Clearing-House Mechanism

CHM-IAC - Operational Procedures


(Annex to Decision VII/23)


1. The informal advisory committee shall, in providing guidance to the Executive Secretary, have the following objectives:

  1. Provide advice on matters relating to the clearing house-mechanism, and in particular, on how to improve the effectiveness of the clearing house-mechanism as a mechanism to promote scientific and technical cooperation and exchange information on the transfer of publicly available expertise, technology and scientific cooperation;
  2. Facilitate the development and implementation of guidance from the Conference of the Parties concerning the clearing house-mechanism and the Strategic Plan of the clearing-house mechanism (UNEP/CBD/COP/5/INF/3);
  3. Facilitate and encourage cooperation with other relevant international and regional scientific and technical cooperation and technology transfer initiatives;
  4. Advise on means to facilitate the implementation of the clearing-house mechanism at the national level;
  5. Enhance the scientific and technical cooperation benefits of all Convention activities.

B. Operational procedures

2. The Executive Secretary, in constituting and coordinating the informal advisory committee, shall seek to ensure regional balance and relevant expertise and knowledge, including of relevant international and regional scientific and technical cooperation initiatives, and non-governmental organizations.

C. Membership

3. The members of the informal advisory committee shall be selected by the Executive Secretary. In selecting members, he shall seek to ensure a balance of expertise and regional and biogeographical balance.

4. Informal advisory committee members shall be selected for their expertise and understanding of the clearing-house mechanism and the Convention, taking into account the need for expertise including: scientific and technical cooperation; capacity‑building; information exchange and sharing; and facilitating partnership with other organizations and initiatives.

5. Informal advisory committee members shall be selected for two years. The term is renewable by the Executive Secretary.

6. The Executive Secretary should ensure that changes in membership do not affect the continuity of the work.

7. Proxies may be agreed to by the Executive Secretary.

D. Chair

8. The Chair of the informal advisory committee shall be selected by the Executive Secretary, after consultation with the members, and serve for at least two years.

E. Meetings

9. Meetings shall be convened by the Executive Secretary and held back-to-back with SBSTTA and meetings of the Conference of the Parties. Additional meetings, electronic or in person, may be convened by the Executive Secretary as required to ensure the timely handling of issues.

10. The draft agenda for each meeting shall, if possible, be made available two months prior and otherwise at least one month prior to each meeting, and be posted on the Convention on Biological Diversity web site and notified to the informal advisory committee and clearing house-mechanism national focal points by fax and/or e-mail, and/or post.

11. Minutes of each meeting, and related information documents, shall be posted on the website of the Convention on Biological Diversity as soon as practical following their review by the Executive Secretary. This information will also be made available to the informal advisory committee and clearing‑house mechanism national focal points by fax or e-mail or post.