Operations of
the Convention
The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling its decisions VII/30 and VII/33,
Recognizing the need to enhance the effectiveness of and streamline
Convention processes with a view to strengthening the implementation of the
I. The Conference of the Parties
1. Decides to maintain the current periodicity of its ordinary meetings
until its tenth meeting, in 2010;
2. Recognizing the need to streamline the meeting schedule of the
Convention, requests the Executive Secretary, in consultation with the
Bureau of the Conference of the Parties, to develop a schedule for meetings
of the Convention up to 2010;
3. Decides to consider at its ninth meeting the meeting schedule of
the Convention after the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties in
2010, and requests the Executive Secretary, in consultation with the
Bureau of the Conference of the Parties, to prepare options for the meeting
schedule, including the financial implications of each option, taking into
account, inter alia, the periodicity of ordinary meetings of the Conference
of the Parties and the periodicity and scheduling of meetings of its subsidiary
bodies, and to make available a report on those options to Parties, Governments
and relevant organizations for their review and comments at least six months
prior to its ninth meeting;
4. Requests the Executive Secretary to work with the host country
to ensure an effective and productive ministerial segment; and further requests the
Executive Secretary in agreement with the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties
and the host country of any meeting of the Conference of the Parties, to develop
a format for the ministerial segment that will enhance its contribution to
the Conference of the Parties and generate support for, and raise awareness
of, biodiversity-related issues and the implementation of the Convention;
5. Decides to use the procedure contained in annex I below as guidance
for the process of priority-setting for the allocation of financial resources
by the Conference of the Parties;
6. Adopts the refined multi-year programme of work of the Conference
of the Parties up to 2010, specifying strategic issues for evaluating progress
or supporting implementation for in-depth consideration, as set out in annex
II below;
7. Requests the Executive Secretary to compile a list of all proposals
for new principles, guidelines and other tools, and all requests to the Subsidiary
Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, contained in the draft
decisions for the Conference of the Parties, and to update this list as new
proposals emerge over the course of a meeting, in order to assist the Conference
of the Parties in finalizing its decisions;
8. Requests the Executive Secretary, in preparing for meetings of
the Conference of the Parties, to keep the number and length of documents to
a minimum, and to circulate documents to Parties as early as possible, preferably
no later than three months in advance of meetings;
9. Further requests the Executive Secretary to note linkages among
draft decisions in the documentation in order to minimize overlap among them,
and encourages Parties and the Executive Secretary to bear these linkages
and the need to maintain a manageable number of decisions in mind when considering
or preparing draft decisions and to consider the amendment of current decisions
before proposing additional ones;
10. Decides to maintain the changes it made to rule 21 of the rules
of procedure in paragraph 5 of decision V/20;
11. Requests the Executive Secretary to maintain a list of requests
for information, reports, views and compilations proposed during meetings of
subsidiary bodies to allow Parties to have an overview of all requests to the
Executive Secretary for further inter-sessional work.
12. Further requests the Executive Secretary in undertaking the task
above to provide indicative information on: cost estimates, time-frames, and
duplication with existing activities;
13. Takes note of the ongoing review and revision of the administrative
arrangements between the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the
Secretariat of the Convention and invites the Executive Director of
UNEP and the Executive Secretary to finalize the revision for consideration
of the Conference of the Parties at its ninth meeting, taking into consideration
decisions IV/17 and VII/33 and the need for a transparent and objective
process for appointment of the Executive Secretary that involves the Conference
of the Parties and its Bureau in a manner consistent with paragraph 1
of decision IV/17, which refers to consultation with the Conference of
the Parties through its Bureau before appointing the Executive Secretary and
to the authority of the Conference of the Parties to determine the term of
office of the Executive Secretary;
II. The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and
Technological Advice
14. Notes with appreciation the work of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice to carry out its mandate effectively as
defined in Article 25 of the Convention and underlines the need to reduce
the number of agenda items for consideration by the Subsidiary Body at each
meeting in order to improve the effectiveness of its proceedings;
15. Requests the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological
Advice to ensure that assessments are carried out in an objective and authoritative
manner, and that sufficient time is allocated for the consideration of results
of assessments (in line with its recommendations VI/5 and X/2);
16. Requests the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological
Advice, whenever it convenes ad hoc technical expert groups under the guidance
of the Conference of the Parties, to provide oversight to ensure that terms
of reference clearly indicate their mandate, duration of operation, expected
outcomes and reporting requirements, and that their mandates are limited to
the provision of scientific and technical advice and assessments;
17. Requests Parties to give priority to the nomination of appropriate
scientific and technical experts for participation in ad hoc technical expert
groups and other assessment processes, and decides to discontinue the maintenance
and use of the roster of experts;
18. Requests the Executive Secretary to develop and maintain a list
of upcoming meetings of ad hoc technical expert groups, other expert groups
and assessment processes that require Parties to identify experts, and to circulate
the list to all national focal points after each meeting of the Conference
of the Parties and the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological
19. Requests the Executive Secretary and the Bureau of the Subsidiary
Body Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice to consider the options
for facilitating information exchange and views on items on the agenda of the
Subsidiary Body contained in annex IV below when preparing for meetings of
the Subsidiary Body;
20. Endorses the consolidated modus operandi of the Subsidiary
Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, as contained in annex
III to the present decision and decides to review the operation of paragraph 16
above at its ninth meeting;
21. Recognizing that Parties determine the specific responsibilities
of their focal points to the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological
Advice, notes that such focal points act as liaisons with the Secretariat
on behalf of their Parties with regard to scientific, technical and technological
matters related to the Convention and that, in doing so, they may undertake
the following tasks:
(a) Developing linkages, and facilitating information exchange, between the
Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and relevant
regional and national agencies and experts;
(b) Responding to requests for input from the Conference of the Parties and
the Secretariat related to scientific, technical and technological issues;
(c) Communicating and collaborating with focal points for the Subsidiary
Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice in other countries to
improve the effectiveness of the Subsidiary Body and to facilitate implementation
of the Convention;
(d) Collaborating with other national-level focal points for the Convention
on Biological Diversity and focal points from other biodiversity-related conventions
to facilitate implementation of the Convention at the national level;
22. Encourages Parties that have not already done so to appoint focal
points for the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice;
III. Ad hoc open-ended working groups
23. Decides that when establishing an ad hoc open-ended working group,
it will clearly define the mandate of that working group, including terms of
reference, duration of operation, expected outcomes, and reporting requirements.
The Executive Secretary shall assist each working group in responding to requests
for work that are consistent with the mandate the Conference of the Parties
has established, and in producing its final report;
24. Decides that, subject to the availability of the necessary budgetary
resources and/or voluntary contributions, the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group
on Review of Implementation of the Convention will meet prior to the ninth
meeting of the Conference of the Parties for a period no longer than five days
and, if possible back-to-back with the next meeting of the Subsidiary Body
on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice;
25. Further decides that at its second meeting, the Ad Hoc Open-ended
Working Group on Review of Implementation of the Convention will undertake
an in-depth review of the implementation of goals 2 and 3 of the Strategic
Plan (excluding consideration of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety) in accordance
with decisions VIII/8 and VIII/13, on national biodiversity strategies and
action plans and financial resources and the financial mechanism, and report
its findings to the Conference of the Parties at its ninth meeting;
IV. Other matters
26. Recognizing that Parties determine the specific responsibilities
of their national focal points, notes that the primary function of national
focal points is to act as liaisons with the Secretariat on behalf of their
Parties and in so doing, they are responsible for:
(a) Receiving and disseminating information related to the Convention;
(b) Ensuring that Parties are represented at meetings under the Convention;
(c) Identifying experts to participate in ad hoc technical expert groups,
assessment processes and other processes under the Convention;
(d) Responding to other requests for input by Parties from the Conference
of the Parties and the Secretariat;
(e) Collaborating with national focal points in other countries to facilitate
implementation of the Convention;
(f) Monitoring, promoting and/or facilitating national implementation of
the Convention;
27. Invites Parties and Governments, international and regional financial
institutions and development agencies, as well as other donors, to make funds
available for strengthening the capacity of national focal points for the Convention
in developing countries, in particular the least developed countries and small
island developing states, and countries with economies in transition, so as
to make them more effective, for example through regional and subregional workshops
and the sharing of information and experience;
28. Invites Parties to facilitate regional and subregional preparation
for meetings of the Conference of the Parties and implementation of the Convention
