Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

ID 6004
Submitting Entity UNEP
Submitted for Seventh Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 7)
Main Information
Title Water Pollution Charge in Poland
Description The study presents an analysis of the Polish water pollution charge. It concludes that the charge's main role is to raise revenue. The marginal damages or marginal abatement costs have not been considered when setting the unit charge. The lack of research experience and available valuation methods, monitoring capacity and political will is identified as major impediments for designing new rates that relfect marginal costs or damages.
Additional Information
Authors Zsuzsa Lehoczki and Jerzy Sleszynski
Source Study is taken from: Rietbergen-McCracken, J; H. Abaza (2000): Economic Instruments for Environmental Management. United Nations Environment Programme, Earthscan Publications, London.
Countries Poland
Ecosystems Inland Waters Biodiversity
Regions Central and Eastern Europe
Incentive Measures Negative Incentives (taxes, levies,...)
Keywords Pollution taxes/levies