Impact assessment: Voluntary guidelines
on biodiversity-inclusive impact assessment
The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
1. Notes that the Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of
Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact Assessments regarding Developments
Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and
on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or used by Indigenous and Local
Communities (decision VII/16 F, annex) should be used in conjunction with
the voluntary guidelines on biodiversity-inclusive environmental impact assessment
contained in the annex below and the draft guidance on biodiversity-inclusive
strategic environmental assessment contained in annex II to the note by
the Executive Secretary on voluntary guidelines on biodiversity-inclusive impact
assessment (UNEP/CBD/COP/8/27/Add.2) ;
2. Welcomes the database of case-studies on biodiversity and impact
assessment established under the clearing-house mechanism of the Convention 1 /
as a useful information-sharing tool, and encourages Parties, other
Governments and relevant organizations to make use and contribute to its further
Environmental impact assessment
3. Endorses the voluntary guidelines on biodiversity-inclusive environmental
impact assessment contained in the annex to the present decision;
4. Emphasizes that the voluntary guidelines on biodiversity-inclusive
environmental impact assessment are intended to serve as guidance for Parties
and other Governments, subject to their national legislation, and for regional
authorities or international agencies, as appropriate, in the development and
implementation of their impact‑assessment instruments and procedures;
5. Urges Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations to
apply the voluntary guidelines on biodiversity-inclusive environmental impact
assessment as appropriate in the context of their implementation of paragraph
1 (a) of Article 14 of the Convention and of target 5.1 of the provisional
framework of goals and targets for assessing progress towards 2010 and to share
their experience, inter alia, through the clearing-house mechanism and
national reporting;
6. Encourages those multilateral environmental agreements that have
endorsed the guidelines contained in decision VI/7 A, in particular the Ramsar
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl
Habitat and the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild
Animals, to take note of, and if appropriate endorse the voluntary guidelines
on biodiversity-inclusive environmental impact assessment contained in annex
I to the present decision;
7. Invites other multilateral environmental agreements to take note
of and if appropriate apply the voluntary guidelines on biodiversity-inclusive
environmental impact assessment;
8. Requests the Executive Secretary to:
(a) Continue collaborating with relevant organizations, inter alia through
the International Association for Impact Assessment and its project on capacity-building
in biodiversity and impact assessment, to contribute to the development of
necessary capacities for the application of the guidelines on biodiversity-inclusive
environmental impact assessment taking into account the specific circumstances
in which they are to be applied;
(b) Compile information on the experiences made by Parties, other Governments
relevant organizations and practitioners in applying the guidelines to the
circumstances in which they are to be applied, and to report to a meeting of
the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice prior
to a future meeting of the Conference of the Parties at which impact assessment
will be reviewed;
Strategic environmental assessment
9. Endorses the draft guidance on biodiversity-inclusive strategic
environmental assessment contained in annex II to the note by the Executive
Secretary on voluntary guidelines on biodiversity-inclusive impact assessment
10. Encourages Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations
to take into account as appropriate this guidance in the context of their implementation
of paragraph 1 (b) of Article 14 of the Convention and other relevant mandates
and to share their experience, inter alia, through the clearing-house
11. Invites other multilateral environmental agreements to take note
of the draft guidance on biodiversity-inclusive strategic environmental assessment
and to consider its application within their respective mandates;
12. Requests the Executive Secretary to:
(a) Facilitate, in collaboration with the International Association for Impact
Assessment and other relevant partners, capacity development activities focusing
on the translation of the guidance on biodiversity-inclusive strategic environmental
assessment into practical national,
subregional, regional or sectoral approaches and guidelines;
(b) Continue collaborating with the Economics and Trade Branch of the United
Nations Environment Programme and other relevant organizations in developing
practical guidance on assessing impacts of trade on biodiversity and in compiling
and making available information on good practices and positive impacts of
trade on biodiversity;
(c) Compile information on the experiences made by Parties, other Governments,
organizations and practitioners in using the guidance;
(d) Prepare, for consideration by a meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice prior to a future meeting of the Conference
of the Parties at which impact assessment will be reviewed, proposals on complementing
this guidance with examples of its practical application.
A. S tages in the process
B. Biodiversity issues at different stages of environmental
impact assessment
1. Screening
2. Scoping
3. Assessment and evaluation of impacts,
and development of alternatives
4. Reporting: the environmental impact
statement (eis)
5. Review of the environmental impact
6. Decision-making
7. Monitoring, compliance, enforcement
and environmental auditing
1. The guidelines are structured in accordance with the internationally
accepted sequence of procedural steps characterizing good-practice environmental
impact assessment (EIA). 2 / They aim
at a better integration of biodiversity-related considerations into the EIA
2. National EIA systems are regularly being evaluated and revised. These
guidelines are intended to assist national authorities, regional authorities
or international agencies as appropriate in better incorporating biodiversity-related
considerations during such a revision, at which a significant enhancement
of the EIA system can be made. This also implies that further elaboration
of practical guidelines is needed to reflect the ecological, socio-economic,
cultural and institutional conditions for which the EIA system is designed.
3. The guidelines focus on how to promote and facilitate a biodiversity-inclusive
EIA process. They do not provide a technical manual on how to conduct a biodiversity-inclusive
assessment study.
4. Screening and scoping are considered critical stages in the EIA process
and consequently receive particular attention. Screening provides the trigger
to start an EIA process. During scoping relevant impacts are identified resulting
in the terms of reference for the actual impact study. The scoping stage
is considered critical in the process as it defines the issues to be studied
and it provides the reference information on which the review of the study
results will be based. Scoping and review usually are linked to some form
of public information, consultation or participation. During scoping promising
alternatives can be identified that may significantly reduce or entirely
prevent adverse impacts on biodiversity.
5. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a process of evaluating the
likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, 3 /
taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health
impacts, both beneficial and adverse. The effective participation of relevant
stakeholders, including indigenous and local communities, is a precondition
for a successful EIA. Although legislation and practice vary around the world,
the fundamental components of an EIA would necessarily involve the following
(a) Screening to determine which projects or developments require a full
or partial impact assessment study;
(b) Scoping to identify which potential impacts are relevant to assess
(based on legislative requirements, international conventions,
expert knowledge and public involvement), to identify alternative solutions
that avoid, mitigate or compensate adverse impacts on biodiversity
(including the option of not proceeding with the development, finding alternative
designs or sites which avoid the impacts, incorporating safeguards
in the design of the project, or providing compensation for adverse impacts),
and finally to derive terms of reference for the impact assessment;
(c) Assessment and evaluation of impacts and development of alternatives ,
to predict and identify the likely environmental impacts
of a proposed project or development, including the detailed elaboration
of alternatives;
(d) Reporting : the environmental impact statement (EIS) or EIA report,
including an environmental management plan (EMP), and a non-technical
summary for the general audience;
(e) Review of the environmental impact statement, based on the terms
of reference (scoping) and public (including authority) participation;
(f) Decision-making on whether to approve the project or not, and
under what conditions; and
(g) Monitoring, compliance, enforcement and environmental auditing .
Monitor whether the predicted impacts and proposed mitigation
measures occur as defined in the EMP. Verify the compliance of proponent
with the EMP, to ensure that unpredicted impacts or failed mitigation
measures are identified and addressed in a timely fashion.
1. Screening
6. Screening is used to determine which proposals should be subject to
EIA, to exclude those unlikely to have harmful environmental impacts and
to indicate the level of assessment required. Screening criteria have to
include biodiversity measures, or else there is a risk that proposals with
potentially significant impacts on biodiversity will be screened out. The
outcome of the screening process is a screening decision.
7. Since legal requirements for EIA may not guarantee that biodiversity
will be taken into account, consideration should be given to incorporating
biodiversity criteria into existing, or the development of new, screening
criteria. Important information for developing screening criteria can be
found in national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs) or equivalent
documents. These strategies provide detailed information on conservation
priorities and on types and conservation status of ecosystems. Furthermore
they describe trends and threats at ecosystem as well as species level and
provide an overview of planned conservation activities.
8. Pertinent questions from a biodiversity perspective.Taking
into account the three objectives of the Convention, fundamental questions
which need to be answered in an EIA study include:
(a) Would the intended activity affect the biophysical environment directly
or indirectly in such a manner or cause such biological changes that it will
increase risks of extinction of genotypes, cultivars, varieties, populations
of species, or the chance of loss of habitats or ecosystems?
(b) Would the intended activity surpass the maximum sustainable yield, the
carrying capacity of a habitat/ecosystem or the maximum allowable disturbance
level of a resource, population, or ecosystem, taking into account the full
spectrum of values of that resource, population or ecosystem?
(c) Would the intended activity result in changes to the access to, and/or
rights over biological resources?
9. To facilitate the development of screening criteria, the questions
above have been reformulated for the three levels of diversity, reproduced
in table 1 below.
Level of diversity |
Conservation of biodiversity |
Sustainable use of biodiversity |
Ecosystem diversity 4/
Would the intended activity lead, either
directly or indirectly, to serious damage or total loss of (an) ecosystem(s),
or land-use type(s), thus leading to a loss of ecosystem services of
scientific/ecological value, or of cultural value? |
Does the intended activity affect the sustainable
human exploitation of (an) ecosystem(s) or land-use type(s) in such manner
that the exploitation becomes destructive or non-sustainable (i.e. the
loss of ecosystem services of social and/or economic value)? |
Species diversity 43/ |
Would the intended activity cause a direct
or indirect loss of a population of a species? |
Would the intended activity affect sustainable
use of a population of a species? |
Genetic diversity |
Would the intended activity result in extinction
of a population of a localized endemic species of scientific, ecological,
or cultural value? |
Does the intended activity cause a local
loss of varieties/cultivars/breeds of cultivated plants and/or domesticated
animals and their relatives, genes or genomes of social, scientific and
economic importance? |
10. Types of existing screening mechanisms include:
(a) Positive lists identifying projects requiring EIA (inclusion lists).
A disadvantage of this approach is that the significance of impacts of projects
varies substantially depending on the nature of the receiving environment,
which is not taken into account. A few countries use (or have used) negative
lists, identifying those projects not subject to EIA (exclusion lists). Both
types of lists should be reassessed to evaluate their inclusion of biodiversity
(b) Lists identifying those geographical areas where important biodiversity
is found, in which projects would require EIA. The advantage of this approach
is that the emphasis is on the sensitivity of the receiving environment rather
than on the type of project;
(c) Expert judgement (with or without a limited study, sometimes referred
to as initial environmental examination or preliminary environmental
assessment). Biodiversity expertise should be included in expert teams;
(d) A combination of a list plus expert judgement to determine the
need for an EIA.
11. A screening decisiondefines the appropriate level
of assessment. The result of a screening decision can be that:
(a) The proposed project is “fatally flawed” in that it would be inconsistent
with international or national conventions, policies or laws. It is advisable
not to pursue the proposed project. Should the proponent wish to proceed at
his/her risk, an EIA would be required;
(b) An EIA is required (often referred to as category A projects);
(c) A limited environmental study is sufficient because only limited environmental
impacts are expected; the screening decision is based on a set of criteria
with quantitative benchmarks or threshold values (often referred to as category
B projects);
(d) There is still uncertainty whether an EIA is required and an initial
environmental examination has to be conducted to determine whether a project
requires EIA or not; or
(e) The project does not require an EIA.
