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Side Event

Achieving Aichi Targets 9 and 12: A Pathway for Preventing Species Extinction on Small Islands at a Global Scale

Island Conservation

Date and Time
1 May 2012 13:15 - 14:45

Sixteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice

In partnership with the Global Island Partnership (GLISPA) and with the participation of selected parties of the CBD (countries participating still to be decided), Island Conservation describes how to prevent species extinction on small islands (Aichi Target 12) by removing invasive alien species (Aichi Target 9). Island Conservation will present a proposed way forward to scale up the process, based on a recent scientific analysis provided by the Threatened Island Biodiversity database, illustrated by concrete field examples and with the catalytic support of the international community. The success of protecting the world's most threatened species and island ecosystems through the removal of invasive alien species at scale depends on the concerted action of governments, multilateral institutions, aid agencies, local communities, private sector partners and NGOs.