
In the event that sites or objects of potential
heritage significance are uncovered during earthworks associated
with a development, then all activities in and around the area of
discovery should cease until a proper archaeological or heritage
assessment has been completed.
In determining the scope of a cultural impact assessment,
the following should be considered:
Possible impacts on continued customary use of biological
Possible impacts on the respect, preservation, protection and
maintenance of traditional knowledge, innovations and
Possible impacts on sacred sites and associated ritual or
ceremonial activities;
Respect for the need for cultural privacy; and
Possible impacts on the exercise of customary laws.
Possible impacts on continued customary use of biological
The assessment should take the customary uses of
biological resources that meet the requirements of the Convention,
particularly in relation to Article 10(c), fully into
consideration, as the diminution of the genetic diversity maintained
and fostered by such customary use may lead to a loss of associated
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices;
Possible impacts
on the respect, preservation, protection and maintenance of
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices
In the conduct of cultural impact assessments,
due consideration should be given to the holders of traditional
knowledge, innovations and practices and the knowledge itself.
Customary laws governing ownership, access, control, use and
dissemination of
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices should be
observed. Protocols with regard to indigenous and local communities
should be followed with regard to the disclosure of secret and or
sacred knowledge, including those that may involve public hearings
and judicial processes in the courts. In the event of the
disclosure of secret and or sacred knowledge, prior informed
consent and proper protection measures should be
As part of possible agreements or action plans
to be concluded by the proponent of the development and the
concerned communities,
protocols could be established in order to facilitate the proper
conduct of the development, and personnel associated with it, on
sacred sites and on lands and waters traditionally occupied or used
by indigenous and local communities. Specific protocols may need to
be established for particular kinds of development activity (for
example, adventure tourism, mining) and may need to take into
account the behaviour to be observed when visiting local
communities, particular sites or when dealing with members of
indigenous and local communities. Protocols should respect
regulations already existing under relevant national, sub national
or community self-Government legislation.
Possible impacts on sacred sites and associated ritual or
ceremonial activities
When developments are proposed to take place on,
or which are likely to impact on, sacred sites and on lands and
waters traditionally occupied or used by indigenous and local
communities, personnel associated
with such developments should recognize that
many sacred sites, and areas or places of other cultural
significance may have important functions with respect to the
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and, by
extension, the maintenance of the natural resources upon which such
communities rely for their well-being.
If it is necessary to assess the potential
impact of a proposed development on a sacred site, the assessment
process should also include the selection of an alternate site for
development in consultation with the sitecustodians and the
affected community as a whole. Where a sacred site is to be
affected by a proposed development, and in cases where no law
exists to protect the site, the concerned indigenous and local
community may wish to develop protocols regarding the site in the
context of the proposed development.
Respect for the need for cultural privacy
Proponents of development and personnel
associated with the development should respect the cultural
sensitivities and needs of indigenous and local communities for
privacy, especially with regard to important rituals and ceremonies
such as those associated with rites-of-passage and death, and also
ensure their activities do not interfere with the daily routines
and other activities of such communities.
Possible impacts on the exercise of customary laws
Development proposals should be assessed for possible
impacts on the customary laws of an affected community. If a
development requires the introduction of an outside work-force, or
requires changes in local customary systems (e.g. regarding land tenure, distribution of resources
and benefits) conflicts may result. It may therefore be
necessary to codify certain parts of customary law, clarify matters
of jurisdiction, and negotiate ways to minimize breaches of local
Environmental impact assessments
In the conduct of the environmental component of
an impact assessment regarding a development proposed to take place
on, or which is likely to impact on, sacred sites and on lands and
waters traditionally occupied or used by indigenous and local
communities, the guidelines for
incorporating biodiversity related issues into environmental impact
assessment legislation and/or process and in strategic
environmental assessment, should be taken into account.
National environmental impact assessment legislation and processes
should respect existing inherent land and treaty rights as well as
legally established rights of indigenous and local
communities. As information gathering processes,
environmental impact assessments can contribute to the protection
of the rights of indigenous and local communities by recognizing
the distinct activities, customs and beliefs of the affected
indigenous and local communities.
The direct impacts of the development proposal
on local biodiversity at the ecosystem, species and genetic levels
should be assessed, and particularly in terms of those components
of biological diversity that the affected indigenous or local
community and its members rely upon for their livelihood,
well-being, and other needs. Indirect impacts should be carefully
assessed and monitored over the long term. The development
proposal should be rigorously assessed with respect to the
introduction of invasive species.