at the regional and subregional levels as appropriate;
29. Recalling paragraph 10 of decision VII/33, requests the
Executive Secretary, subject to the availability of the necessary budgetary
resources and/or voluntary contributions, to make the necessary arrangements
for at least one regional preparatory meeting per region prior to each meeting
of the Conference of the Parties;
30. Calls upon developed country Parties to provide financial resources
to the Special Voluntary Trust Fund for Additional Voluntary Contributions
in Support of Approved Activities (BE Trust Fund) and the Special Voluntary
Trust Fund for Facilitating Participation of Parties in the Convention Process
(BZ Trust Fund) in a timely manner to facilitate the planning of meetings and
the full participation of representatives from developing country Parties and
countries with economies in transition;
31. Recalling paragraph 17 of decision VI/27 B, decides, subject
to the necessary financial resources, to fund the participation of two delegates
from developing countries or countries with economies in transition in meetings
of the Conference of the Parties and the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical
and Technological Advice through the Special Voluntary Trust Fund for Facilitating
Participation of Parties in the Convention Process (BZ Trust Fund);
32. Decides that prior to the development of new principles, guidelines
and other tools under the Convention, the Executive Secretary will, upon request
and as appropriate, conduct a gap analysis with a view to:
(a) Identifying existing, useful tools which it might endorse or welcome;
(b) Identifying existing, useful tools, and tools under development that
it might try to influence, such that they adequately reflect biodiversity considerations;
(c) Identifying the need for new tools developed under the Convention;
33. Noting that the Conference of the Parties has frequently invited
other institutions and organizations to make use of the principles, guidelines
and other tools developed under the Convention, requests the Executive
Secretary to identify ways and means to more actively promote the use of such
tools by international organizations and institutions;
34. Requests the Executive Secretary to report on progress in the
implementation of elements of this decision to the Conference of the Parties
at its ninth meeting.
V. Retirement and consolidation of decisions
Recalling paragraph 3 of its decision VII/33,
Taking note of the proposals prepared by the Executive Secretary regarding
the retirement of decisions and elements of decisions taken at its fifth and
sixth meetings pursuant to decision VII/33 (UNEP/CBD/COP/8/16/Add.1 and UNEP/CBD/COP/8/INF/2),
35. Requests the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Review of Implementation
of the Convention to develop guidance for the future review and retirement
of the decisions of the Conference of the Parties;
36. Requests the Executive Secretary to make proposals to its ninth
meeting regarding the retirement of decisions and elements of decisions taken
at its fifth meeting and to communicate such proposals to Parties, Governments
and relevant international organizations at least six months prior to its ninth
37. Invites Parties, Governments and relevant international organizations
to submit to the Executive Secretary written comments on the proposals referred
to in paragraph 36 above at least three months prior to its ninth meeting;
38. Recognizing the complexity and far reaching implications of the
process of consolidation of decisions, decides to discontinue the process
established in paragraph 2 of decision VII/33;
VI. Admission of bodies and agencies to meetings under the Convention
Recalling Articles 1 and 23, paragraph 5, of the Convention and rule
7 of the rules of procedure for meetings of the Conference of the Parties to
the Convention on Biological Diversity,
39. Requests the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Review of Implementation
of the Convention, at its second meeting, to consider procedures for admission
of bodies and agencies, whether governmental or non-governmental.
Annex I
1. All draft decisions are accompanied by an assessment of their cost implications
and a summary of those decisions and costs is included in the documentation
on the budget and programme for the next biennium. Cost assessments are based
on notional costs according to the list maintained by the Executive Secretary,
and reflect the major costs associated with the decision, such as the establishment
of open-ended meetings, technical expert groups, liaison groups and partnerships,
as well as an overall estimate of other costs, such as staff time.
2. The Executive Secretary prepares a stand-alone summary of these costs
indicating costings for each proposed activity and updates it on daily basis.
3. Early in its discussions, the budget group analyses the cost of proposed
activities, as well as the funds that are likely to be available to support
those activities, taking into account administrative costs for the Secretariat,
the Conference of the Parties and the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical
and Technological Advice. Simultaneously, working groups negotiate proposals
and request the Executive Secretary to refine cost assessments accordingly.
4. Mid-meeting, the budget group presents its findings to the plenary of
the Conference of the Parties. All proposals that have major financial implications,
such as those establishing open-ended meetings, are considered and Parties
are invited to indicate their priorities for the allocation of resources.
5. The budget group continues negotiations based on revised cost assessments
and working groups proceed bearing in mind the identified priorities.
