Capacity-Building and Development


The Rio Conventions Joint Capacity-Building Programme aims to strengthen the capacities of relevant national institutions and individual policymakers and practitioners to integrate and foster synergies between the three Rio Conventions and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In addition to providing training on what the CBD, UNFCCC and UNCCD entail, the joint programme also aims to strengthen individual, institutional and systemic capacities, structurally engage with relevant partners and provide high-quality resource materials on a set of themes, under which knowledge products will be developed.

Focus Areas

The proposed focus areas, which are common across the three Rio Conventions, include:
  1. Understanding synergies between CBD, UNFCCC and UNCCD and how they contribute to the implementation of the SDGs;
  2. How to effectively integrate implementation of the three conventions into national sustainable development plans, policies, programmes and projects;
  3. Tracking progress of implementation and their contribution to the SDGs;
  4. Accessing and mobilizing finance for synergistic projects;
  5. The role of local and indigenous knowledge to support synergies amongst the conventions.