Dry and Sub-humid Lands Biodiversity

Case Study Details

Name of Partnership Animal husbandry in Africa
Organization Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Regions Africa
Description This study investigates the effects of climate change on animal husbandry in Africa.
Lessons Learned Findings include: livestock net revenues, the number of livestock per farm, and the earnings per livestock are all highly sensitive to climate; although rainfall generally increases crop and grassland productivity, the study shows that increased rainfall reduces livestock net income; effects of climate change on livestock may be evident as early as 2020 and are predicted to increase over time.
Web Site http://www.aaae-africa.org/afjare/docs/4%20%20Seo%20&%20Mendelsohn%20-%2026%20may.pdf
Main Actors Educational Institutions/Universities
Keywords Community-based Natural Resource Management