Capacity-Building and Development

Biodiversity E-Learning

The Biodiversity E-learning Platform was established in 2017, with funding from the Government of Japan through the Japan Biodiversity Fund, pursuant to the request made to the Executive Secretary by the Conference of the Parties (decision XII/2 B, paragraph 8e) to promote the use of advanced technologies to further enhance capacity building, technical and scientific cooperation and technology transfer.

The Platform is a customized learning management system (LMS) designed to facilitate access to a wide range of e-learning opportunities relevant to the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Protocols.

The e-learning platform hosts the following modules and courses developed in collaboration with partners:

  • Access and Benefit-sharing:
    • Introduction to Access and Benefit-Sharing
    • Introduction to the ABS Clearing-House
    • Establishing Measures to Implement the Nagoya Protocol

  • Biosafety:
    • Mainstreaming Biosafety
    • Public Awareness, Education and Participation
    • Handling, Transport, Packaging and Identification of Living Modified Organisms
    • the Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress

Participants can benefit from these e-learning opportunities by signing up for a CBD account and registering for the selected modules.