12. Biodiversity-inclusive screening criteriaset out circumstances
in which EIA is justified on the basis of biodiversity considerations. They
may relate to:
(a) Categories of activities known to cause biodiversity impacts, including
thresholds referring to size of the intervention area and/or magnitude, duration
and frequency of the activity;
(b) The magnitude of biophysical change that is caused by the activity; or
(c) Maps indicating areas important for biodiversity, often with their legal
13. A suggested approach to the development of biodiversity-inclusive
screening criteria, combining the above types of criteria, includes the
following steps: (i) design a biodiversity screening map indicating areas in
which EIA is required; (ii) define activities for which EIA is required; (iii)
define threshold values to distinguish between full, limited/undecided
or no EIA (see appendix 1 for a generic set of screening criteria). The
suggested approach takes account of biodiversity values (including valued
ecosystem services) and activities that might impact drivers of change
of biodiversity.
14. If possible, biodiversity-inclusive screening criteria should be integrated
with the development (or revision) of a national biodiversity strategy and
action plan. This process can generate valuable information such as a national
spatial biodiversity assessment, including conservation priorities and targets,
which can guide the further development of EIA screening criteria.
15. Step 1: According to the principles of the ecosystem approach,
a biodiversity screening map is designed, indicating important ecosystem
services (replacing the concept of sensitive areas – see appendix 2
below). The map is based on expert judgement and has to be formally approved.
16. Suggested categories of geographically defined areas, related to important
ecosystem services, are:
(a) Areas with important regulating services in terms of maintaining biodiversity:
Protected areas : depending on the legal provisions in
a country these may be defined as areas in which no human intervention
is allowed, or as areas where impact assessment at an appropriate level
of detail is always required;
Areas containing threatened ecosystems outside of formally
protected areas, where certain classes of activities (see step
2) would always require an impact assessment at an appropriate
level of detail;
Areas identified as being important for the maintenance of
key ecological or evolutionary processes, where certain classes
of activities (see step 2) would always require an impact
assessment at an appropriate level of detail;
Areas known to be habitat for threatened species, which
would always require an impact assessment at an appropriate level
of detail.
(b) Areas with importantregulating services for maintaining natural
processes with regard to soil, water, or air, where impact assessment
at an appropriate level of detail is always required. Examples can be wetlands,
highly erodable or mobile soils protected by vegetation (e.g. steep slopes,
dune fields), forested areas, coastal or offshore buffer areas; etc.
(c) Areas with importantprovisioning services,where
impact assessment at an appropriate level of detail is always required. Examples
can be extractive reserves, lands and waters traditionally occupied or used
by indigenous and local communities, fish breeding grounds; etc.
(d) Areas with importantcultural services, where impact assessment
at an appropriate level of detail is always required. Examples can be scenic
landscapes, heritage sites, sacred sites; etc.
(e) Areas with other relevant ecosystem services (such as flood storage
areas, groundwater recharge areas, catchment areas, areas with valued landscape
quality, etc.); the need for impact assessment and/or the level of assessment
is to be determined (depending on the screening system in place);
(f) All other areas: no impact assessment required from a biodiversity perspective
(an EIA may still be required for other reasons).
17. Step 2: Define activities for which impact assessment may be
required from a biodiversity perspective. The activities are characterized
by the following direct drivers of change:
(a) Change of land-use or land cover, and underground extraction: above a
defined area affected, EIA always required, regardless of the location of the
activity - define thresholds for level of assessment in terms of surface (or
underground) area affected;
(b) Change in the use of marine and/or coastal ecosystems, and extraction
of seabed resources: above a defined area affected, EIA always required, regardless
of the location of the activity - define thresholds for level of assessment
in terms of surface (or underground) area affected;
(c) Fragmentation, usually related to linear infrastructure. Above a defined
length, EIA always required, regardless of the location of the activity – define
thresholds for level of assessment in terms of the length of the proposed infrastructural
(d) Emissions, effluents or other chemical, thermal, radiation or noise emissions
- relate level of assessment to the ecosystem services map;
(e) Introduction or removal of species, changes to ecosystem composition,
ecosystem structure, or key ecosystem processes responsible for the maintenance
of ecosystems and ecosystem services (see appendix 2 below for an indicative
listing) - relate level of assessment to ecosystem services map.
18. It should be noted that these criteria only relate to biodiversity
and serve as an add-on in situations where biodiversity has not been fully
covered by the existing screening criteria.
19. Determining norms or threshold values for screeningis
partly a technical and partly a political process the outcome of which may
vary between countries and ecosystems. The technical process should at least
provide a description of:
(a) Categories of activities that create direct drivers of change
(extraction, harvest or removal of species, change in land-use or cover, fragmentation
and isolation, external inputs such as emissions, effluents, or other chemical,
radiation, thermal or noise emissions, introduction of invasive alien species
or genetically modified organisms, or change in ecosystem composition, structure
or key processes), taking into account characteristics such as: type or nature
of activity, magnitude, extent/location, timing, duration, reversibility/irreversibility,
irreplaceability, likelihood, and significance; possibility of interaction
with other activities or impacts;
(b) Where and when: the area of influence of these direct drivers
of change can be modelled or predicted; the timing and duration of influence
can be similarly defined;
(c) A map of valued ecosystem services (including maintenance of biodiversity
itself) on the basis of which decision makers can define levels of protection
or conservation measures for each defined area. This map is the experts’ input
into the definition of categories on the biodiversity screening map referred
to above under step 1.
2. Scoping
20. Scoping is used to define the focus of the impact assessment study
and to identify key issues, which should be studied in more detail. It is
used to derive terms of reference (sometimes referred to as guidelines) for
the EIA study and to set out the proposed approach and methodology. Scoping
also enables the competent authority (or EIA professionals in countries where
scoping is voluntary) to:
(a) Guide study teams on significant issues and alternatives to be assessed,
clarify how they should be examined (methods of prediction and analysis, depth
of analysis), and according to which guidelines and criteria;
(b) Provide an opportunity for stakeholders to have their interests taken
into account in the EIA;
(c) Ensure that the resulting Environmental Impact Statement is useful to
the decision maker and is understandable to the public.
