Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

Market Creation and Trade


The creation and promotion of markets in biodiversity-based products creates important indirect incentives for conservation and sustainable use of components of biodiversity. Examples include, inter alia, individual transferable fishing quotas and other property right-based mechanisms, biodiversity prospecting, and the commercialization of medicinal plants or other biodiversity-based products, possibly including the use of certification or eco-labeling.

The Convention's programme of work on incentive measures also includes the development of methods to promote information on biodiversity in consumer decisions, for instance through ecolabelling, if appropriate.

Cooperation is maintained with the Biotrade Initiative of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in the implementation of pertinent activities.

The Conference of the Parties (COP) requested the Executive Secretary to report on the impact of trade liberalization on the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biological diversity in consultation with relevant bodies, such as the World Trade Organization, and to gather and incorporate data on this matter from all countries. The Executive Secretary prepared two studies in consultation with relevant international organizations:

The Executive Secretary cooperated closely with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in implementing integrated assessments of trade-related policies and biodiversity in the agriculture sector in six African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. Funding for this initiative was provided by the European Union and by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The project formed part of UNEP's longstanding work on assessing the environmental, economic and social effects of trade liberalization and other trade-related policies at the country level.