Side Event
Learning and Action: Enhancing Conservation Finance through Environmental Funds and South-South Collaboration
Brazilian Biodiversity Fund - Funbio on behalf of the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds - RedLAC
Date and Time
13 October 2014 18:15 - 19:45
Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Environmental Funds (EFs) have been established in more than 70 developing countries, created to co finance conservation and sustainable development initiatives. In 2010, RedLAC launched a program with the objective of strengthening EFs to exchange knowledge and develop innovative financial mechanisms for biodiversity conservation. The program included participation of EFs from Africa, which later composed their own network, the Consortium of African Funds for the Environment - CAFE. The event will present the concrete results of this program, including ten innovative financial mechanisms implemented and documented by EFs, which are mobilizing additional resources in LAC countries.