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Agenda Item 3.7: Capacity-building for biosafety
Recalling decision II/5 of the Conference of Parties that capacity- building related to
biosafety was recognized as an area of priority requiring global attention as an element that
will facilitate the effective implementation of any biosafety regulations, guidelines or future
agreements on biosafety;
Recalling also decision II/5 of the Conference of Parties that established an Open-ended Ad
Hoc Working Group on a Protocol for Biosafety, which held its first meeting from 22 to 26
July 1996 in Aarhus, Denmark, and its report contained in document UNEP/CBD/COP/3/24;
Having examined the Note by the Secretariat (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/2/8) and the report of
the first meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group;
Recommends the following for the consideration of the Conference of Parties:
1. It is necessary to avoid duplication between the work of the SBSTTA and the work of the
Ad Hoc Working Group. The SBSTTA offers full support and will only provide input into the
work of the Ad Hoc Working Group upon request;
2. The UNEP International Technical Guidelines for Biosafety in Biotechnology represent a
useful tool with respect to capacity-building and should not preempt the work of the protocol
on biosafety. The guidelines can be used as an interim measure in view of the development
of a biosafety protocol and to complement it after its completion and in the course of its
implementation for the purpose of facilitating national capacities for risk assessment and risk
management, adequate information systems, and to develop, through training, expert resources
in the area of biotechnology.
3. Recognizing the importance of funding for capacity-building in biosafety (including
scientific capacity and impact assessment) and considering its cross-sectoral nature, the
Conference of Parties should consider the development of guidance to the Global
Environment Facility for the provision of financial resources to developing countries in
biosafety, including the implementation by them of the UNEP Guidelines. Furthermore, the
Conference of Parties should encourage funding within programmes from organizations
such as UNEP, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Industrial
Development Programme, World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations and other multilateral and bilateral sources, in the
priority areas identified by the Conference of Parties;
4. Capacity-building for biosafety should also be discussed in conjunction with the issues of
technology transfer, risk assessment and risk management in order to ensure the safe use
of the products of biotechnology; and
5. Specific information related to biosafety capacity-building should be included within the
clearing-house mechanism as described in decision II/3.
Agenda Item 3.7: Capacity-building for biosafety
Recalling decision II/5 of the Conference of Parties that capacity- building related to
biosafety was recognized as an area of priority requiring global attention as an element that
will facilitate the effective implementation of any biosafety regulations, guidelines or future
agreements on biosafety;
Recalling also decision II/5 of the Conference of Parties that established an Open-ended Ad
Hoc Working Group on a Protocol for Biosafety, which held its first meeting from 22 to 26
July 1996 in Aarhus, Denmark, and its report contained in document UNEP/CBD/COP/3/24;
Having examined the Note by the Secretariat (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/2/8) and the report of
the first meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group;
Recommends the following for the consideration of the Conference of Parties:
1. It is necessary to avoid duplication between the work of the SBSTTA and the work of the
Ad Hoc Working Group. The SBSTTA offers full support and will only provide input into the
work of the Ad Hoc Working Group upon request;
2. The UNEP International Technical Guidelines for Biosafety in Biotechnology represent a
useful tool with respect to capacity-building and should not preempt the work of the protocol
on biosafety. The guidelines can be used as an interim measure in view of the development
of a biosafety protocol and to complement it after its completion and in the course of its
implementation for the purpose of facilitating national capacities for risk assessment and risk
management, adequate information systems, and to develop, through training, expert resources
in the area of biotechnology.
3. Recognizing the importance of funding for capacity-building in biosafety (including
scientific capacity and impact assessment) and considering its cross-sectoral nature, the
Conference of Parties should consider the development of guidance to the Global
Environment Facility for the provision of financial resources to developing countries in
biosafety, including the implementation by them of the UNEP Guidelines. Furthermore, the
Conference of Parties should encourage funding within programmes from organizations
such as UNEP, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Industrial
Development Programme, World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations and other multilateral and bilateral sources, in the
priority areas identified by the Conference of Parties;
4. Capacity-building for biosafety should also be discussed in conjunction with the issues of
technology transfer, risk assessment and risk management in order to ensure the safe use
of the products of biotechnology; and
5. Specific information related to biosafety capacity-building should be included within the
clearing-house mechanism as described in decision II/3.