21. During the scoping phase, promising alternatives can be identified
for in-depth consideration during the EIA study.
22. Consideration of mitigation and/or enhancement measures :The
purpose of mitigation in EIA is to look for ways to achieve the project objectives
while avoiding negative impacts or reducing them to acceptable levels. The
purpose of enhancement is to look for ways of optimizing environmental benefits.
Both mitigation and enhancement of impacts should strive to ensure that the
public or individuals do not bear costs, which are greater than the benefits
that accrue to them.
23. Remedial action can take several forms, i.e. avoidance (or
prevention), mitigation(by considering changes to the scale,
design, location, siting, process, sequencing, phasing, management and/or
monitoring of the proposed activity, as well as restoration or rehabilitation
of sites), and compensation(often associated with residual
impacts after prevention and mitigation). A ‘positive planning approach’
should be used, where avoidance has priority and compensation is used as
a last resort measure. One should acknowledge that compensation will not
always be possible: there are cases where it is appropriate to reject a development
proposal on grounds of irreversible damage to, or irreplaceable loss of,
24. Practical evidence with respect to mitigation suggests that:
(a) Timely and ample attention to mitigation and compensation, as well as
the interaction with society, will largely reduce the risk of negative publicity,
public opposition and delays, including associated costs. Specialist input
on biodiversity can take place prior to initiating the legally required EIA
process, as a component of the project proposal. This approach improves and
streamlines the formal EIA process by identifying and avoiding, preventing
or mitigating biodiversity impacts at the earliest possible stage of planning;
(b) Mitigation requires a joint effort of the proponent, planners, engineers,
ecologists and other specialists, to arrive at the best practicable environmental
(c) Potential mitigation or compensation measures have to be included in
an impact study in order to assess their feasibility; consequently they are
best identified during the scoping stage;
(d) In project planning, it has to be kept in mind that it may take time
for effects to become apparent.
25. The following sequence of questions provides an example of the kind
of information that should be requested in the terms of reference of an impact
study if the project screening suggests that the proposed activity is likely
to have adverse impacts on biodiversity. It should be noted that this list
of steps represents an iterative process. Scoping and impact study are two
formal rounds of iteration; during the study further iterative rounds may
be needed, for example when alternatives to the proposed project design have
to be defined and assessed.
(a) Describe the type of project, and define each project activity in terms
of its nature, magnitude, location, timing, duration and frequency;
(b) Define possible alternatives, including “no net biodiversity loss” or
“biodiversity restoration” alternatives (such alternatives may not be readily
identifiable at the outset of impact study, and one would need to go through
the impact study to determine such alternatives). Alternatives include location
alternatives, scale alternatives, siting or layout alternatives, and/or technology
(c) Describe expected biophysical changes (in soil, water, air, flora, fauna)
resulting from proposed activities or induced by any socio-economic changes
caused by the activity;
(d) Determine the spatial and temporal scale of influence of each biophysical
change, identifying effects on connectivity between ecosystems, and potential
cumulative effects;
(e) Describe ecosystems and land-use types lying within the range of influence
of biophysical changes;
(f) Determine, for each of these ecosystems or land-use types, if biophysical
changes are likely to have adverse impacts on biodiversity in terms of composition,
structure (spatial and temporal), and key processes. Give indication of the
level certainty of predictions, and take into account mitigation measures.
Highlight any irreversible impacts and any irreplaceable loss;
(g) For the affected areas, collect available information on baseline conditions
and any anticipated trends in biodiversity in the absence of the proposal;
(h) Identify, in consultation with stakeholders, the current and potential
ecosystem services provided by the affected ecosystems or land-use types and
determine the values these functions represent for society (see box 1). Give
an indication of the main beneficiaries and those adversely affected from an
ecosystem services perspective, focusing on vulnerable stakeholders;
(i) Determine which of these services will be significantly affected by the
proposed project, giving confidence levels in predictions, and taking into
account mitigation measures. Highlight any irreversible impacts and any irreplaceable
(j) Define possible measures to avoid, minimize or compensate for significant
damage to, or loss of, biodiversity and/or ecosystem services; define possibilities
to enhance biodiversity. Make reference to any legal requirements;
(k) Evaluate the significance of residual impacts, i.e. in consultation with
stakeholders define the importance of expected impacts for the alternatives
considered. Relate the importance of expected impacts to a reference situation,
which may be the existing situation, a historical situation, a probable future
situation (e.g. the ‘without project’ or ‘autonomous development’ situation),
or an external reference situation. When determining importance (weight), consider
geographic importance of each residual impact (e.g. impact of local/regional/national/continental/global
importance) and indicate its temporal dimension.
(l) Identify necessary surveys to gather information required to support
decision making. Identify important gaps in knowledge;
(m) Provide details on required methodology and timescale.
26. One should bear in mind that not implementing a project may in some
cases also have adverse effects on biodiversity. In rare cases the adverse
effects may be more significant than the impacts of a proposed activity (e.g.
projects counteracting degradation processes).
27. An analysis of current impact assessment practice 5 /
has provided a number of practical recommendations when addressing biodiversity-related
(a) Beyond the focus on protected species and protected areas, further attention
needs to be given to (i) sustainable use of ecosystem services; (ii) ecosystem
level diversity; (iii) non-protected biodiversity; and (iv) ecological processes
and their spatial scale;
(b) The terms of reference should be unambiguous, specific and compatible
with the ecosystem approach; too often the terms of reference are too general
and impractical;
(c) In order to provide a sound basis for assessing the significance of impacts,
baseline conditions must be defined and understood and quantified where possible.
