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1388 Results
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International Mountain Day

11 December 2024, New York, United States of America


International Day of Forests

21 March 2024, New York, United States of America


Webinar to celebrate 10 years of the Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative on the occasion of the International Day of Forests, 21 March 2024, online

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/JL/SK/JA/LJ/91539 (2024-014)
To: CBD national focal points and SBSTTA focal points, indigenous peoples and local communities, and relevant global and regional organizations and initiatives, cc: Cartagena Protocol focal points, ABS focal points

pdf English 

International Mountain Day

11 December 2023, New York, United States of America


Global Soil Partnership Plenary Assembly (FAO)

12 - 14 July 2023, Rome, Italy


Global Symposium on Soil and Water (FAO)

31 May - 2 June 2023, Rome, Italy

News Headlines

Midwest forests lost 8,000 years of stored carbon in just 150 years new animated maps track the changes, revealing lessons for climate projects today

“Plant a tree” seems to be the go-to answer to climate change concerns these days. Booking a rental car online recently, I was asked to check a box to plant a tree to offset my car’s anticipated carbon dioxide emissions. In 2020, the governor of my state, Indiana, launched an initiative to plant ...

News Headlines

UP Forest Department to tap technology to check human-wildlife conflict

The Uttar Pradesh Forest Department will install light and sound-emitting devices in villages adjoining the Dudhwa-Katarniaghat forest buffer zone to prevent wild animals from entering human habitats.

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How Forest Structure Drives Productivity

Forests make large contributions to Earth’s climate, from releasing water vapor to pulling in carbon dioxide from the air, which mitigates global warming. The arrangement of trees affects how forests use light and water for photosynthesis, and it is known that more complex forests have higher pr ...

News Headlines

Namibia loses nearly 20 percent of forest in last 30 years

Namibia has lost nearly 20 percent of its forest area during the past 30 years as a result of unsustainable use of resources, a government official said Wednesday.

News Headlines

‘In 10 years, we might not have forests’: DRC struggles to halt charcoal trade – a photo essay

Every few seconds a handful of reddish clay is scraped out of a bucket, rolled briskly into a ball, coated in charcoal dust and left in the sun to dry. For the past three years, Nzigire Ntavuna, 39, has been making these balls on the outskirts of Kahuzi-Biega national park, in the rainforest in ...

News Headlines

Firefighters attempt to save giant sequoias as Yosemite wildfire grows

A grove containing some of the world’s oldest giant sequoia trees is under threat from a rapidly growing wildfire at California’s Yosemite national park.

News Headlines

Rubber used by leading European tire makers linked to forest loss in Africa: Report

Top European tire makers, including France’s Michelin and Germany’s Continental AG, are sourcing rubber from agribusinesses implicated in deforestation and undermining land rights in western and central Africa, a report by the non-profit Global Witness found.

News Headlines

New disease strikes Michigan trees. Arborists don't know how to treat it

A mysterious invasive disease has hit a stand of southeast Michigan trees, adding to a long list of threats faced by state forests.

News Headlines

Ambulances for plants: Meet India’s ecological emergency service

An ambulance speeds through the streets, but it doesn’t have blue lights or any kind of siren. And instead of medical equipment, it is stocked with gardening tools, fertilizers and ladders.

News Headlines

Planting trees for the Planet’s beating heart

Reconnecting rural areas, mountains, plains, urban space – reconstructing woodlands and forests, placing with care the right trees in the right places, creating ‘ecological pathways’ able to recreate the natural beauty of world communities: this is the commitment of the Alberitalia Foundation to ...

News Headlines

UN Secretary-General António Guterres says Suriname gives ‘hope and inspiration to the world to

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres says Suriname gives “hope and inspiration to the world to save our rain forests.” He made the comment on Saturday as he saw first-hand the commitment of the Surinamese people to protect their natural treasures and ancestral knowledge.

News Headlines

The roots of sustainability: 5 reasons why cities need trees

As most cities and countries continue to report hotter summer days that are breaking 100-year records, indoor cooling can offer only little respite and to the privileged few.

News Headlines

Coal mining threatens Ethiopia’s ancient coffee forest

Sitting high in the hills of southwestern Ethiopia, the thick green forest of Yayu is a haven of biodiversity where Nuradin Aliyi, a third-generation wild-coffee farmer, has lived his whole life intertwined with nature.

News Headlines

In Nigeria's disappearing forests, loggers outnumber trees

Deep in a forest in Nigeria's Ebute Ipare village, Egbontoluwa Marigi sized up a tall mahogany tree, methodically cut it down with his axe and machete, and as it fell with a crackling sound, he surveyed the forest for the next tree.

News Headlines

End old-growth logging in carbon-rich ‘crown jewel’ of U.S. forests: Study

A recent study of the Tongass National Forest, the largest in the United States, found that it contains 20% of the carbon held in the entire national forest system.

News Headlines

Alerce tree in Chile may be the oldest in the world

Chilean environmental scientist Jonathan Barichivich has been making waves in the dendrochronology community of late due to his study and findings regarding an alerce tree in Alerce Costero National Park—he believes the tree may be the oldest in the world.

News Headlines

Planting Trees Isn’t Enough. Here’s Why We Need Tiny Man-Made Forests.

In 2019, Ethiopia famously planted 350 million trees. The same year, Turkey planted 11 million of its own. It’s no exaggeration that tree-planting has taken root around the world as a popular fix for the climate crisis through campaigns like the Trillion Trees initiative and Bonn Challenge, but ...

News Headlines

Spatial aspects of biodiversity and the homogenization threat to forest ecosystems

A study from the Missouri Ozarks highlights the importance of spatial aspects of biodiversity for healthy functioning of naturally occurring forests.

News Headlines

In Jordan, the Middle East’s first Miyawaki-style ‘baby’ forests take root

It’s a quiet day in Omar al-Faisal Park, in the impoverished industrial outskirts of Jordan’s capital, Amman. Sandwiched between the runway of a military airport and residential streets, the park seems unimpressive at first glance, but it shelters a little-known gem.

News Headlines

Drastic declines in Neotropical birds in a protected Panamanian forest

Tropical forests harbor around two-thirds of the world’s biodiversity. The Neotropics—comprising Central America, the Caribbean and South America—are home to a third of the world’s known bird species, the highest among all biogeographical realms.

News Headlines

Borneo: Forests for a better future

Indonesia has lost nearly a fifth of its forests in just the last 20 years. But the island of Kalimantan, also known as Borneo, is beginning to see signs of change.

News Headlines

How illegal logging is threatening Romania's unique virgin forests

Romania is home to Europe's richest forests in terms of biodiversity. But every day they're being diminished - by illegal logging

News Headlines

Tree may be the world's oldest, dating to 3,400 years before the birth of Christ

In the lush green forest of the Alerce Costero national park in southern Chile, one majestic tree that towers over the rest could give what's currently recognized as the world's oldest tree a run for its money.

News Headlines

New clues about the secretive lives of tree hyraxes

Tree hyraxes are non-descript, mid-sized mammals that wake after dark in the canopies of Tropical African forests. Because they’re a shy nocturnal mammal living high in trees, little has been discovered about their behavior.

News Headlines

Working to save an urban forest gave me back my confidence

I stood on the street corner — my first Saturday protest at the Fairview forest — filled with dread. Would I be able to handle the two hours on my own? I didn't like being away from home where I knew it was safe; I'd been through too many panic attacks in public spaces over the last 10 years.

News Headlines

How can Indonesia improve the REDD+ project to stop deforestation?

Indonesia is home to the world's third-largest tropical forest area and since 2009 has operated a forest-based climate action project developed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

News Headlines

The Forest Forecast

These are strange times for the Indigenous Nenets reindeer herders of northern Siberia. In their lands on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, bare tundra is thawing, bushes are sprouting, and willows that a generation ago struggled to reach knee height now grow 3 meters tall, hiding the reindeer. Su ...

News Headlines

US forests provide 83 million people with half their water

Forested lands across the U.S. provide 83 million people with at least half of their water, according to a broad new study of surface water sources for more than 5,000 public water systems.

News Headlines

Turkey’s forests thrive again after devastating wildfires

Images shared by the General Directorate of Forestry this week show the progress in Turkey’s efforts to replenish areas that fell victim to last year’s forest fires. Barren land has lost its pale hue as saplings planted after the fires rapidly grow.

News Headlines

Phantom Forests: What They Are, and Why They’re Controversial

Environmentalists are doing everything they can to save the planet, and one increasingly popular tactic is to plant trees — but oftentimes, they lead to phantom forests.

News Headlines

Extinction obituary: why experts weep for the quiet and beautiful Hawaiian po’ouli

The last po’ouli died in an unusual nest. Too weak to perch, the brownish-greyish songbird rested in a small towel twisted into a ring. He was the last of his species, the last in fact of an entire group of finches, and occurred nowhere on Earth outside its native Hawaii.

News Headlines

The story of Bremji Kul, Kashmir’s sacred tree

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “the creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.” A few hundred years ago, the Kashmir Valley was a gathering place for spiritual activities, a holy place that attracted dozens of men and women and encouraged them to live a life closer to God.

News Headlines

These seed-firing drones are planting 40,000 trees every day to fight deforestation

Let’s face it. Talk about biodiversity loss at a party and you’re unlikely to make friends. Talk about an army of seed-firing drones, however, and suddenly you’re the coolest person there.

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Results for: ("Forest Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme