Retired sections:
Multi-year programme of work of the Conference of the Parties up to 2010
The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
1. Recommends that the Strategic Plan, and its target of 2010 for
significantly reducing the rate of biodiversity loss, should guide the
implementation of the multi-year programme of work;
2. Also recommends that in light of the current heavy workload of the
Convention, the addition of new items for in-depth consideration is not
desirable until after 2010, with the exception of in-depth consideration of
island biodiversity;
3. Further recommends that if a limited number of new items are to be
added, they should be prioritized and clearly further the implementation of the
Strategic Plan, taking into consideration its 2010 target;
4. Agrees that the in-depth review of existing areas of work should be
treated as a priority, with special emphasis on assessing progress in
implementation, concentrating on key issues that are affecting implementation of
the Convention;
5. Recommends that, in setting the agendas of future meetings of the
Conference of the Parties, issues relating to each of the three objectives of
the Convention should be addressed in a balanced way. The number of items for
in-depth review should be limited to a maximum of three;
6. Also recommends that the focus should be on implementation of the
programmes of work by Parties, corresponding to national priorities as set
forward in national biodiversity strategies and action plans. Development of
strategies for implementation should include an analysis of obstacles, and ways
to overcome those obstacles, and should concentrate on practical action, such as
multi-Party collaborative initiatives. Building of national capacity, with
special emphasis on technology transfer and scientific research, should also be
7. Recognizing the need to consider means and mechanism of improving
implementation support for the Convention, recommends that the
clearing-house mechanism should further contribute to the practical
implementation of the programmes of work, through facilitating the exchange of
information, transfer of technology, sharing of expertise, capacity-building,
and best practices, as an important element of any implementation support
8. Recommends that, at each of its meetings until 2010, the Conference
of the Parties, including its Ministerial Segment, should assess, as an explicit
agenda item, the state of progress in achieving the goals of the Strategic Plan
and progress towards achievement of its 2010 targets;
9. Notes that some Parties recommend that the in-depth review of the
implementation of the expanded programme of work on forest biological diversity
be advanced from the ninth to the eighth meeting of the Conference of the
Parties, while others recommend that it should be postponed until the tenth
meeting of the Conference of the Parties or later.
Annex II
1. Opening of the meeting.
2. Organizational matters:
2.1. Election of officers;
2.2. Adoption of the agenda;
2.3. Organization of work.
3. Reports:
3.1. Progress in the implementation of the thematic programmes of work;
3.2. Progress in the implementation of the programmes of work on
cross-cutting issues;
3.3. Report of the Chair of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical
and Technological Advice on the inter-sessional activities of the Bureau.
4. Main themes:
5. Other substantive issues:
5.1. Ecosystem approach: further elaboration and guidelines for
5.2. Sustainable use: development of practical principles, operational
guidelines and associated instruments;
5.3. Monitoring and indicators: designing national-level monitoring
programmes and indicators;
5.4. Biological diversity and climate change;
5.5. Mountain ecosystems.
6. Preparation for the tenth and eleventh meetings of the Subsidiary Body
on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice:
6.1. Draft provisional agendas;
6.2. Dates and venues.
7. Other matters.
8. Adoption of the report.
9. Closure of the meeting.
9 / Monitoring at World Heritage sites should be designed to also incorporate
the World Heritage criteria upon which the site was inscribed. The monitoring
system should be designed to contribute to the World Heritage periodic reporting
structure, aimed at gathering information on the state of conservation of the
Multi-year programme of work of the Conference of the Parties up to 2010
The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice
1. Recommends that the Strategic Plan, and its target of 2010 for
significantly reducing the rate of biodiversity loss, should guide the
implementation of the multi-year programme of work;
2. Also recommends that in light of the current heavy workload of the
Convention, the addition of new items for in-depth consideration is not
desirable until after 2010, with the exception of in-depth consideration of
island biodiversity;
3. Further recommends that if a limited number of new items are to be
added, they should be prioritized and clearly further the implementation of the
Strategic Plan, taking into consideration its 2010 target;
4. Agrees that the in-depth review of existing areas of work should be
treated as a priority, with special emphasis on assessing progress in
implementation, concentrating on key issues that are affecting implementation of
the Convention;
5. Recommends that, in setting the agendas of future meetings of the
Conference of the Parties, issues relating to each of the three objectives of
the Convention should be addressed in a balanced way. The number of items for
in-depth review should be limited to a maximum of three;
6. Also recommends that the focus should be on implementation of the
programmes of work by Parties, corresponding to national priorities as set
forward in national biodiversity strategies and action plans. Development of
strategies for implementation should include an analysis of obstacles, and ways
to overcome those obstacles, and should concentrate on practical action, such as
multi-Party collaborative initiatives. Building of national capacity, with
special emphasis on technology transfer and scientific research, should also be
7. Recognizing the need to consider means and mechanism of improving
implementation support for the Convention, recommends that the
clearing-house mechanism should further contribute to the practical
implementation of the programmes of work, through facilitating the exchange of
information, transfer of technology, sharing of expertise, capacity-building,
and best practices, as an important element of any implementation support
8. Recommends that, at each of its meetings until 2010, the Conference
of the Parties, including its Ministerial Segment, should assess, as an explicit
agenda item, the state of progress in achieving the goals of the Strategic Plan
and progress towards achievement of its 2010 targets;
9. Notes that some Parties recommend that the in-depth review of the
implementation of the expanded programme of work on forest biological diversity
be advanced from the ninth to the eighth meeting of the Conference of the
Parties, while others recommend that it should be postponed until the tenth
meeting of the Conference of the Parties or later.
Annex II
1. Opening of the meeting.
2. Organizational matters:
2.1. Election of officers;
2.2. Adoption of the agenda;
2.3. Organization of work.
3. Reports:
3.1. Progress in the implementation of the thematic programmes of work;
3.2. Progress in the implementation of the programmes of work on
cross-cutting issues;
3.3. Report of the Chair of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical
and Technological Advice on the inter-sessional activities of the Bureau.
4. Main themes:
5. Other substantive issues:
5.1. Ecosystem approach: further elaboration and guidelines for
5.2. Sustainable use: development of practical principles, operational
guidelines and associated instruments;
5.3. Monitoring and indicators: designing national-level monitoring
programmes and indicators;
5.4. Biological diversity and climate change;
5.5. Mountain ecosystems.
6. Preparation for the tenth and eleventh meetings of the Subsidiary Body
on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice:
6.1. Draft provisional agendas;
6.2. Dates and venues.
7. Other matters.
8. Adoption of the report.
9. Closure of the meeting.
9 / Monitoring at World Heritage sites should be designed to also incorporate
the World Heritage criteria upon which the site was inscribed. The monitoring
system should be designed to contribute to the World Heritage periodic reporting
structure, aimed at gathering information on the state of conservation of the