Baseline conditions are dynamic, implying that present and expected future
developments if the proposed project is not implemented (autonomous development)
need to be included;
(d) Field surveys, quantitative data, meaningful analyses, and a broad, long-term
perspective enabling cause-effect chains to be tracked in time and space are
important elements when assessing biodiversity impacts. Potential indirect
and cumulative impacts should be better assessed;
(e) Alternatives and/or mitigation measures must be identified and described
in detail, including an analysis of their likely success and realistic potential
to offset adverse project impacts;
(f) Guidance for scoping on biodiversity issues in EIA needs to be developed
at country-level, but should, where appropriate, also consider regional aspects
to prevent transboundary impacts;
(g) Guidance for determining levels of acceptable change to biodiversity
needs to be developed at country level to facilitate decision-making;
(h) Guidance on assessing and evaluating impacts on ecosystem processes,
rather than on composition or structure, need to be developed at country level.
The conservation of ecosystem processes, which support composition and structure,
requires a significantly larger proportion of the landscape than is required
to represent biodiversity composition and structure;
(i) Capacity development is needed to effectively represent biodiversity
issues in the scoping stage; this will result in better guidelines for the
EIA study.
- Box 1: Stakeholders and participation
Impact assessment is concerned with (i) information, (ii) participation
and (iii) transparency of decision-making. Public involvement consequently
is a prerequisite for effective EIA and can take place at different
levels: informing (one-way flow of information), consulting (two-way
flow of information), or “real” participation (shared analysis and
assessment). In all stages of EIA public participation is relevant.
The legal requirements for and the level of participation differ among
countries, but it is generally accepted that public consultation at
the scoping and review stage are essential; participation during the
assessment study is generally acknowledged to enhance the quality of
the process.
With respect to biodiversity, relevant stakeholders in the process
- Beneficiaries of the project - target groups making use of, or
putting a value to, known ecosystem services which are purposefully
enhanced by the project;
- Affected people – i.e. those people that experience, as a result
of the project, intended or unintended changes in ecosystem services
that they value;
- General stakeholders – i.e. formal or informal institutions and
groups representing either affected people or biodiversity itself.
- Future generations – “absent stakeholders”, i.e. those stakeholders
of future generations, who may rely on biodiversity around which
decisions are presently taken.

There is a number of potential constraints to effective public participation.
These include:
- Deficient identification of relevant stakeholders may make
public involvement ineffective;
- Poverty : involvement requires time spent away from income-producing
- Rural settings : increasing distance makes communication
more difficult and expensive;
- Illiteracy : or lack of command of non-local languages,
can inhibit representative involvement if print media are used;
- Local values/culture : behavioural norms or cultural practice
can inhibit involvement of some groups, who may not feel free to
disagree publicly with dominant groups;
- Languages : in some areas a number of different languages
or dialects may be spoken, making communication difficult;
- Legal systems : may be in conflict with traditional systems,
and cause confusion about rights and responsibilities for resources;
- Interest groups : may have conflicting or divergent views,
and vested interests;
- Confidentiality : can be important for the proponent, who
may be against early involvement and consideration of alternatives.
Also refer to decision VII/16 F containing the Akwé: Kon Voluntary
Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment regarding Developments Proposed to Take Place on, or which
are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally
Occupied or Used by Indigenous and Local Communities. |
3. Assessment and evaluation of impacts, and development
of alternatives
28. EIA should be an iterative process of assessing impacts, re-designing
alternatives and comparison. The main tasks of impact analysis and assessment
(a) Refinement of the understanding of the nature of the potential impacts
identified during screening and scoping and described in the terms of reference.
This includes the identification of indirect and cumulative impacts, and of
the likely cause–effect chains;
(b) Identification and description of relevant criteria for decision-making
can be an essential element of this stage;
(c) Review and redesign of alternatives; consideration of mitigation and
enhancement measures, as well as compensation of residual impacts; planning
of impact management; evaluation of impacts; and comparison of the alternatives;
(d) Reporting of study results in an environmental impact statement (EIS)
or EIA report.
29. Assessing impacts usually involves a detailed analysis of their nature,
magnitude, extent and duration, and a judgement of their significance, i.e.,
whether the impacts are acceptable to stakeholders and society as a whole,
require mitigation and/or compensation, or are unacceptable.
30. Available biodiversity information is usually limited and descriptive,
and cannot be used as a basis for numerical predictions. There is a need
to develop biodiversity criteria for impact evaluation and measurable standards
or objectives against which the significance of individual impacts can be
evaluated. The priorities and targets set in the National Biodiversity Strategy
and Action Plan process can provide guidance for developing these criteria.
Tools will need to be developed to deal with uncertainty, including criteria
on using risk assessment techniques, precautionary approach and adaptive
31. A number of practical lessons with respect to the study process have
emerged including that the assessment should:
(a) Allow for enough survey time to take seasonal features into account,
where confidence levels in predicting the significance of impacts are low without
such survey;
(b) Focus on processes and services, which are critical to human well-being
and the integrity of ecosystems. Explain the main risks and opportunities for
(c) Apply the ecosystem approach and actively seek information from relevant
stakeholders and indigenous and local communities. Address any request from
stakeholders for further information and/or investigation adequately. This
does not necessarily imply that all requests need to be honoured; however,
clear reasons should be provided where requests are not honoured;
(d) Consider the full range of factors affecting biodiversity. These include
direct drivers of change associated with a proposal (e.g. land conversion,
vegetation removal, emissions, disturbance, introduction of invasive alien
species or genetically modified organisms, etc.) and, to the extent possible,
indirect drivers of change, including demographic, economic, socio-political,
cultural and technological processes or interventions;
(e) Evaluate impacts of alternatives with reference to the baseline situation.
