Parliamentarians and COP decisions
As legislators and monitors of government policy, parliamentarians can ensure that their government is complying with the requirements of the CBD, which is a legally binding international treaty. In this regard, many COP decisions are of relevance to parliamentarians. For example,
decision VIII/15 presents a framework for monitoring implementation of the achievement of the 2010 target and integration of targets into the thematic programmes of work. Article 11 of this decision states that the Parties are urged “to develop national and/or regional goals and targets and related national indicators, considering submissions from indigenous and local communities and other stakeholders, as appropriate, and to incorporate them into relevant plans, programmes and initiatives….” Thus parliamentarians can promote the establishment of national targets for 2010 and ensure that the necessary policies and programmes are put in place, and that the required budgetary resources are made available.
here to view all COP decisions.