6. The plenary of the Conference of the Parties makes the final decision
on core budget allocations in its consideration of budget papers and endorsement
of draft decisions with a budgetary component.
7. The Conference of the Parties will review experience with these procedures
of priority-setting at its next meeting.
Annex II
Explanatory note : Column 2 is reproduced directly from the multi-year
programme of work of the Conference of the Parties up to 2010 (decision VII/31,
annex) and is included for information only, and column 3 specifies: (1) the
focus of the review of progress in the implementation of the Strategic Plan;
and (2) the mechanisms for implementation to be reviewed at each meeting of
the Conference of the Parties.
1. Meeting |
2. Issues for in-depth
review or consideration |
3. Strategic issues for
evaluating progress or supporting implementation |
COP 8 |
1. Dry and sub-humid lands
2. Global Taxonomy Initiative
3. Access and benefit-sharing
4. Education and public awareness
5. Article 8(j) and related provisions
6. Island biodiversity |
1. Progress in the implementation
of the Strategic Plan and follow-up on progress towards the 2010 target
and relevant Millennium Development Goals: review of the second Global
Biodiversity Outlook; consideration of findings of the Millennium Ecosystem
2. National reports; cooperation; stakeholder engagement;
operations of the Convention |
COP 9 |
1. Agricultural biodiversity
2. Global Strategy for Plant Conservation
3. Invasive alien species
4. Forest biodiversity
5. Incentive measures
6. Ecosystem approach |
1. Progress in the implementation
of the Strategic Plan and follow-up on progress towards the 2010 target
and relevant Millennium Development Goals: review of national biodiversity
strategies and action plans
2. Financial resources and the financial mechanism;
Identification and monitoring |
COP 10 |
1. Inland waters biodiversity
2. Marine and coastal biodiversity
3. Sustainable use
4. Protected areas
5. Mountain biodiversity
6. Climate change |
1. Progress in the implementation
of the Strategic Plan and follow-up on progress towards the 2010 target
and relevant Millennium Development Goals: review of the fourth national
reports and the third Global Biodiversity Outlook; revision of the Strategic
Plan and framework of goals and targets
2. Clearing-house mechanism; technology transfer; capacity-building |
Annex III
A. Functions
1. The functions of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological
Advice are those contained in Article 25 of the Convention and the decisions
of the Conference of the Parties (see appendix A for a list of functions of
the Subsidiary Body). Accordingly, the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice will fulfil its mandate under the authority
of, and in accordance with, guidance laid down by the Conference of the Parties,
and upon its request.
2. Pursuant to Article 25, paragraph 3, of the Convention, the functions,
terms of reference, organization and operation of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice may be further elaborated, for approval
by the Conference of the Parties.
B. Operating principles
3. The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice,
in carrying out its functions, shall support the implementation of the multi-year
programme of work of the Conference of the Parties and the Strategic Plan of
the Convention, in a manner consistent with other internationally agreed goals
relevant to the objectives of the Convention.
4. The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
shall endeavor to constantly improve the quality of its scientific, technical
and technological advice by improving scientific, technical and technological
input into, debate at, and work of, meetings of the Subsidiary Body. Strategic
ways and means of improving the advice of the Subsidiary Body are included
in Appendix B.
C. Rules of procedure
5. The rules of procedure for meetings of the Conference of the Parties to
the Convention on Biological Diversity shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in
accordance with rule 26, paragraph 5, to the proceedings of the Subsidiary
Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice. However, rule 18,
on credentials, will not apply.
6. In accordance with rule 52, the official and working languages of the
Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice will be those
of the United Nations Organization. The proceedings of the Subsidiary Body
on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice will be carried out in the
working languages of the Conference of the Parties.
7. The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice,
within the available budgetary resources for matters related to its mandate,
may make requests to the Executive Secretary and utilize the clearing-house
mechanism, and other appropriate means, to assist in the preparation of its
8. The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
may make recommendations that include options or alternatives.
9. In order to facilitate continuity in the work of the Subsidiary Body on
Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and taking into account the
technical and scientific character of the input of the Subsidiary Body, the
terms of office of members of its Bureau will be two meetings. At each meeting
of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice one
of the two regional representatives shall be elected in order to achieve staggered
terms of office. The members of the Bureau of the Subsidiary Body will take
office at the end of the meeting at which they are elected.
