Agricultural biological diversity
The Conference of the
1.Takes note
of the progress made in the
implementation of decision VI/5, on the programme of work on
agricultural biological diversity;
the postponement of the preparation of
the final report of the comprehensive assessment of agricultural
biological diversity and related milestones by two years
(UNEP/CBD/COP/7/11, para. 66);
3.Takes note
of the report of the Ad Hoc Technical
Expert Group on the Potential Impacts of Genetic Use Restriction
Technologies on Smallholder Farmers, Indigenous and Local
Communities and Farmers' Rights, established in paragraph 21
of decision VI/5, which met in Montreal from 19 to 21 February
Requests the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and
Technological Advice to consider the report of the Ad Hoc Expert
Group on Genetic Use Restriction Technologies at its tenth meeting
with a view to providing advice to the Conference of the Parties at
its eighth meeting, also taking into account decision VII/16 on
Article 8(j) and related provisions;
Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and its Commission
on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture on the potential
impacts of genetic use restriction technologies on agricultural
biodiversity and agricultural production systems
(UNEP/CBD/COP/7/INF/31), prepared pursuant to paragraphs 20 and 21
of decision V/5;
Takes note also of the notes by the Executive Secretary
on the impacts of trade liberalization on agricultural biodiversity
(UNEP/CBD/COP/7/INF/14 and 15) prepared pursuant to paragraph 17 of
decision VI/5, and requests
further gathering and
incorporation of data on this matter from all countries;
Welcomes the
future establishment of a facilitation unit for research on
agricultural biodiversity by the International Plant Genetic
Resources Institute in association with other centres of the
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
civil‑society organizations and other research centres, as a
contribution to the programme of work;
Welcomes, within the framework of the International Treaty of
Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and as part of
its funding strategy, the development of the Global Crop Diversity
Trust first launched at the World Summit on Sustainable Development
as this contributes towards the development of an important
endowment fund to support ex situ conservation centres
Welcomes the initiative of the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations to dedicate World Food Day 2004
to "biodiversity for food security and encourages Parties and
other Governments and the Executive Secretary to the Convention to
participate in this FAO celebration;
Invites the Parties and other Governments to
consider and promote, as appropriate and subject to national
legislation and international law, the mainstreaming of
agricultural biodiversity in their plans, programmes and strategies
with the active participation of local and indigenous communities
and the inclusion in the communities' plans, programmes and
strategies on conservation, development and use of agricultural
biodiversity, and to recognize and support the efforts of local and
indigenous communities in conserving agricultural
Invites civil-society organizations and other
non-Governmental organizations and programmes to assist Parties in
their capacity-building initiatives in the mainstreaming of
agricultural biodiversity in their plans, programmes and
strategies, and international organizations and international
funding institutions to support the development and use of
agricultural biodiversity;
Requests the Executive Secretary to invite the
Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations, in close
collaboration with other relevant United Nations bodies and
regional and international organizations, to identify and assess
activities and available information on agricultural biodiversity
before the submission of the third national report;
Urges Parties and other
Governments to ratify the International Treaty of Plant Genetic
Resources for Food and Agriculture since the Treaty will be an
important instrument for the conservation and sustainable use of
genetic resources leading to hunger reduction and poverty