Welcome to the Business Engagement Programme

Business.2010 newsletter : Believing in business and biodiversity.

B&B newsletter launched

The launch of CBD Business News marks the six month anniversary of COP-8, where Parties decided to engage more prominently with business. The newsletter provides a voice to people -- in large and small organizations, privately and publicly owned companies, business and trade associations, business schools, environmental groups, labour organizations, the UN System, and government -- interested in the articulation of business and biodiversity under the Convention on Biological Diversity. It is an informal platform primarily dedicated to helping the ‘business and biodiversity community’ better prepare CBD meetings and, more generally, follow and contribute to the implementation of decision VIII/17. Themes for future issues will be in line with the agendas of SBSTTA-12, SBSTTA-13, and COP-9 in particular. Over the course of the next two years, themes could include agribusiness, financial services, offsets, reporting, and tourism. Suggestions and contributions are welcome and should be sent to the editor.