The Convention’s broad scope makes translating its provisions into policy and practice extremely challenging. In the first ten years following entry into force of the Convention, the Conference of the Parties responded to this challenge by developing a comprehensive body of guidance relating to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and the equitable sharing of the benefits from the use of genetic resources. Key decisions made by the Conference of the Parties include those that outline the major areas of work of the Convention, establish principles and guidelines for action, and set out a plan for the more effective and coherent implementation of the Convention as a whole. In the latter case, recognizing the need to evaluate the effectiveness and state of implementation of the Convention, in 2002, the Conference of the Parties adopted a
Strategic Plan, including the 2010 Biodiversity Target, and, in 2004, a
framework for assessing progress towards the 2010 target. The Conference of the Parties adopted the
Ecosystem Approach as the overarching strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources and has been guided by the Ecosystem Approach in the design of each of the seven thematic programmes of work of the Convention:
Corresponding to most of the major biomes on the planet, each programme of work
- establishes a vision for future work;
- identifies potential activities and outputs; and
- suggests a timetable and means for achieving these outputs.
In addition, the Conference of the Parties has adopted cross-cutting programmes of work on:
The programmes of work of the Convention are complemented by a suite of
principles and guidelines developed on cross-cutting issues considered to be of relevance to all thematic areas:
- Ecosystem Approach
- Bonn Guidelines on Access to Genetic Resources and Fair and Equitable Sharing of the Benefits Arising out of their Utilization
- Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity
- Guiding Principles on Invasive Alien Species
- Akwé: Kon Voluntary Guidelines for the Conduct of Cultural, Environmental, and Social Impact Assessment regarding Developments Proposed to Take Place on, or which are Likely to Impact on, Sacred Sites and on Lands and Waters Traditionally Occupied or Used by Indigenous and Local Communities
- Guidelines on Biodiversity-Inclusive Impact Assessment
- Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development
- Proposals for the Design and Implementation of Incentive Measures
- Proposals for the Application of Ways and Means to Remove or Mitigate Perverse Incentives