10. The Chairperson of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological
Advice, elected at an ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties, shall
take office from the end of the next ordinary meeting of the Subsidiary Body
on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and remain in office until
his/her successor takes office. As a general rule the chairmanship of the Subsidiary
Body shall rotate among United Nations regional groups. Candidates for the
Chair of the Subsidiary Body should be recognized experts, qualified in the
field of biological diversity and experienced in the process of the Convention
and the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice.
D. Frequency and timing of meetings of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice
11. The meetings of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological
Advice should take place as necessary and sufficiently in advance of each regular
meeting of the Conference of the Parties, for a duration to be determined by
the Conference of the Parties which should not normally exceed five days. The
number and length of the meetings and activities of the Subsidiary Body on
Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and its organs should be reflected
in the budget adopted by the Conference of the Parties or other sources of
extra budgetary funding.
E. Documentation
12. The documentation prepared for meetings will be distributed three months
before the meeting in the working languages of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice, will be concrete, focused draft technical
reports and will include proposed conclusions and recommendations for consideration
of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice.
13. To assist with the peer review of documentation, the Executive Secretary
may establish, in consultation with the Chairperson and the other members of
the Bureau of the Subsidiary Body, a liaison group comprising a balanced range
of experts qualified in fields relating to the conservation and sustainable
use of biodiversity and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising
out of the utilization of genetic resources, and including scientific institutions
and societies, as appropriate. Such liaison groups, and the way in which they
interact, will depend on the resources available.
14. In preparing documentation for meetings, the Executive Secretary will
establish work plans, timetables, resource requirements, and collaborators
and contributors, and follow a transparent process for contributions, comments
and feedback at various stages of document preparation. Technical reports
prepared for the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological
Advice will be peer-reviewed as appropriate.
F. Organization of work during the meetings
15. Each meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological
Advice will propose to the Conference of the Parties, in light of the programme
of work for the Conference of the Parties and the Subsidiary Body, a particular
theme as the focus of work for the following meeting of the Subsidiary Body.
16. Two open-ended sessional working groups of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice could be established and operate simultaneously
during meetings of the Subsidiary Body. They shall be established on the basis
of well-defined terms of reference, and will be open to all Parties and observers.
The financial implications of these arrangements should be reflected in the
budget of the Convention.
G. Scientific and Technical Assessments
17. Scientific and technical assessments initiated by the Subsidiary Body
on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice shall be regionally balanced,
carried out in an objective and authoritative manner, according to the terms
of reference that clearly establish the mandate, duration of operation and
expected outcomes, and undertaken according to the process outlined in appendix
C below.
H. Ad hoc technical expert group meetings
18. A limited number of ad hoc technical expert groups on specific priority
issues on the programme of work of the Conference of the Parties may be established
under the guidance of the Conference of the Parties, as required, for a limited
duration, to provide scientific and technical advice and assessments. The establishment
of such ad hoc technical expert groups would be guided by the following elements:
(a) The ad hoc technical expert groups should draw on the existing knowledge
and competence available within, and liaise with as appropriate, international,
regional and national organizations, including non-governmental organizations
and the scientific community, as well as indigenous and local community organizations
and the private sector, in fields relevant to this Convention;
(b) The Executive Secretary, in consultation with the Bureau of the Subsidiary
Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, will select scientific
and technical experts from the nominations submitted by Parties for each ad
hoc technical expert group. The ad hoc technical expert groups shall
be composed of no more than fifteen experts nominated by Parties competent
in the relevant field of expertise, with due regard to geographical representation,
gender balance and to the special conditions of developing countries, in particular
the least-developed and small island developing States, and countries with
economies in transition, as well as a limited number of experts from relevant
organizations, depending on the subject matter. The number of experts from
organizations shall not exceed the number of experts nominated by Parties;
(c) The number of ad hoc technical expert groups active each year will be
limited to the minimum necessary. In the establishment of such groups, Parties
shall take into consideration the availability of extra-budgetary resources
as determined by the Conference of the Parties;
(d) Ad hoc technical expert groups will be encouraged to use innovative
means of communication and to minimize the need for face-to-face meetings;
(e) Reports produced by the ad hoc technical expert groups should, as a general
rule, be submitted for peer review;
(f) All efforts will be made to provide adequate voluntary financial assistance
for the participation of experts, in the ad hoc technical expert groups, from
developing countries and countries with economies in transition Parties.
