Second Global Biodiversity Outlook
The Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technical and Technological Advice
1. Welcomes the draft second Global Biodiversity Outlook, including its
draft executive summary;
2. Expresses its gratitude to the Governments of the Netherlands,
Switzerland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and
the European Community for their financial support towards the preparation of
the second Global Biodiversity Outlook;
3. Invites the Executive Secretary to take into account the comments
provided through the peer-review, as well as those made individually by
delegations during the eleventh meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific,
Technical and Technological Advice, when finalizing the second Global
Biodiversity Outlook, including its executive summary, for publication prior to
the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties;
4. Recalling recommendation X/6, emphasizes that:
(a) The Global Biodiversity Outlook should address the three objectives of the
Convention in a balanced way;
(b) Further work on the Global Biodiversity Outlook should enable a critical
evaluation of the indicators (identified in decision VII/30 and refined in
recommendation X/5), and their usefulness for assessing and communicating
progress towards the 2010 target;
The communication and outreach strategy for the second Global
Biodiversity Outlook should provide for:
(i) An executive summary in all United Nations languages, targeted at decision
(ii) Popular brochures to convey key messages to a general audience and to key
stakeholder groups such as the private sector;
(iii) A launch event at the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties;
(iv) A promotional campaign, including web-based dissemination;
5. Invites the Executive Secretary to continue to collaborate with the
World Conservation Monitoring Centre of the United Nations Environment
Programme, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and other relevant
organizations with a view to elaborating a short list of concrete scenarios and
response options to meet the 2010 target, to help communicate the challenges
revealed by the Global Biodiversity Outlook for achievement of the 2010 target,
and to make arrangements for further analysis of scenarios, on a periodic
6. Recalling recommendation 1/9 of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Review of
Implementation of the Convention, requests that the Executive Secretary,
in the preparation of the third edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook,
take into consideration the lessons learned from the use of national reports
and indicators for the goals and targets, as elaborated decisionVII/30, in the
second edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook;
7. Recommends that the Conference of the Parties:
(a) Encourage Parties, other Governments, and relevant international
organizations to ensure the widest possible dissemination of the document,
including by translating the document into local languages and making the
translated text readily available.
(b) Invite the United Nations Environment Programme to use relevant parts
of the Global Biodiversity Outlook in the further editions of the Global
Environment Outlook, and request the Executive Secretary to make
available the information and analyses used in the second edition of the Global
Biodiversity Outlook as an input to fourth edition of the Global Environment
Outlook (GEO).