Baseline studies
In order to effectively undertake an
environmental impact assessment for a proposed development, it is
desirable to carry out a baseline study, in consultation with the
affected indigenous and local communities, to ascertain those
components of biological diversity of particular significance to
the affected indigenous or local community. Detailed
knowledge of biological resources (ecosystems, species and genetic
diversity), including valuation of these resources, is essential to
the protection of both biodiversity and cultural values. Such
baseline study should include whether, for example, habitat types
to be affected by the proposed development are represented
elsewhere in existing conservation reserves (under national reserve
systems), and whether particular crop species (and varieties) for
food and agriculture are represented in ex situ
collections. Baseline studies should collect information with
respect to:
Species inventories (including identification of particular species
important to the affected indigenous or local community as food,
medicine, fuel, fodder, construction, artefact production,
clothing, and for religious and ceremonial purposes, etc);
Identification of endangered species, species at risk, etc
(possibly referenced to the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red
Data Book, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and national
Identification of particularly significant habitat (as
breeding/spawning grounds, remnant native vegetation, wild-life
refuge areas including buffer zones and corridors, habitats and
routes for migratory species) and crucial breeding seasons for
endangered and critical species;
Identification of areas of particular economic significance (as
hunting areas and trapping sites, fishing grounds, gathering areas,
grazing lands, timber harvesting sites and other harvesting
Identification of particularly significant physical features and
other natural factors which provide for biodiversity and ecosystems
(e.g. watercourses, springs, lakes, mines/quarries that supply
local needs); and
Identification of sites of religious, spiritual, ceremonial and
sacred significance (such as sacred groves and totemic sites).
Consistent with principle 11 of the ecosystem
approach, endorsed by the Conference of the Parties in paragraph 1
of decision V/6, traditional knowledge, innovations and practices
should be considered an important and integral component of
baseline studies, particularly the traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices of those who have a long association with
the particular area for which the development is proposed.
Traditional knowledge, innovations and practices can be
cross-referenced by old photographs, newspaper articles, known
historical events, archaeological records, anthropological reports,
and other records contained in archival collections.
Social impact assessments
In order to
effectively undertake a social impact assessment with respect to an
indigenous or local community that is or is likely to be affected
by a proposed development, the screening and scoping phases should
take into account gender and demographic factors, housing and
accommodation, employment, infrastructure and services, income and
asset distribution, traditional systems and means of production, as
well as educational needs, technical skills and financial
Proposed developments
should be evaluated in relation to tangible benefits to such
communities, such as non-hazardous job creation, viable revenue
from the levying of appropriate fees from beneficiaries of such
developments, access to markets and diversification of income
opportunities. Evaluation of changes to traditional economies could
involve economic valuation of negative social impacts, such as
crime and sexually transmitted diseases.
Developments involving
changes to traditional practices for food production, or involving
the introduction of commercial cultivation and harvesting of a
particular wild species, should have those changes and
introductions assessed.
In social impact assessments, social development
indicators consistent with the views of indigenous and local
communities should be developed and should include gender,
generational considerations, health, safety, food and livelihood
security aspects and the possible effects on social cohesion and
In determining the scope of a social impact
assessment, the following should be considered:
Baseline studies;
Economic considerations;
Possible impacts on traditional systems of land tenure and other
uses of natural resources;
Gender considerations;
Generational considerations;
Health and safety aspects;
Effects on social cohesion;
Traditional lifestyles; and
The possible impact on access to biological resources for
Baseline studies
In the conduct of baseline studies, the
following areas should, inter alia, be addressed:
Demographic factors (number and age structure of population, ethnic
grouping, population distribution and movement - including seasonal
Housing and human settlements, including involuntary resettlement,
expulsion of indigenous peoples from lands and involuntary
sedentarization of mobile peoples;
Health status of the community (particular health problems/issues -
availability of clean water - infectious and endemic diseases,
nutritional deficiencies, life expectancy, use of traditional
medicine, etc;
Levels of employment, areas of employment, skills (particularly
traditional skills), education levels (including levels attained
through informal and formal education processes), training,
capacity-building requirements;
Level of infrastructure and services (medical services, transport,
waste disposal, water supply, social amenities (or lack of) for
recreation, etc);
Level and distribution of income (including traditional systems of
distribution of goods and services based on reciprocity, barter and
Asset distribution (e.g. land tenure arrangements, natural resource
rights, ownership of other assets in terms of who has rights to
income and other benefits);
Traditional systems of production (food, medicine, artefacts),
including gender roles in such systems; and
Views of indigenous and local communities regarding their future
and ways to bring about future aspirations
In particular, in relation to subsistence-based
indigenous and local communities, the following additional social
factors should also be taken into consideration, including impacts
Traditional non-monetary systems of exchange such as hunting,
barter and other forms of trade, including labour exchange;
Related economic and social relations;
Importance of gender roles and relations;
Traditional responsibilities and concepts of equity and equality in
society; and
Traditional systems of sharing natural resources, including
resources that have been hunted, collected or harvested.
