Livelihood Alternatives for the Unsustainable Use of Bushmeat (French and Spanish) Technical Series No. 60.
REDD-plus and Biodiversity Technical Series No. 59.
Water, Wetlands and Forests: A Review of Ecological, Economic and Policy Linkages Technical Series No. 47.
Forest Resilience, Biodiversity, and Climate Change - A Synthesis of the Biodiversity/Resilience/Stability Relationship in Forest Ecosystems Technical Series No. 43.
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Review of the Literature on the Links between Biodiversity and Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation Technical Series No. 42.
Biodiversity and Livelihoods: REDD-plus Benefits Brochure published jointly with giz and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, with financial support from Norway (French and Spanish)
Forests, Climate Change, Biodiversity and Land Degradation Brochure published by the Joint Liaison Group of the Rio Conventions (CBD, UNCCD and UNFCCC)
Connecting Biodiversity and Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Report of the Second Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change Technical Series No. 41.
Cross-Sectoral Toolkit for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forest Biodiversity Technical Series No. 39.
Conservation and Use of Wildlife-Based Resources: The Bushmeat Crisis Technical Series No. 33. French and Spanish
Review of the Status and Trends of, and Major Threats to, Forest Biological Diversity Technical Series No. 7.
Sustainable Management of Non-timber Forest Resources Technical Series No. 6.
Impacts of Human-caused Fires on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning, and their Causes in Tropical, Temperate and Boreal Forest Biomes (See Appendix) Technical Series No. 5.
The Value of Forest Ecosystems Technical Series No. 4.
Assessment, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Forest Biodiversity Technical Series No. 3.
Sustainable Forest Management, Biodiversity and Livelihoods A Good Practice Guide