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  • Migratory Species (174)



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174 Results
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World Wildlife Day

3 March 2024, Geneva, Switzerland


World Oceans Day 2018 (http://www.un.org/en/events/oceansday/)

8 June 2018, New York, United States of America

News Headlines

World Migratory Birds Day: How are India’s winged guests doing

Everybody loves the sight of flocks of exotic birds making the most of the winter sun. But how many pause to think of how their lot really fare? The eve of World Migratory Bird Day offers an opportunity to take stock.

News Headlines

World Migratory Bird Day: birds globally threatened by plastic waste

Bonn, 9 May 2019 – Plastic pollution poses serious health risks to wildlife globally, affecting a wide range of species including whales, turtles, fish and birds.


World Migratory Bird Day 2020

9 May 2020, Bonn, Germany


World Migratory Bird Day 2020

10 October 2020, Bonn, Germany


World Migratory Bird Day 2019

11 May 2019, Bonn, Germany


World Migratory Bird Day (October)

9 October 2021, Bonn, Germany


World Migratory Bird Day (October)

9 October 2022, Bonn, Germany


World Migratory Bird Day (May)

8 May 2021, Online, Bonn, Germany


World Migratory Bird Day (May)

8 May 2022, Bonn, Germany


World Migratory Bird Day

14 May 2023, Bonn, Germany


World Migratory Bird Day

8 October 2023, Bonn, Germany


World Bee Day 2020

20 May 2020, New York, United States of America


World Bee Day 2018

20 May 2018, New York, United States of America

News Headlines

Why migratory birds have been late to UK skies this spring

One swallow does not, proverbially, make a summer – and this year, birders all over the UK were struggling to see any at all, at least until the last week of April.

News Headlines

Why birds migrate vast distances – and how you can help during their breeding season

Now that spring is in the air, the UK is starting to see its summer visitors arriving. Ospreys are already back in their nests, chiffchaffs are singing their song to re-establish their territories, and puffins have arrived at their breeding sites around the British Isles.

News Headlines

Why Mara wildebeest are unhappy with you

-The Serengeti-Mara squeeze, one of the world’s most iconic ecosystems, is under pressure -Increased human activity is 'squeezing the wildlife in its core', damaging habitation and disrupting migration routes

News Headlines

When the season’s last fleet of migratory birds flew over Madurai

Around the lockdown anniversary, a young photographer in Madurai planned a silent anniversary celebration of his Canon 1500 D that he purchased just before the stay-at-home orders came into effect last year. “After paying my last EMI, I roamed alone for days around the various water bodies in th ...

News Headlines

When storks come to town and where to spot them in Turkey

Situated along a major bird migration route between Europe and Africa and home to numerous marshlands, Turkey is a prime spot for birdwatching, especially for storks

News Headlines

Understand Animal Behaviour to Aid Conservation: Novel Proposal at CMS COP13

For the first time, animal culture - the learning of non-human species through socially transmitted behaviour - is being linked to conservation action, biologists said on Wednesday.The Convention on the Conservation on Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) has been spearheading efforts to use ...

News Headlines

Ulsan’s Taehwa River to be Listed as Flyway Habitat for Migratory Birds

he Taehwa River, Woehwang River, Hoeya Lake, Seonam Lake, and Ulsan Bay, all located in the southeastern city of Ulsan, will be listed on the Flyway Network Site (FNS), designed to protect migratory waterbirds.

Meeting Document


Migratory species and cooperation with the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals<br>Case-studies illustrating how the implementation of the Convention on Migratory Species complements the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Meeting Document


Possible elements for a joint work programme between the SCBD and the Secretariat of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals

Meeting Document


Migratory species and cooperation with the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals

Meeting Document


How the implementation of the Convention on Migratory Species complements the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity: note by the UN/CMS Secretariat

Meeting Document


Linkages and Coordination between the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals and the CBD

Meeting Document


Memorandum of Cooperation Between the Secretariat and the Secretariat of the Convention on the Conseravtion of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (BONN Convention)

News Headlines

UN issues stamps celebrating CITES-listed migratory species

The 27th edition of UN Endangered Species Stamps series was launched today. For this series the United Nations Postal Administration (UNPA) and CITES Secretariat engaged with the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) to feature 12 stamps showcasing CITES-liste ...

News Headlines

Turning the lights off for a few nights each year could save millions of birds

Turning off your lights at night may mean more than just saving energy. For migrating birds, bright buildings are just another of a long list of threats to their populations. Of the more than one thousand bird species that are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, 92 are listed as endan ...

News Headlines

Trying to bring as many countries to CMS as I can: Executive Secretary

Amy Fraenkel, Executive Secretary, Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), spoke to Down to Earth on the functioning of the convention at the sidelines of the ongoing 13th Conference of Parties (CoP) in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. Edited excerpts:

News Headlines

Tracking of nearctic seabirds surprises scientists with diverse migratory paths from shared breeding site

As the Arctic and the oceans warm due to climate change, understanding how a rapidly changing environment may affect birds making annual journeys between the Arctic and the high seas is vital to international conservation efforts.

News Headlines

Tiger sharks feast on migratory birds that fall out of the sky

Other marine animals don’t appear to target land birds that end up in the Gulf of Mexico


Third Meeting of Signatories to the Raptors MOU

3 - 6 July 2023, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

News Headlines

The perilous migratory journey of the eastern whip-poor-will

Using GPS tags attached to the birds, researchers discovered some surprising facts about the long migrations that eastern whip-poor-wills make from their Midwest breeding grounds to where they winter in Mexico and Central America.

News Headlines

The perilous life of migratory birds

Climate change is making their journeys longer and harder, window panes and power lines are deadly obstacles, and hunters lie in wait with nets. But there is plenty we can do to help, not harm, our feathered friends.

News Headlines

The extraordinary flight of a bird that flew from Alaska to New Zealand in 11 days without a rest | Expert Zone | Climate and environment

In September 2020, a new record was set for the longest non-stop flight a living creature has made on Earth. A sample from a lost bird The black-tailed needleLemosa Labonica Bauri) He flew from Alaska to New Zealand traveling 12,200 km in 11 days of non-stop flight! The population sample of the ...

News Headlines

The annual 3,000-mile monarch migration is heading toward Chicago: 'It's like a Disney movie, except better'

Breanna Seibel was riding a four-wheeler alongside her alfalfa field in northern Wisconsin when she started seeing monarch butterflies. The bright orange visitors were swooping, fluttering and dancing in pairs, quartets and trios. They were landing in the trees that line the field, with up to 10 ...

Side Event
COP 11

The Role of Ecological Networks in the Conservation of Migratory Species

Habitat destruction and fragmentation are recognized among the primary threats to migratory species. The Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) and its related Agreements acknowledge that migratory species’ conservation merits particular attention in the designation and implementation of initiat ...

Side Event
COP 11

The Connected Planet: Cooperating to reduce threats to Arctic migratory waterbirds along major flyways

Join representatives from the participating organizations as they discuss migratory Arctic breeding birds, threats originating inside and outside the Arctic, and conservation efforts along major flyways. Hear stories from the East Asian-Australasian flyway, Central Asian Flyway, African-Eurasian ...

News Headlines

The Best Place to Watch Monarch Butterflies Migrate Might Be This Little California Beach Town

As the air cools and sunlight declines each fall, thousands of western monarch butterflies return to California to overwinter. One of the best places to watch the colorful spectacle is Pismo Beach.

News Headlines

Ten new migratory species protected under global wildlife agreement

Asian elephants, jaguars and great Indian bustards were among 10 new species added to a global wildlife agreement on Saturday.The Thirteenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS COP13) concluded in Gandhinagar, I ...

News Headlines

Tarantula mating migration begins in Colorado

Aug. 9 (UPI) -- At dusk across highways in south-eastern Colorado, thousands of Oklahoma brown tarantulas are beginning their annual trek searching for mates.

Side Event
COP 10

Taking off – birds as a trigger for action

The Middle East, located at the juncture of three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa – is a region almost second to none in the world for tracking, researching and studying bird migration. The Middle East is a “bottle neck” for the migration from Europe and Asia to Africa and back. Once many ...

News Headlines

Swarm yields new insight into animal migration

Using measurements from ESA's Earth Explorer Swarm mission, scientists have developed a new tool that links the strength and direction of the magnetic field to the flight paths of migrating birds. This is a huge step forward to understanding how animals use Earth's magnetic field to navigate vas ...

News Headlines

Summer migratory bird species arrive in Nepal to lay eggs

According to an expert, several bird species migrate to Nepal every summer as the country has favourable climatic conditions and good environment for raising fledglings.

News Headlines

Study finds two billion birds migrate over Gulf Coast

A new study combining data from citizen scientists and weather radar stations is providing detailed insights into spring bird migration along the Gulf of Mexico and how these journeys may be affected by climate change. Findings on the timing, location, and intensity of these bird movements are p ...

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1 to 50
Results for: ("Migratory Species")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme