Incentive measures: application of tools for valuation of biodiversity
and biodiversity resources and functions
The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice,
Recognizing that biodiversity and its resources and functions provide
important ecosystem services to humankind that need to be adequately recognized
and taken into account in private and public decision-making,
Also recognizing that public and private decisions can be improved if
they are informed of the economic value of these ecosystem services under
alternative management options and involve deliberative mechanisms that bring
to bear non-economic considerations as well,
Recalling that the programme of work on incentive measures adopted by
decision VI/15 foresees as one of its expected outcomes "the assessment,
as appropriate and applicable to circumstances of Parties, of the values of
biodiversity in order to internalize better these values in public policy
initiatives and private-sector decisions",
Underlining that the development and application of practical methods to
assess the changes of the value of biodiversity resources and functions, and
associated ecosystem services, that result from public and private
decision-making, can contribute to meeting the 2010 target,
Recalling that the Conference of the Parties, in decision VI/15,
recognized that the full internalization is often not possible because of the
limitations of valuation methods, but that identifying and assessing the value
of biodiversity and the environmental services it provides can be an incentive
in itself and supports the design of other incentive measures.
Also recalling that the recommendations for further cooperation endorsed
by decision VI/15, inter alia, call for further cooperative work on
valuation methodologies and tools, including their continued exploration as
well the development and refining of non-market valuation methods and tools,
and for the establishment or strengthening of information systems including on
valuation methodologies,
Cognizant that a careful application of valuation methodologies is fairly
demanding in terms of capacity and time and that the main constraints are
likely to be costs of implementation and the lack of trained specialists,
especially for developing countries, in particular the least developed and
small island developing States among them, and countries with economies in
Recognizing that benefits transfer has been the subject of considerable
controversy in the economics literature,
Also recognizing that theoretical and methodological challenges remain,
in particular with regard to an adequate incorporation of biodiversity values
in conventional macroeconomic indicators of growth, and that further research
directed at the development of a biodiversity adjustment for national
accounting seems to be an important means to have biodiversity losses better
reflected in macroeconomic discourse,
Noting with appreciation the work of other international organizations
and initiatives that have developed protocols and guidelines on valuation of
biodiversity resources and functions and associated ecosystem services,
1. Recommends that the Conference of the Parties at its eighth meeting:
(a) Takes note of the options for the application of tools for valuation
of biodiversity and biodiversity resources and functions contained in the annex
to the present recommendation;
(b) InvitesParties and other Governments to take, in accordance with
their national policies and legislation, their capacity and their international
obligations, these options into consideration as possible inputs for analysis
when considering, on a voluntary basis, the application of methods for
assessing the changes of the value of biodiversity resources and functions, and
associated ecosystem services, that result from their decision-making,
including through pilot projects;
(c) Encourages relevant national, regional and international
organizations and initiatives to extend capacity-building and training on the
valuation of biodiversity resources and functions and associated ecosystem
services, in accordance with national needs and priorities;
(d) Consider the establishment of, among others, a process of systematic
Analysis and Information Exchange (AIE) among Parties to the Convention on
Biological Diversity to promote a common understanding of valuation techniques
and managerial skills in technical staff of governments and stakeholders to
facilitate the extension of capacity-building and training referred to in the
previous paragraph;
(e) Invites institutions that support web-based information systems and
databases on valuation, in accordance with their mandates, to fully include
cases on the valuation of biodiversity resources and functions and associated
ecosystem services, especially in developing countries, in particular the least
developed and small island developing States among them, and countries with
economies in transition in their databases, and to facilitate access to the
databases in particular for experts and practitioners from the countries
referred to above;
(f) Invites national, regional and international funding institutions to
identify gaps and needs to support the building or enhancement of national
capacity as well as research and training, including through pilot projects, in
accordance with the needs and priorities identified by Parties, for undertaking
valuation of biodiversity resources and functions and associated ecosystem
services; to support the further development of regional and international
capacity such as regional and international information systems and databases
on valuation, and to explore options for interlinked funding mechanisms with a
view to supporting the harmonized application of valuation tools among
different MEAs;
[(g) Encourages relevant national, regional and international research
institutions to strengthen research activities including research cooperation
and exchange at national, regional and international levels including through
south-south cooperation and/or the establishment of regional research consortia
as appropriate, with a view to strengthening the process of analysis and
information exchange referred to in paragraph 1 (d) above, on, inter alia:
(viii) Integration of the values of biodiversity resources and functions and
associated ecosystem services into national accounting and decision-making,
taking into account the conceptual framework of the Millennium Ecosystem
(ix) Conducting a limited number of pilot valuation studies in developing
countries, in particular the least developed and small island developing States
among them, and countries with economies in transition with a view to gaining
more practical experience in the application of valuation tools in these
(x) Capturing the calculated values through the careful design of markets for
ecosystem services where appropriate;]
[(h) In carrying out the work in subparagraphs 1. (f) and (g), encourages
relevant institutions to support the participation of indigenous and local
communities, in order to facilitate the inclusion of cultural values in work on
valuation of biodiversity resources and functions and associated ecosystem
[(i) Invites national, regional and international funding institutions to
support the research activities identified in the sub-paragraph (g) above;]
2. Requests the Executive Secretary:
(a) To continue, in cooperation with, and with input from, Parties, Governments
and relevant international organizations, the compilation of information on
methods for the valuation of biodiversity resources and functions and
associated ecosystem benefits, and to disseminate this information through the
clearing-house mechanism of the Convention and other means including the CBD
technical series, in order to support the analysis and information exchange
process referred to in subparagraph 1 (d);
(b) Explore with relevant organizations options for cooperative activities that
strengthen existing information systems on valuation methodologies and existing
cases for the purpose of the Convention, in accordance with annex II to
decision VI/15, in order to support the Analysis and Information Exchange
process referred to in subparagraph 1 (d);
(c) Explore options for flexible and reliable innovative tools for assessment
and valuation of biodiversity resources and functions and associated ecosystem
[(d) Prepare, in cooperation with relevant organizations and initiatives, a
study on how monitoring of biodiversity resources and functions can support the
implementation of valuation tools and positive incentive measures, and to
propose a framework or approaches to capture the relationship between
biodiversity monitoring and valuation, taking into account existing research on
valuation at all levels of biodiversity.]
1. Biodiversity and its resources and functions generate substantial ecosystem
services many of which are not traded on markets and whose value is therefore
not reflected in market prices. Consequently, private and public
decision-making and the allocation of funds will be distorted if the
repercussions of activities on biodiversity resources and functions, and the
associated ecosystem services, are not adequately taken into account. This
distortion is an important underlying cause of biodiversity decline.
Undertaking valuation of biodiversity resources and functions and the
associated non-marketed ecosystem services has the potential of improving
private and public decision-making, thereby contributing to the target of the
Convention to significantly reduce by 2010 the current rate of biodiversity
2. Total Economic Value (TEV). Most public and private resource
management and investment decisions are strongly influenced by considerations
of the monetary costs and benefits of alternative policy choices. Undertaking
valuation should seek to address the relevant components of the Total Economic
Value of non-marketed ecosystem services, bearing in mind that the concept of
Total Economic Value includes both the direct and indirect use value and well
as non-use value of ecosystem services and hence goes beyond the immediate
benefits of commercial exploitations of biodiversity resources. Decisions can
be improved if they are informed by the economic value of alternative
management options and involve mechanisms that bring to bear non-economic
considerations as well.
A. Valuation tools
3. A number of valuation tools are available that, when applied carefully and
according to best practice, can provide useful and reliable information on the
changes in the value of non-marketed ecosystem services that result (or would
result) from management decisions or from other human activities (see the table
below). Data requirements may be quite demanding for a number of tools, as are
the preconditions in terms of technical expertise. Moreover, conducting primary
valuation studies is typically time-consuming and costly. Therefore, other
approaches, including deliberative mechanisms that bring to bear non-economic
considerations, will often be needed to support final decision-making.
4. Efficiency. A cost/benefit criterion should be applied, as
appropriate, to the valuation study itself. In principle, valuation techniques
or tools should be used when the anticipated incremental (including long-term)
improvements in the decision are commensurate with the costs of undertaking the
5. Choice of valuation tools. The choice of the valuation tool or
valuation tools in any given instance will be informed by the characteristics
of the case, including the scale of the problem and the types of value deemed
to be most relevant, and by data availability. Several techniques have been
specifically developed to cater to the characteristics of particular problems,
while others are very broadly applicable but may have other limitations that
should be taken fully into account when choosing the appropriate tool or set of
tools. Different approaches can be used in a complementary manner. In general,
tools based on observed behaviour (the so-called revealed-preference
techniques) are preferred to tools based on hypothetical behaviour (the
so-called stated-preference techniques).
6. Stated-preference techniques. Stated-preference techniques are however
the only techniques that are able to capture non-use (or passive use) values,
which tend to be important in certain biodiversity contexts, and can provide
useful and reliable information when used carefully and in accordance with
authoritative best practice. Limitations of stated-preference techniques
include: (i) the detail of information needed by respondents in order to value
complex processes or unfamiliar species or ecosystem functions; (ii) difficult
external validation of the results; and (iii) the need for extensive
pre-testing and survey work, implying that this technique can be expensive and
time consuming. Their application could therefore be considered if all of the
following conditions are met: (i) non-use values are expected to be an
important component of the value of the ecosystem service under consideration;
(ii) it can be ensured that the sample group of respondents is representative
and has an adequate understanding of the issue in question; and (iii) capacity
requirements for an application in accordance with best practice, including
adequate skills in survey design, are met.
7. Cost-based approaches. Cost-based approaches can provide useful
guidance, if the nature and extent of physical damage expected is predictable
and if the cost to replace or restore damaged assets, and the resulting
ecosystem services, can be estimated with a reasonable degree of accuracy, and
does not exceed the value of the ecosystem services in the first place. These
approaches can in particular be used when the specific decision-making problem
calls for a comparison of the costs resulting from different replacement or
restoration options to meet a specific objective, and there is a general view
that the benefits associated with meeting the objective outweigh the costs.
8. Benefits transfer. Benefits transfer can provide valid and reliable
estimates under certain conditions, including: (i) that the commodity or
service being valued be very similar at the site where the estimates were made
and the site where they are applied; (ii) that the populations affected have
very similar characteristics; and (iii) that the original estimates being
transferred must themselves be reliable. When used cautiously, it has the
potential to alleviate the problems of deficient primary data sets and limited
funds often encountered in valuation. However, benefits transfer is still a
developing subject. More work needs to be undertaken to assess its validity in
studies where it has been used to value biodiversity. Cautious application and
further development of this method needs to be undertaken.
B. Institutional considerations
9. Development or improvement of institutions. Adequate institutional
arrangements can generally be identified as an important precondition to the
further promotion of valuation as a tool in biodiversity management and the
generation of reliable valuation studies. These arrangements should inter alia
provide a clear assignment of responsibilities for conducting appraisal
processes and auditing for quality control.
10. Biodiversity values and national income accounts. In the last two
decades there have been numerous attempts, at national and international
levels, to include environmental externalities into national income accounts,
including through satellite accounts, and to apply measures of environmental
depreciation to reflect the environmental losses that occur as a result of
economic activities. Such measures can serve as a basis for prioritizing
national environmental policies and giving focus on mitigation or reversal of
environmentally damaging activities. The development of a biodiversity
adjustment for national accounting may be useful in reflecting biodiversity
losses more adequately.
11. Development of national guidelines. National valuation guidelines and
protocols can be useful means to ensure that biodiversity values are adequately
taken into account and/or integrated in domestic appraisal processes and income
accounts. They can also ensure that valuation tools are applied in accordance
with domestic conditions and can thereby contribute to increasing the
credibility and acceptability of appraisal processes including the application
of valuation methods.
12. Involvement of stakeholders as well as indigenous and local communities.
The full involvement of all relevant stakeholders as well as indigenous and
local communities is another important means of increasing the credibility and
acceptability of decision-making processes including the application of
valuation methods. By ensuring that sample groups are representative, their
full and effective involvement can also contribute to the quality of applying
certain valuation tools. Institutions should therefore have mechanisms in place
that ensure the full and effective involvement of relevant stakeholders as well
as indigenous and local communities in appraisal processes including the
application of valuation tools.
13. Awareness-raising and incentive measures. Identifying and assessing
the value of biodiversity resources and functions and of the associated
ecosystem services can raise awareness, thus creating incentives for the
conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and can also support the
adequate design and calibration of other incentive measures for the
conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity,[1]/
bearing in mind that incentive measures should not negatively affect
biodiversity and livelihoods of communities in other countries. Furthermore,
raising awareness among all stakeholders of the value of biodiversity improves
the chances for other incentive measures to be successful.
14. Awareness-raising and pilot projects. Undertaking valuation studies
as pilot projects on key domestic ecosystems can be another effective means to
raise awareness of the value of biodiversity resources and functions and
associated ecosystem services, and to advance the application of biodiversity
valuation in domestic decision-making procedures.
C. Capacity-building and training
15. Capacity-building. The effective application of tools for the
valuation of biodiversity resources and functions and associated ecosystem
services requires considerable capacity and technical expertise. In many
countries, capacity needs to be enhanced for putting adequate institutions in
place, for conducting effective appraisal processes including the valuation of
biodiversity and associated ecosystem services, for improved oversight and
auditing for quality control, as well as for putting valuation results to good
use in governmental decision-making by an effective and credible follow-up.
Capacity would also be needed to, as appropriate: improve biophysical
information to support biodiversity valuation; address ethical concerns about
valuing environmental impacts in monetary terms; and address technical concerns
surrounding the use of valuation tools for biodiversity.
16. Regional workshops. Regional workshops on ecosystem valuation are an
important means to exchange national experience on best practices in the
valuation of biodiversity resources and functions and associated ecosystem
services, and in the development of national guidelines and protocols, and to
extend training.
