Retired sections:
Agenda Item 3.11: Economic valuation of biological diversity
Recalling that recommendation I/9 decided that the SBSTTA would consider at its second
meeting advice to the Conference of the Parties on the economic valuation of biological
diversity and its components, in particular in relation to access to genetic resources,
Recalling also that decision II/11 of the Conference of the Parties requested the Executive
Secretary to compile an annotated list of studies and other relevant information on the
social and economic valuation of genetic resources, including the demand by industry for
genetic resources,
Having examined the Note prepared by the Secretariat (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/2/13),
Recognizing that a better understanding of the full value of biological diversity at the
genetic, species, and ecosystem level will greatly assist Parties in their efforts to implement
effective policy and management measures to meet the threefold objectives of the
Recognizing that information on the economic value of biological diversity and its
components is severely deficient, and that methods for providing this information need
further development,
Recognizing also that biological diversity and its components provide a wide range of
benefits, representing significant use and non-use values. Some of these values are
difficult to define fully in terms of economic value. These include intangible, yet critical,
socio-cultural values and existence values,
Further recognizing that, while more information on economic values is needed, the lack of
this information need not delay the implementation of economically and socially sound
incentive measures to sustainably manage biological diversity. In this regard, consideration
of incentives having a perverse impact on biological diversity and its components should be
regarded as a priority area,
1. That future work should include regular review and syntheses of current information,
case studies of economic value, research into appropriate and cost-effective methodologies
for determining these values, and means of facilitating access to this information.
2. That economic valuation should be integrated into the sectoral and thematic items under
the Medium-Term Programme of Work of the Conference of the Parties, and should be
reflected as appropriate in relevant agenda items including, in particular, incentive
measures, and also agricultural biodiversity, genetic resources, environmental impact
assessments, inland water ecosystems, and marine and coastal biodiversity, taking the
ecosystem approach as the primary framework of action to be taken under the Convention.
3. That the Conference of the Parties encourage Parties to draw upon research into the
economic valuation of biological diversity produced by, inter alia, regional and economic
groupings in order to assist the appropriate development of policy and management
measures for conservation and sustainable use;
4. That the Conference of the Parties, in its consideration of Incentive Measures at its third
meeting, emphasize the importance of developing well-targeted local level incentives,
participatory approaches to the design of new measures, and capacity-building.
Agenda Item 3.11: Economic valuation of biological diversity
Recalling that recommendation I/9 decided that the SBSTTA would consider at its second
meeting advice to the Conference of the Parties on the economic valuation of biological
diversity and its components, in particular in relation to access to genetic resources,
Recalling also that decision II/11 of the Conference of the Parties requested the Executive
Secretary to compile an annotated list of studies and other relevant information on the
social and economic valuation of genetic resources, including the demand by industry for
genetic resources,
Having examined the Note prepared by the Secretariat (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/2/13),
Recognizing that a better understanding of the full value of biological diversity at the
genetic, species, and ecosystem level will greatly assist Parties in their efforts to implement
effective policy and management measures to meet the threefold objectives of the
Recognizing that information on the economic value of biological diversity and its
components is severely deficient, and that methods for providing this information need
further development,
Recognizing also that biological diversity and its components provide a wide range of
benefits, representing significant use and non-use values. Some of these values are
difficult to define fully in terms of economic value. These include intangible, yet critical,
socio-cultural values and existence values,
Further recognizing that, while more information on economic values is needed, the lack of
this information need not delay the implementation of economically and socially sound
incentive measures to sustainably manage biological diversity. In this regard, consideration
of incentives having a perverse impact on biological diversity and its components should be
regarded as a priority area,
1. That future work should include regular review and syntheses of current information,
case studies of economic value, research into appropriate and cost-effective methodologies
for determining these values, and means of facilitating access to this information.
2. That economic valuation should be integrated into the sectoral and thematic items under
the Medium-Term Programme of Work of the Conference of the Parties, and should be
reflected as appropriate in relevant agenda items including, in particular, incentive
measures, and also agricultural biodiversity, genetic resources, environmental impact
assessments, inland water ecosystems, and marine and coastal biodiversity, taking the
ecosystem approach as the primary framework of action to be taken under the Convention.
3. That the Conference of the Parties encourage Parties to draw upon research into the
economic valuation of biological diversity produced by, inter alia, regional and economic
groupings in order to assist the appropriate development of policy and management
measures for conservation and sustainable use;
4. That the Conference of the Parties, in its consideration of Incentive Measures at its third
meeting, emphasize the importance of developing well-targeted local level incentives,
participatory approaches to the design of new measures, and capacity-building.