Compare against legal standards, thresholds, targets and/or objectives for
biodiversity. Use national biodiversity strategies and action plans and other
relevant documents for information and objectives. The vision, objectives and
targets for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity contained
in local plans, policies and strategies, as well as levels of public concern
about, dependence on, or interest in, biodiversity provide useful indicators
of acceptable change;
(f) Take account of cumulative threats and impacts resulting either from
repeated impacts of projects of the same or different nature over space and
time, and/or from proposed plans, programmes or policies;
(g) Recognize that biodiversity is influenced by cultural, social, economic
and biophysical factors. Cooperation between different specialists in the team
is thus essential, as is the integration of findings, which have bearing on
(h) Provide insight into cause – effect chains. Also explain why certain
chains do not need to be studied;
(i) If possible, quantify the changes in biodiversity composition, structure
and key processes, as well as ecosystem services. Explain the expected consequences
of the loss of biodiversity associated with the proposal, including the costs
of replacing ecosystem services if they will be adversely affected by a proposal;
(j) Indicate the legal provisions that guide decision-making. List all types
of potential impacts identified during screening and scoping and described
in the terms of reference and identify applicable legal provisions. Ensure
that potential impacts to which no legal provision applies are taken into account
during decision-making.
4. Reporting: the environmental impact statement
32. The environmental impact statement consists of: (i) a technical report
with annexes, (ii) an environmental management plan, providing detailed information
on how measures to avoid, mitigate or compensate expected impacts are to
be implemented, managed and monitored, and (iii) a non-technical summary.
33. The environmental impact statement is designed to assist:
(a) The proponent to plan, design and implement the proposal in a way that
eliminates or minimizes the negative effect on the biophysical and socio-economic
environments and maximizes the benefits to all parties in the most cost-effective
(b) The Government or responsible authority to decide whether a proposal
should be approved and the terms and conditions that should be applied; and
(c) The public to understand the proposal and its impacts on the community
and environment, and provide an opportunity for comments on the proposed action
for consideration by decision makers. Some adverse impacts may be wide ranging
and have effects beyond the limits of particular habitats/ecosystems or national
boundaries. Therefore, environmental management plans and strategies contained
in the environmental impact statement should consider regional and transboundary
impacts, taking into account the ecosystem approach. The inclusion of a non-technical
summary of the EIA, understandable to the interested general audience, is strongly
5. Review of the environmental impact statement
34. The purpose of the review of the environmental impact statement is
to ensure that the information for decision makers is sufficient, focused
on the key issues, and is scientifically and technically accurate. In addition,
the review should evaluate whether:
(a) The likely impacts would be acceptable from an environmental viewpoint;
(b) The design complies with relevant standards and policies, or standards
of good practice where official standards do not exist;
(c) All of the relevant impacts, including indirect and cumulative impacts,
of a proposed activity have been identified and adequately addressed in the
EIA. To this end, biodiversity specialists should be called upon for the review
and information on official standards and/or standards for good practice to
be compiled and disseminated.
35. Public involvement, including the full and effective participation
of indigenous and local communities, is important in various stages of the
process and particularly at this stage. The concerns and comments of all
stakeholders are adequately considered and included in the final report presented
to decision makers. The process establishes local ownership of the proposal
and promotes a better understanding of relevant issues and concerns.
36. Review should also guarantee that the information provided in the
environmental impact statement is sufficient for a decision maker to determine
whether the project is compliant with or contradictory to the objectives
of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
37. The effectiveness of the review process depends on the quality of
the terms of reference defining the issues to be included in the study. Scoping
and review are therefore complementary stages.
38. Reviewers should as far as possible be independent and different from
the persons/organizations who prepare the environmental impact statement.
6. Decision-making
39. Decision-making takes place throughout the process of EIA in an incremental
way from the screening and scoping stages to decisions during data-collecting
and analysis, and impact prediction, to making choices between alternatives
and mitigation measures, and finally the decision to either refuse or authorize
the project.
40. Biodiversity issues should play a part in decision-making throughout.
The final decision is essentially a political choice about whether or not
the proposal is to proceed, and under what conditions. If rejected, the project
can be redesigned and resubmitted. It is desirable that the proponent and
the decision-making body are two different entities.
41. It is important that there are clear criteria for taking biodiversity
into account in decision-making, and to guide trade-offs between social,
economic and environmental issues including biodiversity. These criteria
draw on principles, objectives, targets and standards for biodiversity and
ecosystem services contained in international and national, regional and
local laws, policies, plans and strategies.
42. The precautionary approach should be applied in decision-making in
cases of scientific uncertainty when there is a risk of significant harm
to biodiversity. Higher risks and/or greater potential harm to biodiversity
require greater reliability and certainty of information. The reverse implies
that the precautionary approach should not be pursued to the extreme; in
case of minimal risk, a greater level of uncertainty can be accepted. Guidelines
for applying the precautionary principle to biodiversity conservation and
natural resource management have been developed under the Precautionary
Principle Project, a joint initiative of Fauna & Flora International, IUCN-The
World Conservation Union, ResourceAfrica and TRAFFIC, and are available
in English, French and Spanish at:
43. Instead of weighing conservation goals against development goals,
the decision should seek to strike a balance between conservation and sustainable
use for economically viable, and socially and ecologically sustainable solutions.
7. Monitoring, compliance, enforcement and environmental
44. EIA does not stop with the production of a report and a decision on
the proposed project. Activities that have to make sure the recommendations
from EIS or EMP are implemented are commonly grouped under the heading of
“EIA follow-up”. They may include activities related to monitoring, compliance,
enforcement and environmental auditing. Roles and responsibilities with respect
to these are variable and depend on regulatory frameworks in place.