Economic considerations
Proposed developments on sacred sites and on
lands and waters traditionally occupied or used by indigenous and
local communities should ensure that tangible benefits accrue to
such communities, such as payment for environmental services, job
creation within safe and hazard-free working environments, viable
revenue from the levying of appropriate fees, access to markets and
diversification of income-generating (economic) opportunities for
small and medium-sized businesses. In accordance with national
legislation or relevant national regulations, indigenous and local
communities should be involved in the financial auditing processes
of the developments in which they participate to ensure that the
resources invested are used effectively.
Possible impacts on traditional systems of land tenure and other
uses of natural resources
Developments that particularly involve changes
to traditional practices for food production, or involve the
introduction of commercial cultivation and harvesting of a
particular wild species (e.g. to supply market demands for
particular herbs, spices, medicinal plants, fish, fur or leather)
may lead to pressures to restructure traditional systems of land
tenure or expropriate land, and to pressures on the sustainable use
of biological diversity, in order to accommodate new scales of
production. The ramifications of these kinds of changes can
be far-reaching and need to be properly assessed, taking into
account the value systems of indigenous and local communities.
Likely impacts associated with the cultivation and/or commercial
harvesting of wild species should also be assessed and
Gender considerations
In social impact assessments, there is a
particular need to examine the potential impacts of a proposed
development on women in the affected community with due regard to
their role as providers of food and nurturers of family, community
decision-makers and heads of households, as well as custodians of
biodiversity and holders of particular elements of
(gender‑specific) traditional knowledge, innovations and
Generational considerations
In any social impact assessment, the potential
impact of a proposed development on all generations within a
community should be examined. Of particular concern are the
impacts that may potentially interfere with opportunities for
elders to pass on their knowledge to youth, or which might render
certain skills and traditional
knowledge, innovations and practices
Health and safety aspects
In the impact assessment process, the health and
safety aspects of the proposed development should be scrutinized.
Safety aspects should include such risks as physical injury during
construction, and health risks resulting from various forms of
pollution, sexual exploitation, social disturbance, disruption
to habitats of
medicinal species, and use of chemicals, such as pesticides.
Foreign workers should be screened for any infectious diseases for
which local populations may have no immunity, or for which there is
no evidence of infection within their communities.
Effects on social cohesion
The impact assessment process should take into
consideration the possible effects that a proposed development
might have on the affected community and its people as a whole by
ensuring that particular individuals or groups are not unjustly
advantaged or disadvantaged to the detriment of the community as a result
of the development.
The following general
considerations should also be taken into account when carrying out
an impact assessment for a development proposed to take place on,
or which is likely to impact on, sacred sites and on lands and
waters traditionally occupied or used by indigenous and local
(a) Prior
informed consent of the affected indigenous and local
(b) Gender
(c) Impact
assessments and community development plans;
(d) Legal
Ownership, protection and control of traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices and technologies used in cultural,
environmental and social impact assessment processes;
Mitigation and threat-abatement measures;
(g) Need for
transparency; and
Establishment of review and dispute resolution
Prior informed consent
of the affected indigenous and local communities
Where the national
legal regime requires prior informed consent of indigenous and
local communities, the assessment process should consider whether
such prior informed consent has been obtained. Prior informed consent corresponding to various phases
of the impact assessment process should consider the rights,
knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local
communities; the use of appropriate language and process; the
allocation of sufficient time and the provision of accurate,
factual and legally correct information. Modifications to the
initial development proposal will require the additional prior
informed consent of the affected indigenous and local
The vital role that
women and youth play, in particular women and youth within
indigenous and local communities, in the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity and the need for the full
and effective participation of women in policy-making and
implementation for biological diversity conservation should be
fully taken into consideration.
Impact assessments and
community development plans
Indigenous and
local communities should be encouraged,
and provided with the necessary support and capacity to formulate
their own community development plans. Such plans
should include and should develop mechanisms for
strategic environmental assessment that are commensurate with the
goals and objectives of the development plans and
appropriate poverty eradication programmes as defined by the
indigenous and local communities.
