(61 record(s) found) |
1. | Achieving Sustainable Forest Management in Indonesia International Tropical Timber Council | |
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2. | Achieving the ITTO Objective 2000 and Sustainable Magement in Peru International Tropical Timber Council | |
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3. | Changes in the state of conservation of Mt. Kenya forests: 1999-2002 Kenya Kenya Wildlife Service | Compiled by H.Vanleeuwe, B.Woodley, C.Lambrechts, M.Gachanja |
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4. | Decentralization of forestry resources in Uganda: Realities or rhetoric Uganda Makerere University | Abwoli Y. Banana, William Gombya-Ssembajjwe, and Joseph Bahati |
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5. | Case study: Improved Agro-Forestry Management near the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in Mexico | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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6. | Case Study: Incentive Measures in Ecuador | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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7. | Inga species and alley-cropping alternative to slash-and-burn agriculture | |
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8. | Modeling Tool for Water, Nutrient, and Light Capture in Agroforestry Systems (WaNuLCAS) Website is the technology. | |
9. | Integrated Impact Assessment of International Trade Policy and Agreements: the European Union’s Sustainability Impact Assessments of Proposed WTO Agreements on Agriculture and Forest Products | Clive George, Trade Impact Section, IAIA, and Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester, UK |
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10. | An environmental impact assessment of China's WTO accession : an analysis of six sectors International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). 2004. An environmental impact assessment of China's WTO accession: an analysis of six sectors. Published by the IISD, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 220 pp. | International Institute for Sustainable Development |
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11. | Deutsche Gesellschaft Fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ): Technical cooperation on biodiversity GIZ - Germany bilateral (biodiversity) Germany | |
12. | Expansion of Industrial Logginging Central Africa The Woods Hole Research Center | Nadine T. Laporte, Jared A. Stabach, Robert Grosch, Tiffany S. Lin, Scott J. Goetz |
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13. | TFT-ALPI Partnership For Responsible Forest Management & a Sustainable Timber Business Highlights of work progress in Cameroon Tropical Forest Trust and ALPI ( forest concession) | tropical forest trust and ALPI |
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14. | Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Strategic Environmental Assessment - Lessons from Influential Cases Slootweg, R. & van Beukering, P. 2008. Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Strategic Environmental Assessment - Lessons from Influential Cases. Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment. 32 p. | Roel Slootweg and Pieter van Beukering |
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15. | Case Study: Taxation and Agriculture in Costa Rica | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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16. | Application of Ecosystem Approach in Finland - LandscapeEcological Forest Management Planning Finland Forest and Parks Service | |
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17. | Case Studies in Ecosystem Approach Applied in Sustainable Forest Management Practices, Mauritius Mauritius | |
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18. | Case Studies on Forest Biological Diversity - New Zealand New Zealand | Spellerberg, I.F., and Sawyer, J.W.D. |
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19. | Case Study on the Ecosystem Approach to Sustainable Forest Management - Conservation and Use of Forest Genetic Resources in the UK United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Forestry Commission | |
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20. | Ecosystem Approach of the Convention on Biological Diversity Germany Federal Environmental Agency | |
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21. | Ecosystem Approach to Sustainable Forest Management Practices Australia | |
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22. | The Sangha Guidelines for Landscape Approaches to Conservation and Development in the Congo Basin Forests International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN | International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN |
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Government |
23. | Information on Thematic Studies in Forest Biodiversity Belarus Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection | |
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24. | Restoration of the Functioning Forest Ecosystems of the Ore Mountains Czechia | |
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25. | Anti-Poaching And Wildlife Management Mandji Forest Concession WWF | |
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26. | Case Study: Dana Wildlands Reserve, Jordan | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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27. | Case Study: Improved Forest Management in Kenya | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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28. | Case Study: National Forest Policy in Uganda | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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30. | Managing Production Forests for Biodiversity International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN | International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN |
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31. | Manejo integrado y certificado del recurso bosque, en la
Reserva de Biosfera Maya, Caso de la OMYC Uaxántun, Petén, Guatemala Guatemala El Consejo Nacional de Áreas Protegidas (CONAP) - La oficina técnica de biodiversidad | |
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32. | Project for Ecosystem Management in the Periphery of the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park -PROGEPP Wildlife Conservation Society | Wildlife Conservation Society |