45. Monitoring and auditing are used to compare the actual outcomes after
project implementation has started with those anticipated before implementation.
It also serves to verify that the proponent is compliant with the environmental
management plan (EMP). The EMP can be a separate document, but is considered
part of the environmental impact statement. An EMP usually is required to
obtain a permission to implement the project. In a number of countries, an
EMP is not a legal requirement.
46. Management plans, programmes and systems, including clear management
targets, responsibilities and appropriate monitoring should be established
to ensure that mitigation is effectively implemented, unforeseen negative
effects or trends are detected and addressed, and expected benefits (or positive
developments) are achieved as the project proceeds. Sound baseline information
and/or pre-implementation monitoring is essential to provide a reliable benchmark
against which changes caused by the project can be measured. Provision should
be made for emergency response measures and/or contingency plans where unforeseen
events or accidents could threaten biodiversity. The EMP should define responsibilities,
budgets and any necessary training for monitoring and impact management,
and describe how results will be reported and to whom.
47. Monitoring focuses on those components of biodiversity most likely
to change as a result of the project. The use of indicator organisms or ecosystems
that are most sensitive to the predicted impacts is thus appropriate, to
provide the earliest possible indication of undesirable change. Since monitoring
often has to consider natural fluxes as well as human-induced effects, complementary
indicators may be appropriate in monitoring. Indicators should be specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant and timely. Where possible, the choice of
indicators should be aligned with existing indicator processes.
48. The results of monitoring provide information for periodic review
and alteration of environmental management plans, and for optimizing environmental
protection through good, adaptive management at all stages of the project.
Biodiversity data generated by EIA should be made accessible and useable
by others and should be linked to biodiversity assessment processes being
designed and carried out at the national and global levels.
49. Provision is made for regular auditing in order to verify the proponent’s
compliance with the EMP, and to assess the need for adaptation of the EMP
(usually including the proponent’s license). An environmental audit is an
independent examination and assessment of a project's (past) performance.
It is part of the evaluation of the environmental management plan and contributes
to the enforcement of EIA approval decisions.
50. Implementation of activities described in the EMP and formally regulated
in the proponent’s environmental license in practice depends on the enforcement
of formal procedures. It is commonly found that a lack of enforcement leads
to reduced compliance and inadequate implementation of EMPs. Competent authorities
are responsible for enforcing pertinent impact assessment regulations, when
formal regulations are in place.
Appendix 1
A: Environmental impact assessment mandatory for :
- Activities in protected areas (define type and level of protection);
- Activities in threatened ecosystems outside protected areas;
- Activities in ecological corridors identified as being important for ecological
or evolutionary processes;
- Activities in areas known to provide important ecosystem services;
- Activities in areas known to be habitat for threatened species;
- Extractive activities or activities leading to a change of land-use occupying
or directly influencing an area of at minimum a certain threshold size (land
or water, above or underground - threshold to be defined);
- Creation of linear infrastructure that leads to fragmentation of habitats
over a minimum length (threshold to be defined);
- Activities resulting in emissions, effluents, and/or other means of chemical,
radiation, thermal or noise emissions in areas providing key ecosystem services
(areas to be defined); 7 /
- Activities leading to changes in ecosystem composition, ecosystem structure
or key processes / responsible
for the maintenance of ecosystems and ecosystem services in areas providing
key ecosystem services (areas to be defined).
Category B: The need for, or the level of environmental
impact assessment is to be determined for:
- Activities resulting in emissions, effluents and/or other chemical, thermal,
radiation or noise emissions in areas providing other relevant ecosystem
services (areas to be defined);
- Activities leading to changes in ecosystem composition, ecosystem structure,
or ecosystem functions responsible for the maintenance of ecosystems and
ecosystem services in areas providing other relevant ecosystem services (areas
to be defined);
- Extractive activities, activities leading to a change of land-use or a
change of use of inland water ecosystems or a change of use of marine and
coastal ecosystems, and creation of linear infrastructure below the Category
A threshold, in areas providing key and other relevant ecosystem services
(areas to be defined).
Appendix 2
Regulating services responsible for maintaining
natural processes and dynamics
Biodiversity-related regulating services
- maintenance of genetic, species and ecosystem composition
- maintenance of ecosystem structure
- maintenance of key ecosystem processes for creating or maintaining
Land-based regulating services
- decomposition of organic material
- natural desalinization of soils
- development / prevention of acid sulphate soils
- biological control mechanisms
- pollination of crops
- seasonal cleansing of soils
- soil water storage capacity
- coastal protection against floods
- coastal stabilization (against accretion / erosion)
- soil protection
- suitability for human settlement
- suitability for leisure and tourism activities
- suitability for nature conservation
- suitability for infrastructure
Water related regulating services
- water filtering
- dilution of pollutants
- discharge of pollutants
- flushing / cleansing
- bio-chemical/physical purification of water
- storage of pollutants
- flow regulation for flood control
- river base flow regulation
- water storage capacity
- ground water recharge capacity
- regulation of water balance
- sedimentation / retention capacity
- protection against water erosion
- protection against wave action
- prevention of saline groundwater intrusion
- prevention of saline surface-water intrusion
- transmission of diseases
- suitability for navigation
Water related regulating services (ctd.)
- suitability for leisure and tourism activities
- suitability for nature conservation
Air-related regulating services
- filtering of air
- carry off by air to other areas
- photo-chemical air processing (smog)
- wind breaks
- transmission of diseases
- carbon sequestration
Provisioning services : harvestable goods
Natural production :
- timber
- firewood
- grasses (construction and artisanal use)
- fodder & manure
- harvestable peat
- secondary (minor) products
- harvestable bush meat
- fish and shellfish
- drinking water supply
- supply of water for irrigation and industry
- water supply for hydroelectricity
- supply of surface water for other landscapes
- supply of groundwater for other landscapes
- genetic material
Nature-based human production
- crop productivity
- tree plantations productivity
- managed forest productivity
- rangeland/livestock productivity
- aquaculture productivity (freshwater)
- mariculture productivity (brackish/saltwater)
Cultural services providing a source of artistic,
aesthetic, spiritual, religious, recreational or scientific enrichment,
or nonmaterial benefits.
