Communication, Education & Public Awareness

2003 Biodiversity Day Around the World


22 Mei 2003: Hari Keanekaragaman Hayati International. Keanekaragaman Hayati dan Pengentasan Kemiskinan- Tantangan Untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

Greetings from Jakarta

I would like to share with you the news that we have just completed various programs to celebrate Biodiversity Day in Jakarta.

My office coordinated some events including dissemination of information on biodiversity issues for radio and TV.

On 21 May, in collaboration with the Indonesian Taxonomy Initiative (INTI), I organised in the Ministry of Environment a panel discussion on harmonizing taxonomy and bio diversity.

The high point of our celebrations was on 22 May in one of the hotels in Jakarta.

We organised a workshop and continued by launching a book on alien species and translation of the Bonn Guideline. The event concluded with performances by some artists/singers who are concerned with environment issues. We were also able to arrange during the workshop an exhibition to showcase some private company and NGO initiatives on behalf of conservation of biodiversity

Unfortunately my Minister was ill, so he couldn't participate.

I had reproduced the Poster of Biodiversity Day and distributed copies to all participants. Everybody seems to love the poster.

In addition, last Sunday I was invited to give a talk in front of students and teachers in the region.

I was so busy last week, but it was fun!

Ina Binari Pranoto
Biodiversity Unit
Ministry of Environment
Jl. DI Panjaitan, Kebon Nanas
Jakarta 13410 - Indonesia
Tel: 021-8517163; Fax: 021-85905770