I. Contribution of non-governmental organizations
19. The scientific and technical contribution of non-governmental organizations
to the fulfilment of the mandate of the Subsidiary Body will be strongly encouraged
in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Convention and the rules
of procedure for meetings of the Conference of the Parties.
J. Cooperation with other relevant bodies
20. The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
shall cooperate with other relevant international, regional and national organizations,
under the guidance of the Conference of the Parties, thus building upon the
vast experience and knowledge available. To facilitate such cooperation, the
Bureau of the Subsidiary Body may hold meetings with equivalent bodies of other
relevant biodiversity-related conventions, institutions and processes. In
addition, the Chair of the Subsidiary Body, or other member of the Bureau authorized
by the Chair, may represent the Subsidiary Body at meetings of the scientific
bodies of such groups.
K. Regional and subregional preparatory meetings
21. Regional and subregional meetings for the preparation of regular meetings
of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice may
be organized, as appropriate, for specific items. The possibility of combining
such meetings with other scientific regional meetings, in order to make maximum
use of available resources, should be considered. The convening of such regional
and subregional meetings will be subject to the availability of voluntary financial
22. The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
should, in the fulfilment of its mandate, draw upon the contributions of the
existing regional and subregional intergovernmental organizations or initiatives.
L. Focal points
23. A list of focal points and focal persons to the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice shall be established and regularly updated
by the Executive Secretary, on the basis of information provided by Parties
and other relevant regional, subregional and intergovernmental organizations.
24. Although the specific responsibilities of focal points to the Subsidiary
Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice will be determined by
Parties, such focal points act as liaisons with the Secretariat on behalf of
their Parties with regard to scientific, technical and technological matters
related to the Convention and, in doing so, they may undertake the following
(a) Developing linkages, and facilitating information exchange, between the
Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and relevant
regional and national agencies and experts;
(b) Responding to requests for input from the Conference of the Parties and
the Secretariat related to scientific, technical and technological issues;
(c) Communicating and collaborating with focal points for the Subsidiary
Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice in other countries to
improve the effectiveness of the Subsidiary Body and to facilitate implementation
of the Convention;
(d) Collaborating with other national-level focal points for the Convention
on Biological Diversity and focal points from other biodiversity-related conventions
to facilitate implementation of the Convention at the national level.
Appendix A
The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice was
established to provide the Conference of the Parties and, as appropriate, its
other subsidiary bodies with timely advice relating to the implementation of
the Convention. Its specific functions are to:
(a) Provide scientific and technical assessments of the status of biological
(b) Prepare scientific and technical assessments of the effects of types
of measures taken in accordance with the provisions of this Convention;
(c) Identify innovative, efficient and state-of-the-art technologies and
know-how relating to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity
and advise on the ways and means of promoting development and/or transferring
such technologies;
(d) Identify new and emerging issues relating to the conservation and sustainable
use of biodiversity;
(e) Provide advice on scientific programmes and international cooperation
in research and development related to conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity;
(f) Respond to scientific, technical, technological and methodological questions
that the Conference of the Parties and its subsidiary bodies may put to the
Appendix B
1. Improving the scientific, technical and technological inputs into SBSTTA
meetings by, inter alia:
(a)Strengthening relationships with the scientific and technical community
(i) Providing material about the work of the Subsidiary Body in a format
that is accessible and relevant to the scientific and technical community;
(ii) Actively disseminating the results of the work of the Subsidiary Body
through scientific literature, both as reporting items and scientific papers,
as reviewed and approved by the Conference of the Parties;
(iii) Participating in, and contributing to, the scientific and technical
components of other biodiversity-related processes;
(iv) Using other bodies as a bridge between the Subsidiary Body and the scientific
and technical community in relation to work programmes;
(v) Engaging the scientific community in scientific assessments.
2. Improving the scientific, technical and technological debate during SBSTTA
meetings by, inter alia:
(a) Raising delegates’ awareness about, and encouraging informal debate
on, key issues through the provision of scientific
and technical publications, keynote speakers, poster sessions, round-table
debates and other side events during meetings of the Subsidiary Body;
(b) Identifying other opportunities to prepare delegates, particularly
those with limited experience, for the discussions
on scientific and technical matters;
(c) Dedicating sufficient time to the consideration of results of scientific
and technical assessments.
Appendix C
Assessment steps |
Modalities/activities |
Recognition of assessment need/mandate |
1. Mandate given by the Conference of the
2. Needs identified:
- Through the review of programmes of work, e.g., for forest biodiversity,
and biodiversity and climate change;
- After an initial assessment, e.g., for invasive alien species;
- During implementation of programmes of work, e.g., for rapid assessment
Preparation of background document
or note by the Executive Secretary |
Provide notice of intention to undertake
1. Invitation given to scientific community to submit evidence
Background documents or detailed outlines drafted by the Executive
Secretary with or without assistance from:
2. Consultant/collaborating organization; and/or
3. Expert meeting. |
Consideration by an AHTEG 1 /
established by the Conference of the Parties |
1. Review of background document or Note
by the Executive Secretary;
2. Identification of gaps; and
3. Revision of background document taking into account additional published
information. |
Peer-review |
Peer-review, if applicable, by:
1. Selected reviewers;
2. A wider audience including Parties, other Governments, SBSTTA
focal points, experts nominated by Parties, organizations and indigenous
and local communities and/or other conventions and their focal points.
Consideration by SBSTTA |
1. Development of conclusions on assessment;
2. Recommendation to the Conference of the Parties.
Use and application of results (including consideration by the Conference
of the Parties) and identification of gaps to be addressed in future |
1.Utilization of the revised document to
develop elements and activities for the relevant programmes of work,
and follow-up activities and submission of draft decision for consideration
by the Conference of the Parties;
2. Decision by the Conference of the Parties;
3. Publication of assessment reports in the CBD Technical Series;
4. Use in other publications, e.g., Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
5. Active dissemination of results to scientific community.
6. Use by Governments and others;
7. Identification of additional information needs, including the need
for new assessments. |
Annex IV
Pursuant to recommendation 1/2 of the Working Group on Review of Implementation,
the Executive Secretary, in consultation with the SBSTTA Bureau, has explored
options for facilitating the exchange of information and views on SBSTTA agenda
items in the table below. These options have been defined with a view to facilitating
the formal discussion of agenda items at SBSTTA meetings and should be considered
bearing in mind the time constraints during meetings of the Subsidiary Body.
Option |
Commentary |
Keynote speakers |
- Keynote speakers may be asked to speak during the opening of SBSTTA
meetings. Experience under the Convention suggests that keynote speakers
can usefully set a constructive tone for a meeting either by providing
an inspirational or provocative speech; however targeted introductory
presentations facilitate the exchange of information and views on specific
issues more effectively.
- Selected keynote speakers may be from outside the Convention or
from amongst delegates; however, in addition to being knowledgeable
about the subject of discussion, they must also be animated and interesting
Introductory presentations |
- Introductory presentations are often used to introduce specific
issues in Plenary or in the working groups at SBSTTA. They may be given
by Secretariat staff, delegates, or guests. They can be very effective
in terms of raising awareness about and outlining key issues for delegates,
especially technical or complex issues; however they do not provide
an opportunity for in-depth discussion of issues.
Presentations in meetings of
regional groups |
- Experts could be invited by regional groups to their meetings held
during SBSTTA to give brief presentations and catalyze discussion within
regions on key issues being addressed at SBSTTA meetings. Prior to
SBSTTA meetings, regional groups could determine for which agenda items
presentations might be useful and invite the relevant experts to their
respective meetings.
Informal workshops |
- Informal intra- and/or inter-sessional workshops on key agenda items
could be held to enable delegates to exchange views on issues without
the constraints of a formal negotiating process. Workshops would be
held in response to an identified need from SBSTTA and would likely
consist of presentations (from Secretariat staff, delegates, or guests)
and discussion and could help to raise and resolve challenging issues
in a less formal setting. Outcomes of the workshops could be in the
form of a chair’s text. It would not need to be agreed upon, but it
could be referred to during the formal debate.
- Intra-sessional workshops could be held in working groups prior
to the formal negotiation of a particular agenda item, while inter-sessional
workshops could be held just prior to SBSTTA meetings. In the case
of intra-sessional workshops, participation would be guaranteed.
- Inter-sessional workshops could be held a few weeks prior to, or
back-to-back with, SBSTTA meetings. They could also be held simultaneous
to other biodiversity-related meetings (e.g., Ramsar COP, UNCCD COP
1 / The cost of a meeting of experts (including
12 experts from developing countries and countries with economies in transition)
varies between US$ 40,000 and US$ 60,000 depending on the venue and
participation of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
when meetings are held outside of Montreal.