Supporting services necessary for the production
of all other ecosystem services
- soil formation,
- nutrients cycling
- primary production.
- evolutionary processes
Appendix 3
Composition |
Influenced by: |
Minimal viable population of:
- legally protected varieties/cultivars/breeds of cultivated plants
and/or domesticated animals and their relatives, genes or genomes
of social, scientific and economic importance;
- legally protected species;
- migratory birds, migratory fish, species protected by CITES;
- non-legally protected, but threatened species (cf. IUCN Red List
of Threatened Species); species which are important in local livelihoods
and cultures.
- selective removal of one or a few species by fisheries, forestry,
hunting, collecting of plants (including living botanical and
zoological resources);
- fragmentation of their habitats leading to reproductive isolation;
- introducing geneticallymodified organisms that may transfer transgenes
to varieties / cultivars / breeds of cultivated plants and/or
domesticated animals and their relatives;
- disturbance or pollution;
- habitat alteration or reduction;
- introduction of (non-endemic) predators, competitors or parasites
of protected species.
Structure |
Influenced by: |
Changes in spatial or temporal structure,
at the scale of relevant areas, such as:
- legally protected areas;
- areas providing important ecosystem services, such as (i) maintaining
high diversity (hot spots), large numbers of endemic or threatened
species, required by migratory species; (ii) services of social,
economic, cultural or scientific importance; (iii) or supporting
services associated with key evolutionary or other biological processes.
Effects of human activities that work on
a similar (or larger) scale as the area under consideration. For example,
by emissions into the area, diversion of surface water that flows through
the area, extraction of groundwater in a shared aquifer, disturbance
by noise or lights, pollution through air, etc. |
Food web structure and interactions:
Species or groups of species perform certain roles in the food web
(functional groups); changes in species composition may not necessarily
lead to changes in the food web as long as roles are taken over by
other species. |
All influences mentioned with composition may
lead to changes in the food web, but only when an entire role (or functional
group) is affected. Specialized ecological knowledge is required. |
Presence of keystone species :
Keystone species often singularly represent a given functional type
(or role) in the food web. |
All influences mentioned with composition
that work directly on keystone species. This is a relatively new, but
rapidly developing field of ecological knowledge. Examples are:
- sea otters and kelp forest
- elephants and African savannah
- starfish in intertidal zones
- salmon in temperate rainforest
- tiger shark in some marine ecosystems
- beaver in some freshwater habitats
- black-tailed prairie dogs and prairies
Key processes (selected
examples only) |
Influenced by: |
Sedimentation patterns (sediment
transport, sedimentation, and accretion) in intertidal systems (mangroves,
mudflats, seagrass beds) |
Reduced sediment supply by
damming of rivers; interruption of littoral drift by seaward structures |
Plant-animal dependency for
pollination, seed dispersal, nutrient cycling in tropical rainforests |
Selective removal of species
by logging, collecting or hunting |
Soil surface stability and
soil processes in montane forests |
Imprudent logging leads to
increased erosion and loss of top soil |
Nutrient cycling by invertebrates
and fungi in deciduous forests |
Soil and groundwater acidity
by use of agrochemicals. |
Plant available moisture in
non-forested, steeply sloping mountains |
Overgrazing and soil compaction
lead to reduced available soil moisture |
Grazing by herbivorous mammals
in savannahs |
Cattle ranching practises |
Succession after fire, and
dependence on fire for completion of life-cycles in savannahs |
Exclusion of fire leads to
loss of species diversity |
Available nutrients and sunlight
penetration in freshwater lakes |
In-flow of fertilizers and
activities leading to increased turbidity of water (dredging, emissions) |
Hydrological regime in floodplains,
flooded forests and tidal wetlands |
Changes in river hydrology
or tidal rhythm by hydraulic infrastructure or water diversions |
Permanently waterlogged conditions
in peat swamps and acid-sulphate soils |
Drainage leads to destruction
of vegetation (and peat formation process), oxidization of peat layers
and subsequent soil subsidence; acid sulphate soils rapidly degrade when
oxidized |
Evaporation surplus in saline
/ alkaline lakes |
Outfall of drainage water into
these lakes changes the water balance |
Tidal prism and salt/freshwater
balance in estuaries |
Infrastructure creating blockages
to tidal influence; changes in river hydrology change the salt balance
in estuaries. |
Hydrological processes like
vertical convection, currents and drifts, and the transverse circulation
in coastal seas |
Coastal infrastructure, dredging. |
Population dynamics |
Reduction in habitat leads
to dramatic drop in population size, leading to extinction |
1 /
2 / See, for example, the International
Association for Impact Assessment’s principles of Environmental Impact Assessment
best practice -
3 / The terms project, activity and development
are used interchangeably; there is no intended distinction between them.
4 / The scale at which ecosystems are
defined depends on the definition of criteria in a country, and should take
into account the principles of the ecosystem approach. Similarly, the level
at which “population” is to be defined depends on the screening criteria used
by a country. For example, the conservation status of species can be assessed
within the boundaries of a country (for legal protection), or can be assessed
globally (IUCN Red Lists).
5 / See document UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/9/INF/18.
6 / Note: These criteria only pertain
to biodiversity and should therefore be applied as an add-on to existing screening
7 / For a non-exhaustive list of ecosystem
services, see appendix 2 below.
8 / For examples of these aspects of biodiversity,
see appendix 3 below.