17. Regional and international cooperation and training. Training is an
important component in activities to build or enhance domestic capacities. A
number of mechanisms exist that extend training on the valuation of
biodiversity resources and functions and associated ecosystem services, and
could be further strengthened. They include:
(a) Regional centres of expertise which offer training activities;
(b) Long-term and short-term academic exchange programmes;
(c) Short-term courses offered by international organizations;
(d) Bilateral arrangements between agencies for temporary secondment;
(e) Web-based resources and training manuals.
18. International databases for benefits transfer. Web-based databases
exist which collect valuation data for use in benefits transfer. As the use of
this concept seems to be an increasingly appealing way to advance the use of
valuation information in particular in light of the time and resource
requirements for undertaking extensive primary research, fostering its further
development and wider application should therefore be considered. This could
also include increased cooperation among existing initiatives with a view to
ensure, in accordance with their mandates, a comprehensive coverage of cases of
valuation of biodiversity resources and functions and associated ecosystem
services, especially in developing countries, in particular the least developed
and small island developing States among them, and countries with economies in
D. Further research
19. International research cooperation. Considerable progress has been
made in the last decades in developing reliable tools, as well as the protocols
for their application, for the valuation of biodiversity resources and
functions and associated ecosystem services. However, important opportunities
for further research and development remain. Research initiatives that address
these opportunities and seek to establish regional or international cooperation
and exchange should be supported.
20. Biodiversity valuation and national accounting. Further research
directed at the development of a biodiversity adjustment for national
accounting seems to be an important means to have biodiversity losses more
reflected in macroeconomic policy-making.
21. Valuation tools. Further research on the conditions for validity and
robustness of valuation techniques, in particular of statedpreference
techniques, may contribute to further the reliability of valuation information
of non-marketed ecosystem services, in particular with regard to non-use
22. Benefits transfer. Further research on the conditions for validity
and robustness of benefits transfer may further advance the use of valuation
information under tight time and resource constraints, which prevent extensive
primary research.
23. Links between biodiversity, biodiversity functions, and associated ecosystem
services. Despite recent progress made in understanding the links
between biological diversity, biodiversity functions, and the associated
ecosystem services, many questions remain unresolved. Further research in
addressing these important questions is therefore warranted and may also lead
to the development of innovative tools and methodologies for the valuation of
biodiversity and biodiversity resources and functions.
Table: Main valuation techniques (source: adapted from Millennium Ecosystem
Data requirements
Potential challenges/limitations
Revealed-preference methods
Change in productivity
Trace impact of change in ecosystem services on produced goods
Any impact that affects produced goods
Change in service; impact on production; net value of produced
Lacking data on change in service and consequent impact on
Cost of illness, human capital
Trace impact of change in ecosystem services on morbidity and
Any impact that affects health (e.g. air or water pollution)
Change in service; impact on health (dose-response functions); cost
of illness or value of life
Lacking dose-response functions linking environmental conditions to
health; value of life cannot be estimated
Cost-based approaches (e.g., replacement, restoration costs)
Use cost of replacing or restoring the service
Any loss of goods or services;
Identification of least cost option to meet given objective
Extent of loss of goods or services, cost of replacing or restoring
Risk to over-estimate actual value if unknown benefits are higher
than identified costs
Travel cost (TCM)
Derive demand curve from data on actual travel costs
Site-specific recreation; site-seeing (e.g. protected areas)
Survey to collect monetary and time costs of travel to destination,
distance travelled
Limited to described applications; difficult to use when trips are
to multiple destinations
Hedonic prices
Extract effect of ecosystem service on price of goods that include
those factors
Air quality, scenic beauty, cultural benefits
Prices and characteristics of goods
Requires transparent and well-working markets, and vast quantities
of data; very sensitive to specification
Stated-preference methods
Contingent valuation (CV)
Ask respondents directly their WTP for a specified service
In particular in cases where non-use values are deemed to be
Survey that presents scenario and elicits WTP for specified service
Ensuring sample representativeness important but large survey is
time-consuming and costly; knowledge of respondents may be insufficient;
potential sources of bias in responses; guidelines exist for reliable
Choice modelling
Ask respondents to choose their preferred option from a set of
alternatives with particular attributes
In particular in cases where non-use values are deemed to be
Survey of respondents
Similar to CV, but minimizes some biases; analysis of the data
generated is complex
Other methods
Benefits transfer
Use results obtained in one case in a different, but very similar
Any for which suitable and high-quality comparison studies are
available; applicable in cases where savings in time and costs outweigh certain
loss of accuracy (e.g., rapid assessments)
High-quality valuation data from other, similar sites
Can be wildly inaccurate when not used cautiously, as many factors
may still vary even when cases seem "similar"
[1]/ See decisions IV/10A and
VI/15, annex I, paragraph 22.