Morocco |
CHM Web: (English)
M. Mostafa Madbouhi Chef de la Division de la Diversité Biologique Direction du Changement Climatique, de la Diversité Biologique et de l'Économie Verte Ministère de la Transition Energétique et du Développement Durable
+212 5 37 57 06 02 |
9, Avenue Al Araar, Secteur 16 Hay Riad Rabat 10100 |
Monaco |
CHM Web: (English)
Madame Céline van Klaveren-Impagliazzo Secrétaire des Relations Extérieures Direction des Affaires Internationales Département des Relations Extérieures et de la Coopération
+377 98 98 44 70 +377 98 98 19 57 |
Place de la Visitation - BP 522 Ville de Monaco MC 98000 |
Madagascar |
CHM Web: (English)
M. Hery Rajaomanana Directeur des Informations Environnementales Office National pour l'Environnement
+261 34 70 804 25 |
B.P. 822, Antaninarenina Antananarivo 101 |
Mali |
CHM Web: (English)
M. Amidou Goïta Chef, Section Données sur Environment Département information Environnementale (DIE) Agence de l’Environnementale et du Développement Durable (AEDD)
+ 223 20 23 10 74 + 223 20 23 58 67 |
P.B. 275 Bamako |
Mongolia |
CHM Web: (English)
Mr. Amgalan Bayasgalan Biodiversity Officer Department of Environment and Natural Resource Authority Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Government Building 2 United Nation's Street 5/2 Ulaanbaatar |
Mauritania |
CHM Web: (English)
Mme Fatimata Simina Wague Chargée de mission Ministère de l'Environnement
BP: 170 Nouakchott |
Malta |
CHM Web: (English)
Ms. Marie Therese Gambin Unit Manager Thematic Biodiversity and Water Unit Environment and Resources Authority
+356 2292 3659 |
Hexagon House, Spencer Hill Marsa MRS 1441 |
Mauritius |
CHM Web: (English)
Mr. Vishnuduth Bachraz Acting Director National Parks and Conservation Service
+230 4642 992, +230 466 2116 +230 465 1184 |
Port Louis |
Maldives |
CHM Web: (English)
Ms. Ilham Atho Mohamed Assistant Director Environment Programme Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy
+960 301 8357 +960 301 8301 |
Handhuvaree Hingun Maafannu Malé 20392 |
Malawi |
CHM Web: (English)
Mr. Boniface Benson Chimwaza Principal Environmental Officer Environmental Affairs Department
+265 1 771 111 +265 1 773 379 |
Private Bag 394 Lilongwe |
Mexico |
CHM Web: (English)
Sr. Antonio Valentín Dosta García Coordinador de Divulgación de la Biodiversidad Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de Biodiversidad (CONABIO)
Periférico-Insurgentes Sur, No. 4903 Col. Parques del Pedregal, Delegación Tlalpan México D.F. C.P. 14010 |
Malaysia |
CHM Web: (English)
Mr. Khairul Naim bin Adham Deputy Undersecretary Biodiversity Management Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability
+603 8886 1387 |
Level 12, Wisma Sumber Asli No. 25, Persiaran Perdana, Precint 4 Putrajaya 62574 |
Mr. Arief Iskandar bin Mohamad Principal Assistant Secretary Biodiversity Management Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability
+603 8886 1387 |
Level 12, Wisma Sumber Asli No. 25, Persiaran Perdana, Precint 4 Putrajaya 62574 |
Mozambique |
CHM Web: (English)
Ms. Ana Paula Tomás Francisco Environmental Technician National Directorate of Environment Ministry of Land and Environment
Av. Acordos de Lusaka, 2115 P.O. Box 2020 Maputo |