Network of Centers of Excellence
Organized as part of the Scientific Committee of the CBD, the network’s mandate is to promote technology transfer and capacity building among scientific and technical institutions focusing on South-South and triangular cooperation. Korea’s National Institute of Biological Resources, ASEAN’s Centre for Biodiversity, the Caribbean Community’s Centre on Climate Change, the University of the West Indies and the University of the South Pacific, among others, will be invited to participate.
Partnership Forum
Designed to promote triangular cooperation by bringing together the Steering Committee, OECD members and other developed Parties at the occasion of the meeting of the Working Group on the Review of Implementation of the Convention (WGRI), this Forum will promote links between regional and trans-boundary projects and activities to optimize the identification and transfer of best practices, technologies and know-how from the global South, and ensure that South-South and North-South cooperation programmes reinforce each other.