Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures

ID 5482
Submitting Entity Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
Submitted for Fifth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 5)
Main Information
Title Incentives for the conservation of the nesting grounds of the sea turtle, Caretta caretta, in Laganas Bay, Zakynthos, Greece
Description The study describes the range of incentives developed between 1980 and 1997 for the conservation of the nesting grounds of the endangered sea turtle Caretta caretta in Laganas Bay, Zakynthos, Greece. The incentives used included regulations and access restrictions (the creation of a nature reserve and a planned national marine park, as well as restrictions on beach activities, building, fishing, marine traffic and airport operations), the 
grant-aided purchase of some of the land by WWF with support from the European 
Union, information and awareness campaigns (including the employment of local 
wardens for safe-guarding the turtle nests and providing information), and the 
provision of physical infrastructure (cages) for the protection of the nests. In addition, adverse incentives were identified, such as a provision in the 1982 Development Law that encourages the almost unconditional development of new hotels; the lack of verification and enforcement for the payment of the tax on tourism; and uncertainties and disputes regarding property rights that arose as a result of the loss of all ownership records in the 1953 earthquake.
Web Link /doc/case-studies/inc/cs-inc-oecd-24-en.pdf
Additional Information
Source Study prepared for and summarized in the 1999 OECD Handbook on Incentive Measures for Biodiversity: Design and Implementation. Oganization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris.
Countries Greece
Ecosystems Marine and Coastal Biodiversity
Regions Western Europe and Others
Incentive Measures Negative Incentives (taxes, levies,...)
Positive Incentives (subsidies, tax breaks, ...)
Reform of Perverse Incentives
Regulations / Access Restrictions
Keywords Access restrictions
Infrastructure provision
Land purchase
Parks and reserves
Strengthening property rights (land tenure, ...)