1. The composition of the Steering Committee shall be:
- The current Chair of the G-77 and possible past chairs with significant experience in South-South cooperation;
- The Executive Secretary of the G-77;
- The Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity;
- A representative of developing countries represented in the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties;
- Representatives of other relevant developing countries in bodies of the Convention, as appropriate. Geographic balance will be considered in identifying representatives.
For 2011-2012, the composition of the Steering Committee shall be: Argentina as Chair of the G-77 (GRULAC), South Africa, past Chair of the G-77 (Africa), Korea, representative of South-South and triangular cooperation (Asia and the Pacific), India, representative of developing countries represented in the Bureau of the COP (Asia and the Pacific), Georgia or Serbia (CEE), Malawi (Africa), Grenada (GRULAC, representative of SIDS, past Chair of SBSTTA), the Executive Secretary of the G-77, and the Executive Secretary of the CBD.
2. In its first iteration, the Steering Committee was composed of Yemen as chair of the G-77, South Africa, Sudan and Antigua and Barbuda as past chairs, the executive secretaries of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the G-77, Malawi as the delegate and Grenada as the Chair of SBSTTA at its fourteenth meeting (please see
3. At each Conference of the Parties, the Steering Committee will be asked to report on implementation of the plan of action. Contributions will be sought from participating regional and United Nations agencies. Additionally, the Steering Committee may report regularly to key G-77 meetings and to the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Committee on South-South Cooperation.
4. The Steering Committee, in consultation with its key partners, will identify benchmarks for measuring success to guide the evaluations and reporting. Indicators to be used could include:
- Number of events;
- Number of projects;
- Number of partnerships and networks catalyzed and extent of thematic and regional coverage;
- Amount of funds generated and dedicated to supporting South-South cooperation on biodiversity; and
- The number of people trained in the areas mentioned above under modalities.
5. Additionally, this evaluation process should include a periodic review of priorities and objectives in order to integrate new decisions of the Conference of the Parties as well as the emerging priorities of the G-77.