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Management of risks associated with introduction of alien species as pets, aquarium and terrarium species, and as live bait and live food, and related issues
Review of work on invasive alien species and considerations for future work
Invasive alien species
Further work on gaps and inconsistencies in the international regulatory framework on invasive alien species introduced as pets, aquarium and terrarium species, as live bait and live food, and best practices for addressing the risks associated with their introduction
Invasive alien species: report on consultations regarding international standards
Alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species (Article8(h)): further consideration of gaps and inconsistencies in the international regulatory framework
Invasive alien species
Alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species
Alien species: guiding principles for the prevention, introduction and mitigation of impacts
Development of guiding principles for the prevention of impacts of alien species and identifying priority areas of work on isolated ecosystems and giving recommendations for further development of the Global Invasive Species Programme