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33. | Pygmy Communities, LoggersiIn Congo Use GPS, Community Radio to Protect Cultural Sites Tropical Forest Trust | |
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34. | Case Study: Improved Agro-Forestry in Costa Rica | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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35. | Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) provides environmental and economic benefits This case study is also available as part of the "Forests: More than Trees" poster ITTO | |
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36. | Example of Non-Governmental Organizations Assisting Forest Concessions WWF | WWF |
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37. | Case Study: Austria - Incentive for Best Practices in Farming Case study taken from the CBD Technical Series No. 39 Cross-sectoral toolkit for the conservation and sustainable management of forest biodiversity | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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38. | Two Case Studies: On Improved Local Governance in Tanzania | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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39. | Livelihoods, natural resources entitlements and protected areas: The case of Mt. Elgon Forest in Kenya Kenya International Forestry Resources and Institutions | Paul Ongugo, Jane Njguguna, Emily Obonyo and Gordon Sigu
Kenya IFRI Collaboratve Research centre |
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40. | Propagation of aspen from root cuttings | |
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41. | Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management | |
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42. | Assessing human well-being in sustainable forest management | |
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43. | Developing the Local Natural Resource Management Plan: A Guide to Facilitators The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) | Catacutan, Delia C, Eduardo E Queblatin, Caroline E Duque, Lyndon J Arbes |
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44. | Integration of Biodiversity Aspects in Strategic Environmental Assessment of Nepal Water Plan and Environmental Impact Assessment of Operational Forest Management Plans in Nepal | B.K. Uprety |
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45. | Case Study: Improved Use of Forests in the Solomon Islands | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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46. | Case Study: Improved Ecotourism in Sumatra, Indonesia | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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47. | Case Study: The Importance of Local Benefits from Ecotourism in Indonesia | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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48. | Traditional Kwifon rules protect natural forests and regulate their use Relevance: Forest conservation The World Bank Group | |
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49. | Transfer of environmentally sound technologies for sustainable forest management: an overview Note by the UNFF Secretariat UNFF Secretariat | |
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50. | Impact of forest logging in the Dja biosphere reserve, Cameroon Cameroon Ministry of Environment and Forestry | Jean Lagarde Betti |
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51. | Romania: Case study on the integration of biodiversity into national environmental assessment procedures UNDP/UNEP/GEF-BPSP “The Integration of Biodiversity into National Environmental Assessment Procedures - National Case Studies – Romania”, September 2001. < http://www.unep.org/bpsp/EIA/Case%20Studies/Romania%20(EIA).pdf> | |
52. | Restoring a forest after bauxite mining IUCN and ICMM 2004. Integrating Mining and Biodiversity Conservation: Case studies from around the world. Published by
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and ICMM, London, UK, 48 pp. Contributed by John Gardner, page 20-21. | John Gardner |
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53. | The conservation of littoral forests in Madagascar IUCN and ICMM 2004. Integrating Mining and Biodiversity Conservation: Case studies from around the world. Published by IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK and ICMM, London, UK, 48 pp. Contributed by David Richards, page 22-23. | David Richards |
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Government |
54. | Informe de la Dirección de Fauna y Flora Silvestres de de los casos más relevantes de invasiones biológicas en la República Argentina Argentina Secretaria de Recursos Naturales y Desarollo Sostenible | |
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55. | Riley Encased Methodology (REM) for mangrove restoration | |
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56. | Reclaiming the nature preserve of Kër Cupaam in Senegal by using green firebreaks and reforestation Taking ownership of natural resources through the local community helps to preserve indigenous biodiversity and provides additional income. University of Florida, The World Bank | |
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57. | Results and prospects of development of ecological tourism in Crimea
by the example of the Yalta mountain - wood natural reserve
and other objects of natural-reserved fund of Ukraine Ukraine The Yalta Mountain - Forest Nature Reserve | Natalija Kornilova, Yuri Rasin |
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58. | Sacred Groves Institutions, Rule Enforcement and Impact on Forest Condition: The case of Ramogi Hill Forest Reserve, Kenya Kenya Kenya Forestry Research Institute | G.O. Sigu, T.O. Omenda, P.O. Ongugo and A. Opiyo,
Kenya Forestry Research Institute, IFRI CRC-K |
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59. | Sustainable alternatives of shrimp aquaculture | |
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60. | Tree Seeds for Farmers http://www.worldagroforestrycentre.org/treesandmarkets/tree%20seeds/ The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) | Kindt R., Lillesø J.P.B., Mbora A., Muriuki J., Wambugu C., Frost
Kindt R., Lillesø J.P.B., Mbora A., Muriuki J., Wambugu C., Frost W., Beniest J., Aithal A., Awimbo J., Rao S., Holding-Anyonge C. |
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61. | Learning Network on Global Partnership of Forest Landscape Restoration (GPFLR) | |