Any developments
proposed to take place on, or which are likely to impact on, sacred
sites and on lands and waters traditionally occupied or used by
indigenous and local communities should maintain a balance between
economic, social, cultural and environmental concerns, on the one
hand, while, on the other hand, maximizing opportunities for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, the
access and equitable sharing of benefits and the recognition of
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices in accordance with
Article 8(j) of the Convention, and should seek to minimize risks
to biological diversity. The cultural, environmental and social
impact assessment processes should reflect this.
any assessment procedure, subject to national legislation consistent with international
obligations, Governments, their agencies and development proponents
should take into account the rights of indigenous and local
communities over lands and waters traditionally occupied or used by
them and the associated biological diversity.
There is a need for clarification of legal
responsibilities, particularly with regard to matters that may
arise during the conduct of cultural,
environmental and social impact assessments, including enforcement,
liability and redress measures.
E. Ownership,
protection and control of traditional knowledge, innovations and
practices and technologies used in cultural, environmental and
social impact assessment processes
Consistent with the ecosystem approach,
proponents of development proposals should recognize the importance
of understanding and applying the values and knowledge, where
relevant, of use of biological diversity held by indigenous and local communities and their
application for sustainable development.
In all circumstances related to the proposed
development, the customary laws and intellectual property rights of
the indigenous and local communities with respect to their
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices, should be
respected. Such knowledge should only be used with the prior
informed consent of the owners of that traditional knowledge. In
order to safeguard their rights, indigenous and local communities
should establish, or be assisted to establish, protocols consistent
with relevant national legislation for access to and use of
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices in the cultural,
environmental and social impact assessment processes. Assistance in
establishing such protocols should be provided if so
Mitigation and
threat-abatement measures
In the context of impact assessments, and
particularly with respect to mitigation measures associated with
the development, where there is a threat of significant reduction
or loss of biodiversity, lack of full scientific certainty should
not be used as a reason for postponing measures to avoid or
minimize such a threat.
Need for
Transparency and public accountability
should be maintained regarding the conduct of
all phases of the cultural, environmental and social impact assessments, and in any decision-making
processes, except in cases of national security and where
confidentiality regarding the handling of secret/sacred traditional
knowledge, innovations and practices is required. A clause
on non-disclosure of information gathered through the impact
assessment process of baseline studies related to traditional
knowledge, innovations and practices should be ensured.
Establishment of review and
dispute resolution procedures
In order to manage any disputes that may arise
in relation to a development proposal and in the ensuing impact
assessment processes, dispute resolution means or mechanisms should
be available or be established.
Strengthening and rebuilding of capacity
Any activity aimed at the incorporation of
cultural and social considerations, and the
biodiversity‑related considerations of indigenous and local
communities, into national environmental impact assessment systems
should be accompanied by appropriate strengthening and rebuilding
of capacities. Expertise in traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices is required within the agencies
responsible for impact assessment. At the same time, indigenous and
local community expertise is required in impact assessment
methodologies, techniques and procedures. Environmental
impact assessments should include in the assessment team experts,
including indigenous experts, in the traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices related to the relevant
Training workshops on cultural, social and
biodiversity related aspects of environmental impact/strategic
assessment and on economic valuation of cultural social and
biodiversity resources for both assessment practitioners and
representatives of indigenous and local communities would
facilitate the emergence of a cross-cultural understanding of the
Governments should encourage and support
indigenous and local communities, where they have not already done
so, to formulate their own community-development plans that will
enable such communities to adopt a more culturally appropriate
strategic, integrated and phased approach to their development
needs in line with community goals and objectives. These
plans should include a strategic environment assessment policy or
aim to provide a systematic process for integrating social,
environmental and cultural considerations in planning and
decision-making, for the application of impact assessments to
development proposals.
Legislative authority
If cultural, environmental and social impact
assessment processes relevant to indigenous and local communities
are made an integral part of environmental impact assessment and
strategic environmental assessment procedures and incorporated into
legislation, and the requirements for project/policy developers to
find the most culturally, environmentally and socially sound,
efficient options that avoid, reduce or mitigate adverse impacts
are made explicit, this will prompt developers, at a very early
stage, to use cultural, environmental and social impact assessment
tools to improve the development process prior to the project
application or consent stage or in some cases prior to screening
Exchange of information
Web-based resources, such as the clearing-house
mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity and other means
of exchanging experiences and information, including traditional
means of communication, may help to raise awareness about best
available methods and useful sources of information and experience
concerning both the conduct and integration of cultural, social and
biodiversity related concerns of indigenous and local communities
in environmental impact assessment processes and in strategic
environmental assessment, and should be developed and used for the
provision and exchange of information on environmental impact
Communication between assessment practitioners
and indigenous and local community members with experience in
cultural, environmental and social impact assessment is in urgent
need of improvement and should be enhanced through workshops,
case-study assessments and through the sharing of experiences
through, for example, the focal point on Article 8(j) and related
provisions of the clearing-house mechanism of the Convention on
Biological Diversity.
D. Resources
Resources, including financial, technical and
legal support, should be made available to indigenous and local
communities and relevant national organizations to enable them to
participate fully in all aspects of national impact
assessments. This support may be provided by national
Governments, where possible, or, in developing countries and
countries with economies in transition, by appropriate donor
Participatory mechanisms for indigenous and local
The Conference of the Parties
Recalling decisions
VI/10 and VI/18 of the Conference of the Parties,
Recognizing the
importance of the full and effective participation of indigenous and local communities in the
Convention process and in decision-making processes and the
implementation of the Convention at the national
Recognizingalso the need to strengthen and develop
mechanisms to further promote the full and effective
participation of indigenous and local
communities in the Convention process, particularly in matters
related to the objectives of Article 8(j) and related
further the vital role that women play in the
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and
affirming the need for the full participation of women at all
levels of policy-making and implementation for biological diversity
conservation, as recognized in the preamble of the
Noting the work of the
Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Traditional Knowledge and the
Clearing-House Mechanism at its meeting in Santa Cruz de la
SierraBolivia, from 24 to
Noting the need to
ensure adequate financial support for the
participation of indigenous and local communities in meetings
organized under the
Noting further that a
number of Parties have put in place measures to facilitate the
involvement and participation of indigenous and local communities
in decision-making processes and the implementation of the
Convention at the national level,
Emphasizing the need to
strengthen the capacity of indigenous and local communities, in
particular at the local level, in order to ensure full and
effective involvement and participation in Convention-related
Reiterates its
invitation, contained in paragraph
18 of decision V/16, to Parties and Governments
to increase the participation of representatives of indigenous and
local communities in official delegations to meetings held under
the Convention and urges them to further enhance such
Requests the Executive Secretary to compile
information on the participation of indigenous and local
communities in the Convention process, and in decision-making
processes and the implementation of the Convention at the national
level, making it available through the clearing-house
Requests the Executive Secretary to incorporate practical
measures to enhance the participation of indigenous and local
communities, where appropriate, in the working groups of the
Convention on Biological Diversity, Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice and the Conference of the
Parties, in accordance with the rules of procedure, where
Executive Secretary, in
consultation with the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties, with
regard to meetings held under the Convention, to consider the
spacing of such meetings, particularly with regard to those of the
Ad Hoc Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related
Provisions, vis-à-vis meetings of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Access
and Benefit-sharing and of the Conference of the Parties, in order to
allow sufficient time and opportunity for indigenous and local
community representatives to contribute to and analyse documents
prepared for such meetings, and to secure financial support for
Requests the
Executive Secretary to continue to promote synergies between
international environmental instruments, in particular through
the joint liaison group of the
secretariats of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the United
Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change on
issues of relevance to Article 8(j) and related provisions of the
Invites Parties and Governments, in consultation with
indigenous and local communities, where they have not already done
so, to:
(a) Promote
the effective participation of indigenous and local communities in
the development of national mechanisms for participation in
decision-making and implementation;
Establish national, subregional and/or regional indigenous and
local community biodiversity advisory committees, taking into
account gender equity at all levels;
(c) Enhance
the capacity of national institutions, Governmental and civil
organizations and organizations of indigenous and local communities
to take into account the requirements of Article 8(j) and related
provisions and to facilitate its implementation; and
(d) Build
sufficient capacity to ensure that the national biodiversity focal
point, in accordance with domestic law, is able to make information
available to indigenous and local communities with regard to the
circulation of documents and outcomes of meetings held under the
Convention, with particular emphasis on providing the documents in
appropriate and accessible languages of indigenous and local
(e) Enhance
the capacity of indigenous and local communities to collaborate
with national research organizations and universities in order to
identify research and training needs in relation to the
conservation and sustainable use of biological
Mindful of the particular constraints of developing
countries, in particular small island developing States amongst
them, urges Parties, Governments and international
organizations, when providing financial or other support for in
situ conservation, in accordance with Article 8(m) and
Article 20, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the Convention, to pay
particular attention to the establishment and implementation of
participatory mechanisms;
Encourages Parties and Governments
to assist indigenous and local community organizations in their
regions to hold regional meetings
to discuss the outcomes of the decisions of the
Conference of the Parties and to prepare for meetings under the
Convention, in particular the meetings of the Ad Hoc Open-ended
Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions and the Ad Hoc
Open‑ended Working Group on Access and
Invites Parties
to include information regarding the level of participation of
indigenous and local communities in their national reports, as well as
the measures and approaches used to encourage the participation of
indigenous and local communities;
Decides to establish a voluntary funding mechanism under the
Convention to facilitate the participation of indigenous and local
communities, giving special priority to those from developing
countries and countries with economies in transition and small
island developing States in meetings under the Convention,
including meetings of the indigenous and local community liaison group and
relevant meetings of ad hoc technical expert groups. The
funding mechanism for the participation of indigenous and local
communities established herein shall operate according to criteria
to be developed by the Conference of the Parties in consultation
with indigenous and local communities and taking into account any
United Nations practice in this field;
Requests the Executive Secretary to further develop the role
of the thematic focal point on Article 8(j) and related provisions
of the Convention under the clearing-house mechanism with a view
Assisting national focal points, as appropriate and subject to
available resources, to more effectively disseminate and make
accessible Convention‑related information to indigenous and
local communities with particular emphasis on providing information
in appropriate and accessible languages of indigenous and local
Assisting indigenous and local communities, as appropriate and
subject to available resources, in the use of information and
communication technologies through the organization of
capacity-building and training workshops at the local, national,
and subregional levels;
Compiling information on existing networks, experts, tools, and
resources relevant to meeting the needs of indigenous and local
Requests the Executive Secretary,
in consultation with indigenous and local communities, through the
national focal points, to further assist
in the development of communication networks and tools for use by
indigenous and local communities, inter alia, by:
Publishing information through the clearing-house mechanism toolkit
on formats, protocols, and standards for use by indigenous and
local communities and assist in the further development of
communication networks;
Publishing information through the clearing-house mechanism toolkit
on electronic communication tools appropriate for use by indigenous
and local communities;
(c) Making
available through the thematic focal point electronic forums and
other communication tools to promote the further development of
communications networks by indigenous and local
Publishing information on network architecture and custodianship of
data through the clearing-house mechanism toolkit to assist
indigenous and local communities in the further development of
communication networks by indigenous and local
Identifying other traditional, alternative and non-electronic
communication tools to ensure full and effective participation in
the communication network by indigenous and local
H. Development of
elements of sui generis systems for the protection of traditional
knowledge, innovations and practices
The Conference of the Parties
decision VI/10 in which
the Conference of the Parties recognized that the Convention on
Biological Diversity is the primary international instrument with
the mandate to address issues regarding the respect, preservation
and maintenance of knowledge, innovations and practices of
indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles
relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biological
paragraph 34 of decision
also paragraph 11 of decision V/26
A, by which the Conference of the Parties decided that the Ad Hoc
Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing shall
maintain communication and exchange of information with the Ad Hoc
Open-ended Inter‑Sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and
Related Provisions of the Convention,
Recognizing that the preservation and
maintenance of knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous
communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity are linked
to the continued stewardship by indigenous and local communities of
biological resources on lands and waters traditionally occupied or
used by them,
recognizing that indigenous and local
communities have their own systems, as part of their customary
laws, for preserving and maintaining traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices as well as for the protection and
transmission of traditional knowledge,
Recognizing the transboundary distribution
of some biological and genetic resources and associated traditional
also the
collective and inter-generational nature of traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities
embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity,
also the need
to halt the misuse and misappropriation of knowledge, innovations
and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying
traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity and related genetic
resources through effective mechanisms that will protect the rights
of indigenous and local communities,
Recognizing the importance of access and
benefit-sharing arrangements in the conservation of genetic
resources and the preservation and maintenance of knowledge,
innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities
embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity,
that a mix of defensive
and positive measures, taking into account both proprietary and
non-proprietary aspects, may be necessary for the protection of
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices relevant for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological
Recognizing that a sui generis
system for the protection of traditional knowledge at the
international level may enable indigenous and local communities to
effectively protect their knowledge against misuse and
misappropriation and that such a system should be flexible and
respect the interests and rights of indigenous and local
Recognizing that while in some cases
databases and registers may play a role in the protection of
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices, such databases
and registers are only one approach in the effective protection of
traditional knowledge, innovations and practices and their
establishment should be voluntary, not a requirement for
protection, and established with the prior informed consent of
indigenous and local communities, and further recognizing,
if indigenous and local communities decide to use such databases
and registers, the need for funding and capacity-building for
indigenous and local communities regarding the establishment and
maintenance of such databases and registers,
Emphasizing that any sui generis
system for the protection of traditional knowledge, innovations and
practices needs to be developed taking into consideration customary
law and practices with the full and effective involvement and
participation of concerned indigenous and local
Recognizing that traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices are sometimes accessed without the
consent of indigenous and local communities and that these
communities have a right to grant or refuse such access as well as
to determine the level of such access, subject to Article
that some traditional
knowledge, innovations and practices have been accessed without the
prior informed consent of indigenous and local communities and
recognizing that necessary steps should be taken to ensure
the respect of priorinformed consent for any
future use of traditional knowledge, subject to Article
of the need for further
work by the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working Group on
Article 8(j) and Related Provisions of the Convention, on a number
of issues relating to the protection of knowledge, innovations and
practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional
lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity,
Recognizing the need for continued
collaboration with other relevant organizations working on issues
related to the protection of traditional knowledge, innovations and
practices, such as the World Intellectual Property Organization
(WIPO), the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (PFII), the World
Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Trade
Organization (WTO) to ensure mutual supportiveness and avoid
duplication of efforts,
Requests the Executive Secretary to continue gathering and
analysing information on the issues set out in paragraphs 34 (b) to
(e) of decision VI/10 and disseminate this information through the
clearing house mechanism;
Invites Parties, Governments, indigenous and local
communities, and relevant international organizations to
communicate to the Executive Secretary any relevant information on
existing indigenous, local, national and regional sui
generis systems for the protection of the knowledge,
innovations and practices of indigenous communities embodying
traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity and any relevant
information on innovative policy, administrative and legislative
measures that are supportive of customary law and
Requests the Executive Secretary to compile information on
issues identified in paragraph 2 above, and on the nature of
customary laws and traditional protocols of indigenous and local
communities relating to customary uses and the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity, in cooperation with
indigenous and local communities, for consideration by the Ad Hoc
Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and
Related Provisions of the Convention;
Requests the Executive Secretary, based on submissions by
Parties, Governments, indigenous and local communities and relevant
international organizations, to develop, in cooperation with the
ongoing work on the use of terms in the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working
Group on Access and Benefit-Sharing and in consultation with
Parties, indigenous and local communities and relevant
international organizations, a glossary of terms relevant to
Article 8(j) and related provisions for the consideration by the
fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working
Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions of the
Decides on appropriate mechanisms for better cooperation
between the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and
Benefit-Sharing and the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working
Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions of the Convention in
order to ensure the participation and involvement of indigenous and
local communities in the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access
and Benefit-Sharing;
Requests the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working Group
on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions of the Convention, with the
collaboration of relevant international organizations and bodies
such as the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Consider non-intellectual-property-based sui generis forms
of protection of traditional knowledge, innovations and practices
relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of
Further develop, as a priority issue, elements for sui
generis systems, listed in the annex to the present decision,
for protection of knowledge, innovations and practices of
indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles
relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biological
diversity and ensure benefit-sharing arrangements for these
communities when their traditional knowledge and associated genetic
resources are accessed;
Review the relevance and applicability of the Bonn Guidelines to
the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working Group on Article 8(j)
and Related Provisions of the Convention in accordance with
decision VI/24 A of the Conference of the Parties;
Review and, if appropriate,
make recommendations regarding the international regime on access
and benefit-sharing with a view to including sui generis
systems and measures for the protection of knowledge, innovations,
and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying
traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity;
Assess the role of databases
and registers in the protection of traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices embodying traditional lifestyles relevant
for the conservation and sustainable use of biological
Explore, taking into account the work of the World Intellectual
Property Organization and the United Nations Permanent Forum on
Indigenous Issues, the potential of and conditions under which the
use of existing as well as new forms of intellectual property
rights can contribute to achieving the objectives of
Article 8(j) and related provisions of the
Invites Parties and Governments to consider appropriate
measures, with the full and effective participation of indigenous
and local communities, to implement at local, national,
subregional, regional and international levels sui generis
systems and other new innovative mechanisms that ensure the
protection of traditional knowledge, innovations and practices
taking into consideration customary law and traditional
Requests the Executive Secretary, with the cooperation of
Parties, indigenous and local communities and relevant
international organizations, to collect information on the role of
databases and registers in the protection of traditional knowledge,
innovations and practices relevant for the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity;
Invites Parties, Governments and international organizations
to strengthen the capacity of indigenous and local communities to
protect, use, preserve, maintain and promote their traditional
knowledge, innovations and practices relevant for the conservation
and sustainable use of biological diversity;
Invites both Parties and indigenous and local communities to
share national experiences amongst themselves on local and national
approaches, as well as international approaches, for the protection
of traditional knowledge and to consider the harmonization of
approaches at the regional level;
Invites the World Intellectual Property Organization to make
available to the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working Group on
Article 8(j) and Related Provisions of the Convention, the results
of its work on issues relevant to the implementation of Article
8(j) and related provisions of the Convention, in particular in
relation to the protection of traditional knowledge and its
recognition as prior art.
Statement of purpose,
objectives and scope.
Clarity with regard to
ownership of traditional knowledge associated with biological and
genetic resources.
Set of relevant
Recognition of elements of
customary law relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity with respect to: (i) customary rights in
indigenous/traditional/local knowledge; (ii) customary rights
regarding biological resources; and (iii) customary procedures
governing access to and consent to use traditional knowledge,
biological and genetic resources.
A process and set of
requirements governing prior informed consent, mutually agreed
terms and equitable sharing of benefits with respect to traditional
knowledge, innovations and practices associated with genetic
resources and relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity.
Rights of traditional knowledge holders and
conditions for the grant of rights.
The rights
A system for the registration
of indigenous/local knowledge/Systems for the protection and
preservation of indigenous/local knowledge.
The competent authority to
manage relevant procedural/administrative matters with regard
to the
protection of traditional knowledge and benefit-sharing
Provisions regarding enforcement and
Relationship to other laws,
including international law.
I. Recommendations
of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues to the Convention on
Biological Diversity
The Conference of the
the need for a better understanding among
United Nations agencies on issues pertaining to indigenous and
local communities and their traditional knowledge,
Noting recommendations 1, 8 and 9 of the Permanent Forum on
Indigenous Issues contained in the report of the second session of
the Forum, which are addressed to the Convention on Biological
Diversity (UNEP/CBD/WG8J/3/8),
Welcomes the increasing collaboration between the Convention
process and the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on matters
pertaining to indigenous and local communities and their knowledge,
innovations and practices relevant for the conservation and
sustainable use of biological diversity;
Requests the Executive Secretary to contribute as
appropriate to the preparation of the report of the Secretary
General to the Forum on Indigenous Issues on the implementation of
chapter 26 of Agenda 21 and other relevant chapters, such as
chapters 36 and 15;
Requests the Executive Secretary to transmit to the
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues at its third session the
Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural,
Environmental and Social Impact Assessments regarding Developments
Proposed to Take Place on or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred
Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or Used by
Indigenous and Local Communities;
Further requests the Executive Secretary to consult and
coordinate with the Secretariat of the Forum and to collaborate
with United Nations agencies and relevant international
organizations with a view to organizing a workshop on cultural,
environmental and social impact assessments based on the
Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines and aimed at the further
strengthening of the understanding of the link between environment
and cultural diversity, with the participation of representatives
of indigenous and local communities, and urges Parties and
Governments to provide financial resources in support of the
organization of the workshop;
Requests the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-Sessional Working Group
on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions to develop elements of an
ethical code of conduct to ensure respect for the cultural and
intellectual heritage of indigenous and local communities relevant
for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity,
taking into account task 16 of the programme of work on Article
8(j) and related provisions.
The provisions contained in this decision relating to territories
under sovereignty disputes recognized by the United Nations shall
only be implemented with the consent of all parties involved in the
Pronounced {agway-goo}. A holistic
Mohawk term meaning "everything in creation" provided
by the Kahnawake community located near Montreal, where the
guidelines were negotiated.
Throughout the recommendation the expression "traditional
knowledge, innovations and practices" shall be understood to
mean the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and
local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, as
contained in Article 8(j) of the Convention on Biological
See definition contained in Black's Law Dictionary
(7th edition), 2000.
Term derived from the definition
contained in paragraph 1(b) of the Guidelines for Incorporating
biodiversity related Issues into Environmental Impact Assessment
Legislation and/or Process and in Strategic Environmental
Assessment, contained in the annex to decision VI/7 A.