Clearing-House Mechanism

CHM National Focal Points


Acting as a one of the communication channels between the national and regional levels and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, CHM National Focal Points (NFP) promote and facilitate activities in support of technical and scientific cooperation.

List of CHM National Focal Points

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Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
  Ms. Carliz Elena Díaz Martinez
Dirección General de Diversidad Biológica
Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ecosocialismo (MINEC)
+58 212 408 4730, 4785
Centro Simón Bolívar, Torre Sur
Piso 9
Viet Nam
  Ms. Tran Huyen Trang
Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Agency
Vietnam Environment Administration
+84 988741212
Fifth floor, No 99 Le Duan Street
  Ms. Rolenas Tavue Baereleo
Principal Officer, Biodiversity and Conservation Officer
Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation
Ministry of Climate Change, Adaptation, Meteorology, Geo-Hazards, Environment and Energy and NDMO
+678 33430
Port Vila

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